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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. I got one of those salmo (whitefish) 2nd down on the right, it hasn't got me a musky but the pike can't resist it for some reason, it is all chipped and mangled after I would guess 15-20 nice pike. Might want to change the split-rings on it the first pike I got on it twisted and broke both split-rings.
  2. Well, what lures did you get ? anything special.
  3. Those things look like Ewoks.
  4. So, how was the pan fry ?
  5. Bring a cordless drill with the perfect size bit, or hammer and chisel, or just a metal bar, anything would work.
  6. That black fog can get thick, make sure you got you're GPS.
  7. I would have just took it slow without the helmets, but my thoughts are up for question due to the fact I fell off my bike as a kid without a helmet and was in a comma for 2 days.
  8. 1. Upload your pictures in (my albums) 2. Right click mouse on whatever picture you want to post, click (properties) 3. Copy the address 4. paste the address into the insert image or just type it in. Easy as that you'll get it. Did you lose your hat with that 70km wind ?
  9. A lot of sports have the possibility of death, Canada's favorite Hockey is more dangerous if you ask me (puck to the face, skate to the face, concussions from hits), football, rugby etc.. etc... etc.... the list goes on, this is what these guys train for, sure if they were to fight an average man they could do a lot more damage but they are prepared mentally to take the pain and protect themselves as good as possible, eventually there could be a death but the same goes for everyone who drives a vehicle, does that stop you from driving ? I'll watch it, these guys have a lot of heart, modern day Gladiators.
  10. Hey Skevy, you just have to upload whatever pictures you have and they will automatically size themselves now, it might have been different before, I use to have problems but once you do one it gets easy, there are many posts on here giving directions as well. Good luck.
  11. I say go for quality over quantity or cheap stuff save your money it will pay off in the end, you can break reels and rods so easy, it's like buying cars you can get lucky and have your car go 400K with no problems, or the same model/make for someone else might only get 10k out of it before they start having problems, you never know even with quality stuff. The difference is companies that believe in their quality will have a better warranty, I always buy rods with lifetime warranty if possible, reels are a different story some people want the lightest reel possible, but from my experience heavy is usually better quality but not always and more ball bearings usually just means more problems but do have a smoother retrieve until they break.
  12. Cat has no name, whats the point ? she never does what she's told anyway. She's 17 with a paralized leg since 1 year old, still going strong. I wish they could make some outboard motors that still purrr like she does after 17 years. Lucy Chance
  13. Oh man that's a cool pic, looks like Manning going to have a hard time dealing with the Bears defence.
  14. That's no good Puck, I hope everyone comes through, it's been awhile since it ended. I hope mine made it to you I sent it a couple weeks ago. The spinners and jigs.
  15. Definitely a big money maker for companies and team owners it would be alot better without them, but the thing with football is the players can't sleep or even loose concentration for one second because you will end up on a stretcher on your way to emergency, unlike other professional sports when they slack all the way though the regular season you can't do that in football they always go 100% that's also why they only play one game a week to rest there bodies. Plus it's only one game unlike most big sports have a series of games so that comes into factor for so much hype.
  16. I think it's the large one's yer suppose ta throw back.The large females are the fish that have all the eggs. Mebbe I's rong, puleese set me right ifn I is. I wouldn't want to clean all those , but the odds of a jumbo having eggs is much greater, I cleaned some jumbos in November that were full of eggs ? Nice pics by the way.
  17. If anyone's going to the event from Parry Sound, Pointe au Baril area let me know, I have no transportation but it sounds like a worthwhile cause and a fun time. Give me a PM.
  18. If anyone's driving down hwy#69 past Pointe au Baril on the way to the event give me a PM, I would go to the event but have no transportation.
  19. Welcome Andrea, we need more girls around here and in the fishing world, could you imagine fishing with your girlfriend instead of watching a corny love movie.
  20. That is hilarious I'm going squirrel fishing early spring 2007.
  21. Perch are not legal on GB as far as I know unless they just changed it this year ? I wish they were I'd have a jumbo on a quick-strike instead of a sucker for musky.
  22. I don't think I would risk it if I had a family to support, but you could take all your spare time ( the little that you have ) to get everything to start the business ready to go and than ask your boss for enough time off if possible to test the waters and see if it will work for you as a profitable business. My parents did what your thinking of doing and opened two small businesses, but let me tell you having there own business only made their work hours even longer it's 24/7 with small businesses, you may have less time to spend with your family.
  23. Nice job, looks well built.
  24. Wheres the vaseline when you need it.
  25. Thanks guys it makes sense, I think my inital reaction was to set it strieght up like usual but I lost a few fish, I'll have to remember to go against my natural reaction next time.
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