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Everything posted by POLLIWOGG

  1. Its a friendly world when you ride a vintage bike and don't have signal lights, everyone waves at you, and you know that the guy behind you will pass you every time you slow down to turn left because he thinks your waving him to go ahead. Then try doing it at night, You are waiting for traffic to clear so you can turn left and you hear the left lane hog behind you brake hard and swerve to miss you, makes your heart stop.
  2. Should have got them to help you move your hut.
  3. If they lease the space can they transfer it to someone else? This contract could make your house impossible to sell. Do some math $400/$.80=500kwh/10kwh system=50hrs a month/ 8hrdaylight?=6.2days a month that the system works for you assuming 100% efficiency that you will never get. The rest of the time it works for the other guy. The pay out on a 10kw system I think is around $1K a month, You might consider buying a system instead of leasing. I know a guy that sells them and he sells a pile of them, If I was to get one I'd be comparing as many of them as I could. For instance there might be a 10Kw system that could produce 10kw if it ran 100% on a perfect day compared to a system with more panels that really does put out 10Kw on most days. Shopping around might pay off.
  4. Wait for fords new engine, I think its coming out now. I think I might rebuild Dad's 1980 f150 Bigfoot, its suposed to be rare and its low mileage and simple.
  5. Give them what they really want, A few days without you. I used to take Dad fishing every Sunday but I stopped because it left Mom awfully busy on her own. The other day she said how great it was to have us gone for the day.
  6. Get a mooring cover for it so the sun, fireworks, etc doesn't ruin all that expensive upholstery.
  7. The family farm,#1 killer of young boys, we don't know how lucky we were. Had my forehead sewn on twice, stepped on by cows, bitten by pigs, Coated with pesticides, kicked and dragged by horses and all kinds of woodlot close calls, where "Oh %% that almost killed me" just becomes common place. Wouldn't trade it for the world....well maybe after they litter the place up with wind turbines I would.
  8. The regs were there before the licensing so that might be why they might seem a little off. Regs were to protect the fishery, licensing is an unrelated money grab, conservation licensing is a trick to get support for the money grab and not make it look not so much like a money grab by sugar coating it. Before licensing your catch and possession limit was the same but never enforced. If your limit was 4 fish, that was your catch limit, didn't matter if you threw em back or gave them away or ate em you were allowed to catch 4 then go home or target something else. Unlimited catch fishing or C+R Was promoted in the 70's to help the tourist and sport fishing industry when the fish were no longer edible due to pollution . With fishing going from a food gathering system to a sport industry, the regs might not be in sink. You can give fish away to someone without a license because fishing is illegal, not possessing fish.
  9. I was told Hayward would take a girlfriend to the local dances in it.
  10. Ive heard of Birds getting drunk from fermented berries so alcohol poisoning would make sense. Partridge will get drunk from juniper berries. If I was good and drunk and then had to flap my arms and fly I'd drop dead before I got far too.
  11. The hunter admitted to it. His neighbors aren't very happy with him.
  12. A careless duck hunter introduced the stuff and now its choking the bay to the point where you can't get a boat out. Any ideas?
  13. Possibly another case of Hannity Insanity?
  14. Make fishing legal! Drop the resident fishing license, save the wasted $ given to foreign private co. to administer the license and free up the co's from being meter maids so they can do the real co work they want to do. Support the mnr through general rev. and save the administration and enforcement cost of licensing. If Ontario's natural resources are available to be used by everyone they should be supported by everyone.
  15. We caught the Americans spying on us for credit card #'s on our politicians thanks to wikileaks so we go and give them the card #'s of everyone that gets an outdoor card in Ontario with a credit card. That should make it easier and less embarrassing for them . Irish, I think the program was privatized way back when they introduced the outdoor card, they're just changing co. Isn't that why you can't get a license at the mnr.
  16. A group from my bud's camp were sighting their rifles at a gravel pit down the road from the camp the day before the season opened when the yoggy showed up and asked for their paperwork. First guy to pull out his tag was charged with hunting out of season.
  17. They brake better than a Hyundai.
  18. Not much of a market for old glass boats around here. You don't tell us the make of the boat or condition but it looks good and they didn't cheap out on the windshield and railing. Tri hulls have a bad rep, but that's not a tri hull and the extra flotation makes for a safer boat. an old force with power trim that's running should be worth something and maybe more when its the only one left. But there's not a great market for these so its worth what you paid for it or what you'll sell it for as you set the market.
  19. Yeah do some donuts, they'll impound your vehicle and take your license. Then you have to go home to NWT to get your license back and come back for your vehicle. Welcome to the police state of Ontario where apparently according to the mto it doesn't snow in southern Ont.. And don't gripe about it or they'll thump ya..
  20. I think studs are legal everywhere but Ontario but I might be wrong. They did studies that showed modern studs don't damage the road but the MTO can't agree on anything or admit being wr-r-r-ong.
  21. I renovated a house once, he had 5 bags of insulation in the ceiling but forgot to take it out of the bags and spread it around.
  22. Check tour attic, insulating was sometimes done by the lowest guy in the pecking order on a job site and they rarely did good job. The most common mistake was not fully covering the top plate of the wall and sometimes the blown in stuff will blow around up there. A lot of those 70's houses would overhang the basement for 2', some would put in some fiberglass and then cover with vented soffit. If this was not sealed up it was always cold. You're best bet is to get a spray foam guy in, they've seen it all and can fix you up.
  23. Actually BB you do. From the USPS site...Each state has unique boating education requirements, and the boating rules, laws and regulations vary from state to state for obtaining a boat license or safety certification. NY state has mandatory boater education law that applies to some operators of boats and/or personal watercraft. You need a certificate if unsupervised under age 18 and for a pwc. A while back Canadian Power Squadrons Took it upon themselves to make the cps card compliant with most states by going to a 50 question test so that the cps operators card is good in the states. I'm guessing that is why the feds are going to a 50 question test.
  24. They don't smoke it, they put it in their tea and have a party.
  25. Probably want to make it comply with the US standards, same as the 50 question test that cps uses. Makes your card good for most of the states. That simple little test for the boaters card that some didn't cheat on did bring down the # of boating accidents so they are probably right.
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