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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. finally got the Americans way ppphhhttt

    1. aplumma


      you got my attention I am not sure you wanted it



  2. https://twitter.com/DanaLarsen/status/852977717670576128/photo/1
  3. J plugs were around before lymans.. used on the west coarst where most of our baits for salmon come from. Custom colors work well! but fire tiger...white ladder back and anything blue or purple and silver works well depending on the time of year, size helps as well.
  4. http://globalnews.ca/news/3380334/new-impaired-driving-laws-mean-you-could-be-asked-for-a-breath-sample-without-reason/ this helps a wee bit with the explanation.. there are no swabs for Valium opiates...etc.... so how is testing for THC going to help when it has little effect by comparison to any of these known intoxicant!! A bottle label stating "this medication may cause drowsiness. care in operation machinery when used " would suffice like all other hard meds they prescribe of course.. its simple really but control and greed are getting in the way of anything good to become of this medication wise...not recreation..
  5. I see,, making fun of what Im trying to get across and what you think about me .,, cheers dude as I thought,,thanks for showing what you are about !
  6. https://twitter.com/trinafraser/status/852974158522855425 seems very clear that legalization is not what they want at all.
  7. wont let me post the laws as they are being set out..
  8. .we'll see cannabis users being punished as impaired drivers even if they're driving perfectly well and haven't toked in days. What I am bothered by is 1) EXTREME PENALTIES for anything outside the legal system. 14 years is ridiculously severe. NARROW DEFINITION OF LEGALITY. Possession of cannabis remains illegal under law, unless you buy from an LP or grow it yourself. 3) Cannabis remains in the CDSA, which isn't really legalization then, is it? 4 ) 2ng DRIVING LIMIT for cannabinoids in bloodstream is unscientific & discriminatory. Along with new cop power to swab all drivers... 5) FEDERAL CONTROL OVER GROW LICENSES. Provinces decide where cannabis is sold, but feds retain sole control over grow permits just for starters hope all of that helps make sense but there is more knowlegs neded to undertsand that as well..
  9. there is a lot to explain making criminals out of kids and sick people is what their proposals will do. thats fact. not hear say or pulled out of my rear end .. time will show what Im talking about.. there is no hiding it anymore!! thats the best part by the way you spoke about clean product, Three of the largest producers of pot have been caught poisoning people and are now in court! you were talking about clean meds were you not? Every LP out there is allowed to spray peoples medication with approved pestcides???? in order for them to see a profit. as I have said.. there is way to much for the average person to understand. Ill let others join in who know as much
  10. it already is now and always has been.. thats the part most dont understand The market is already there . ..its no going to get bigger now because they have a new poison herb being brewed for rec smokers. Rec smokers an medical patients already have their supply and its cheaper too! there wont be any mad rush from say..... drew or iron worker.... to smoke pot .....seeing as its legal now? which it is not!
  11. one more time its not about getting high.. its not about rec!!! its about the "medical value" this plant has that wont been seen if the idea of getting high is what it is all about!! hell .....suck iN enough O2 at once and you get high and pass out of course WOW what a RUSH!
  12. they have actually done far worse . They want to criminalize sick people and kids with their new ideas.. . this has not passed and never will.!!!!! This entire deal was put into place for Medical and now the things they propose will only criminalize the sick and children. the sick have been criminalized and cant ever drive again? sounds right to you? a kid 17 gets sold and caught selling to his friends does 14 years! they fine people for selling tobacco and booze to kids.. can you not see the issue with something that is harmless by compassion? This deal was started by and put in place for sick people NOT rec smokers to begin with! The courts agreed with the people and said they have the right to treat how ever they wish! .. Its not helping.. sick people at all!! or will it help the kids that will see legal issues the rst of their lives if caught with it.!! there is a lot people just dont understand about prohibition 2. Their ideas of grandeur will fail miserably and take years of court time and tax dollars wasted... all do to the fact that they want to control but cannot control a plant!! one that does no harm and actually FAR FAR FAR MORE GOOD But it's not about getting high people!! again its not about getting high people one more time its about people being healthy and getting better ...with out a pot stigma attached to their treatment!! attitudes that no not about this medication!!!!! is what is keeping it from doing its GOOD,,, It has been seen that it can destroy Pharama meds results in many ways and THEY KNOW IT and see it coming and of course are tied into the industry like dirty shirts they are. and the greed from our feds will see that!! .
  13. more factors to that one person issues drew. medical history and all....nothing can be drawn from that one episode? although Im sure it happened just as you say. thanks for the one episode..sounds nasty! Iron maker. As things stands, it is up to each province to make up rules as to where its sold. How much it will sell for and what taxes they are going to add to it.. Many many many many unanswered questions that will see this deal in court for the next 25 years. Mark my words on that! Our PM started something he could never finish or ever control. criminalizing children and sick people is all this has done and will see happen. not many will understand my meaning either until it starts to show in the news and ...it will... ..time will tell all though. this is new "Sell cannabis to a 17yo, 14 year maximum. Sell booze or tobacco to them, pay a fine. "
  14. that was appropriate!
  15. A good read... some may even know him here... http://torontolife.com/city/crime/doctor-perfect-life-got-hooked-fentanyl/
  16. Spend a day in rehab and see which addictions are the worst. It becomes very clear that the easiest one of them all, is the worst one to come off of. Its strange that MJ is not on that list!! But you'd have to be at those meetings and rehabs to know this.
  17. More people are coming forward every day!!! Teenager dying of cancer 'recovers after mother gives him marijuana' http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/teenager-deryn-boy-dying-cancer-mother-callie-blackwell-recover-medical-marijuana-cannabis-weed-a7652106.html
  18. If you want to be a pilot you follow the rules of the air. Its very easy to fly a plain. Its another story flying and following regulations. Its quite difficult and requires flight training! Its about time that every person who fly's an aircraft of any type, follows regulations.
  19. New Research Confirms Cannabis Kills Brain Cancer, NOT Your Brain http://herb.co/2016/07/01/cannabis-treat-brain-cancer/ Watch Dr. Cristina Sanchez explain:
  20. All these guys turned out ok ...just an example. 12 Successful CEOs Who Have Admitted to Using Marijuana Traditionally, marijuana use has come with an associated level of stigma attached to it, especially in the professional world. While taking constant cigarette breaks or having a few too many drinks during happy hour has become socially acceptable in the business world over the past several decades (just watch an episode of Mad Men), admitting to marijuana use has remained off-limits — even as we enter a post-legalization era. That doesn’t mean, however, that some of the most successful business leaders in the world have completely abstained. In fact, some of the world’s most celebrated visionaries have not only admitted to using cannabis in the past, but they continue to use it. Now that the social stigma is starting to fade, it’s only a matter of time before even more people become open about their cannabis use. Although we’re headed in what many people would consider the right direction in terms of our attitudes toward marijuana, that doesn’t give the average American worker a free pass to smoke, vape, or otherwise ingest. You can still be fired for marijuana use, after all, even if it’s within the confines of state law. Some are also worried the Trump administration could crack down on marijuana, a big shift from the hands-off approach of the past president. But to illustrate the point, we’ve compiled a short list of successful CEOs who have, at one time or another, provided a bit of insight into their own marijuana use. For some of these people, their relationship with cannabis ended decades ago. For others, it’s become a daily ritual. Either way, they go to show using marijuana doesn’t need to be a career-ending decision. Here are some of the business world’s most successful marijuana users. No. 6 is a co-founder of one of the most valuable companies in the world, while No. 10 is more likely to pass you a handmade cookie than a joint. ou might remember George Zimmer as the former CEO of Men’s Wearhouse. He’s the guy who would famously say, “You’re going to like the way you look. I guarantee it.” Well, Zimmer was fired a few years ago. And that’s a bummer. But Zimmer is still one of the more famously successful marijuana users in the business world. He has admitted to being a user for half a century, in fact. He now acts as an advocate for legalization and even told CNBC that marijuana prohibition was “the biggest con that has been perpetrated on this country in the last century.” Ted Turner is a media mogul, as the man behind many television stations, including CNN, TNT, TBS, and more. He’s also a long-time marijuana user. It only makes sense that the man who pretty much invented the 24-hour news cycle would be under the influence. Rumor is he was even caught growing pot in his dorm room while attending college. Billionaires don’t often admit to using cannabis, but Richard Branson is an exception. He even sat down for an interview with High Times to dig into the subject a little bit. He’s also gone head to head with politicians regarding marijuana use, comparing it to alcohol and saying the vast majority of people who use cannabis in moderation end up being perfectly fine. ary Johnson is more famous for being a politician than a CEO. He served as the governor of New Mexico for eight years from the mid-1990s until the early 2000s and ran for president as a Libertarian in 2012 and 2016. A regular marijuana user, he said in an interview with USA Today that he abstained during his presidential run because he wanted to be “completely on top of my game.” Previously, he was CEO of Cannabis Sativa, Inc., which focuses on development and sales of cannabis-derived oils and concentrates RIP Jobes KNowing about oil may have helped) CEOs don’t come with much bigger names than Steve Jobs, and Jobs was well known for his rather unorthodox approaches to health and wellness. Prior to his death in 2011, Jobs talked a bit about his drug use, which included LSD habits in addition to marijuana use. He even called his LSD use one of the most important things he ever did. As far as marijuana, Jobs used to smoke with friends or bake up some brownies — though he said he hadn’t gotten high since the late ’70s t’s hard to look at the photo above and think that Google co-founder Sergey Brin hasn’t ever dabbled in marijuana use. Although there’s not much out there regarding Brin’s experimentation, he shows up prominently on many lists showcasing “successful marijuana users.” Word is that Brin, like other business leaders, would toke up in order to ease his mind and solve complex problems. In some quarters, using marijuana is still fairly controversial, which can lead some people to downplay their experience with the drug. (See Bill Clinton, who famously claimed he “didn’t inhale.”) That’s not so with Bloomberg CEO and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg. “You bet I did. And I enjoyed it,” he told New York magazine when he was running for mayor in 2001. But he isn’t a fan of decriminalization. Bloomberg called Colorado’s legalization of weed “stupid” in 2015. http://www.cheatsheet.com/money-career/successful-ceos-who-have-admitted-to-using-marijuana.html/
  21. "The vast majority of cannabis users do not develop psychosis, however, prompting us to hypothesize that some people are genetically vulnerable to the deleterious effects of cannabis." all have since been proven otherwise. Very old studies. See who funded them. This post is about helping inform people. ..not to talk about how you like or dont like to get high or what it did to you and your buddies growing up. if you want to make another post about the bad things you feel can be done, please be my guest. Your fun is not appreciated here. Again.. it comes from a lack of knowing. If you feel that everything you have been taught or have seen ...is just so.....think again. There is tons to learn about this and its nothing like you think. cheers
  22. its people lives that I am trying to make better, The sad jokes are not needed or appreciated. They come from a lack of understanding and comprehension. Which has to change!!!!
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