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Everything posted by POLLIWOGG

  1. There were a lot of boats around town and at the sportsman, I noticed an empty trailer at the tip friday afternoon but there were white caps just out of the harbour. they might have had a chance friday morning before the wind picked up.
  2. We've got bigger ones in BOQ so be carefull when you pee over the side.
  3. Is that a tower of power?
  4. Is the Miniistry around? I heard they pulled the trucks off the road, no$.
  5. Don't forget to wash it down with some brain cell killing booze and a couple after dinner smokes.
  6. I don't know how you could tell if a fish was 24 3/4 or 25 1/2 by the scale so I would guess that brifishrgy is right and the fish should be whole. No offence but just because you don't know how to cook a big fish dosn't mean others don't.
  7. Here's a spot you might be interested in www.pec.on.ca/deerhaven/ its about 10 min from picton.
  8. Its on page10 of the safe boating guide, you don't hear about it much because its hard for the cops to charge someone because you don't need it if you know the area. but if you have one you'll find that you use it more looking for shoals and structure to fish than navigating.
  9. Get yourself a chart, its required to have a chart onboard as part of your safety equipment if you don't know the area.
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