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Everything posted by POLLIWOGG

  1. I remember reading about the internet in the 70's, they didn't say it would be over 50% porn, and Al Gore wasn't mentioned. We used to hunt the neighbors farms and they didn't call their lawyers and insurance agents.
  2. A truck was on the Ice and did not fall through, its sad what passes for news these days. Apparently he was presented to the public so that the uninformed masses could pass judgment. The lack of facts like ice thickness only shows that the intention was to sensationalize. Dara ....the stunt driving law has been ruled unconstitutional twice, so it would be no more or less unconstitutional for the cops to illegally take someones truck from the ice as it is to take it from the 401. As far as spinning their truck on the ice, if you grew up rural you've been there done that.
  3. Probably get charged with stunt driving, loss of license and truck impounded.
  4. $30k for a motor with no warranty sounds like a down payment on a dodge to me. Put a towbar and a big lemon on the ford and use it for a trailer and take it everywhere. Buddy has a dodge that has had thousands of $ of warranty work done on it, just don't plan on keeping it after warranty. This really doesn't pass the sniff test, Why would a dealer pass up 30k in warranty work, unless they plan to double bill for it..
  5. The nobody has died from a paddle boat accident statistic is old but hopefully still true, its the drunken buddy that gets you every time. I have learned my lesson and won't get in a canoe with anybody.
  6. If you don't have a lockable compartment on your boat put a lock on a cooler .
  7. Cops always told us you had to be there for the night, can't down a bunch of booze and pick up anchor and go. As far as your canoe, you are sitting in the #1 killer as far as vessels on the water and the #1 reason is booze so your going to be charged with something. Get a paddle boat, nobody has died using a paddle boat yet.
  8. Its against the law to keep a pet deer from the wild. I know a guy that had one and the MNR made him release it or they would take it.
  9. Of 2 guys I know that were confronted with a gun, the first one ran and the other guy stuck his finger in the barrel.
  10. I plow about 30 driveways but didn't do them yesterday figured rain, high wind and warm temp would melt them off and save customers a few $, maybe they were thinking the same.
  11. Hate to see those guys show up Friday 13 at Dover, good way to set of a riot.
  12. If you read the definition of terrorism sent out to our enforcement and military by the US it includes just about anyone that disagrees with the Gov. and tries to influence the Gov. Under their definition they could lock up the official opposition or anyone that doesn't think they should fine people for standing on the sidewalk waiting for a DD. They were on the way to stuffing the jails with political prisoners. The Mohawk Nation was on the terrorist list.
  13. Maybe the bar owners aren't paying up.
  14. Sounds like they are monitoring the dispatch for the DD's.
  15. I think our course is up to about $45 with a Canadian Power and sail Squadron membership for a year. To challenge the test without the course was $20 but I think it went up a little. We had a bunch of people lined up for a course but they all wrote the test at the fair for I think it was $60 or $80.
  16. We tried to run courses this fall but couldn't get anyone interested in them, people would rather pay twice as much to write the test without the course.
  17. Center console might be compensated with battery box or fuel tank?
  18. The rest of the story.... A starboard steering position gives the driver a better view of the starboard danger zone"your give way zone". If the steering was on the left, when you turn a hard left you loose sight of the danger zone when the boat rises up on the right side. Some speedboats like I think Donzi 16 running volvo outdrives with left props had steering on the port side. They ran left props because left turning gear in the upper gear case is under the oil level and the right turning gear is not.
  19. I think thats beet juice, moist air over cold pavement = black ice. Notice any fog on your way home? It's been so foggy here that the coyotes sound so close that you figure there in the back yard.
  20. Go see a doctor and don't forget to tell them you asked for medical advise from all your on line fishing buddies, insanity might be a symptom. Upgrade to a better beer.
  21. I just got my outdrive back together, I have to swap out my trailers and with the weather they are calling for this weekend a trip to the bay might be in order.
  22. Going bow in is a characteristic of a 23' boat on the great lakes because it matches the length of the waves from trough to crest on an average crappy day, when the stern is at its highest the bow is at its lowest. A longer or shorter boat rides these waves better. A commercial fisherman clued me in on this right after I got my 23 and after a few trips in from the ducks in groups of other boats its noticeable.
  23. I guess I should have took a picture when my sister walked up to one picked it up and pet it on the head. She came back to the house and my brother asks "did you see any turkeys back there" she opens up her coat and had the stupid thing under her arm.
  24. Somebody threw out a tims cup what a prick littering the country side, there it is right under the 600 foot wind turbine.
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