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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. Hey Peter, If you look at my loops they are not round like usual, but just as good. I bend the wire into a U shape than put it into a vise, bend the top of the U back towards myself, than use small vise-grip pliers to clamp onto the tip of the wire and just pull it around a couple times and cut the extra wire off. (if that makes sense, watch the hooks you don't want to slip I don't know the exact weight because the digital scales I used were in pounds only, so I'll have to pull out the smaller gram scales to get exact weight, but they are very close to what I put above the pictures. They are tied on 1/2oz spring coils, then I add lead weight if I want a little more.
  2. Don't get it ? I've never killed or ate a musky of any size. Do they taste good ?
  3. Go Texas. Go big or go home. It is true though if you have extra power, it's there if you need it, if not than at quarter or half speed you'll use far less juice on the battery, but than again I was trolling for muskies at 3.2 mph with a 75lbs bow mount on a 16.9' boat, so 40lbs should be enough but the battery might not last a full day in heavy wind.
  4. LOL at these ideas. Maybe if you like dogs get a big one of your own to enforce your side of the lawn and train it to poo on their side. Bookoobeast, your dog in the avatar looks friendly. That's a great story Lew. What goes around comes around.
  5. Nice fish, once again.
  6. Haha, that's a go-fast boat for the drug runs to Miami. Imagine trolling for muskie in the prop wash of that.
  7. Sent you a PM Crusty. Thanks Bob, you should make a trip back to GB there are some nice fish out here, but it's tough fishing, you're lucky if you can raise 1 Muskie in a day but there usually big and I love hunting them. I like the small ones and big ones, those big ones can cast or troll, I like trolling the big ones.
  8. It took 5 weeks in the mail due to the horrible weather to get the parts but they finally came, my musky cabin fever is on full tilt so I got to work on some bucktails and marabous. I built them with thick .63 wire and epoxied all the layers of thread, mustad hooks, # 8 blades, and the biggest one has the magnum #10 blades, got enough to make about 40-50 for now, I've made bucktails in the past but it's my first time dealing with the marabou and hackle feathers, I would sleep on them if they were hook-less. 7 3/4", 1.5oz 9", 2 1/4oz 11", 3oz 13", 4oz Now I will have a few boxes of marabous like Lew. And the wait for musky season begins.
  9. I would go with the longest shaft available (if you can adjust the shaft on that model) most motors you can move the shaft up and down anyway, so the extra length will only be a good thing, I would suggest getting a 24v or a 12v/24v if your boat can handle the extra weight of two batteries, you will get a lot more time out of it. As for power always get more than enough you'll thank yourself in the end. I've herd only good things about the maxxum models, I have a 75lbs, 24v Motorguide wireless, compared to minnkota it was a better value and longer warranty with more features, I took a long time looking them both over and went with the Motorguide and love the motor.( except for that stinkin beep every time you hit a button )
  10. You'd have to go to the garage and get the extension latter to get one off the top shelf.
  11. Very nice fish, like everyone else I just don't see the reason to kill it (and are they spawing at this time ?), but I guess if your spearing it's a little hard to release the fish. If it's for your ego, pictures are just as good, and wouldn't it be easier and more fun to just fish with a rod for them ?
  12. Amazing. Did you go for a swim with the piranhas ? I think it would be safer swimming with sharks.
  13. Not fare Irish, you get the birds eye view of all the potential hot spots.
  14. Perfect eaters.
  15. Mine smells like a football locker room, I let the slime build up to much, time for a wash. Nice tips Clampet.
  16. I have caught lot's of bows there, or you could fish the mouth of the river (directly beside the marina) by beach casting into the open water with a floating roe bag.
  17. I don't think the power handle would void the warranty because it's also an abu product, if it does just put the original handle back on when you send it back. I think the 6500 is the perfect reel to add the handle, I have done it to that reel it helps pick up the slack faster.
  18. Nice fish. When I don't batter fish, you can't go wrong with just marinating the fish in a bowl of lemon juice and salt pepper for 5-12hours in the fridge.
  19. I have always had a Mustang, and they are awesome, wear mine from late September until spring, You should have no problem finding one and they are well worth the money.
  20. I would consider it a compliment, I'm 26 and they never even think of asking me anymore since I was 16 with a fake ID.
  21. Did you add any faver beans to the meal ? I guess a bottle of rums cheaper than a ring.
  22. Origional hat on Goran, looks warm. Nice walleyes and great report.
  23. Awesome report and your boat is sweet, good choice on the blue.
  24. Very nice work Keram, looks great. Don't forget it will add a lot of weight, so you may also need a larger motor if your concerned with speed. I upgraded a 14' aluminum with a floor that had a 15hp motor and it went a lot slower so I put a 25hp on it and it went faster and smoother than before.
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