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Everything posted by POLLIWOGG

  1. I insured the boat the first year I had it and saved about 5K by not insuring it since, I figure if I don't have insurance I won't be sued as all my assets won't pay for a lawyer. Mandatory insurance is on its way and it will be interesting to see how insurance co. spin it, with more boats being insured cost should go way down but I suspect that won't happen.
  2. Some test protocols effective Jan7 2008 The test site must be owned leased occupied or otherwise controlled by the course provider but that is in no way controlled by the candidate taking the test. No test can be administered in the candidates private residence. Candidate must produce 1 pc photo ID or 2 pc ID that must be compared to answer sheet info to confirm this is the person writing the test. Candidate cannot communicate with anyone other than test provider. A copy of test protocols must be on site for testing. I got 9 pages of this stuff but you can see how strict they are, testing in your own home has been against the rules for almost 2 years. A provider can test you in his home but not yours.
  3. Just a point of interest, if you stop and talk with a hunter some CO's will consider you part of the hunt and charge you if you don't have a license.
  4. What do you call a failed politician, The one that has won a majority and is still elected and drawing a wage or the one that has never won a majority and still holds his job because he got rid of anybody in his party smart enough to take it away from him. I think Bob's made a pretty good living as a politician.
  5. Any foam will soak up water so keep the bottom of the boat clear to drain water and spray your closed cell foam where it will stay dry, maybe the underside of the floor boards.
  6. CPS used to do courtesy checks for safety equipment on boats through Trans. Ca. but Trans. Ca. offloaded the program to CPS because they didn't want the liability just the resulting data. I think you'll find the same here, someone has decided that there is a liability factor.
  7. Ahhh reminds me of my old self destructing wranglers, they were the good old days. Lots of traction forward and back but if you got sideways on a hill it would slide right to the bottom. I'm sure they are a lot better now.
  8. People who drive less are more likely to have an accident = higher rate....KaaaaaChing.
  9. I stopped driving to work and my rate went up. Don't look for common sense in auto insurance it just isn't there. We could have changed the way we do auto insurance to promote a second more environmentally friendly vehicle instead of bailing out GM and Chrysler. Something like insurance goes to the driver or owner instead of the vehicle.
  10. Watch where you cast and don't get your line caught in them windmills.
  11. Doesn't matter how much $ you give MNR if they choose not to come and do some enforcing they aint coming. Probably because its a put and take fishery and they are no longer of value, and any contaminated fish that doesn't die upstream is a good thing.
  12. The one buried in the rose garden is against the law no matter how many you have there isn't it?
  13. I agree with GCD , Gas and a couple lbs of screws.
  14. Water run off from some carpets is toxic, say if you were to put a small piece of carpet in your aquarium for the turtle to climb on you might end up with a lot of dead fish like I did.
  15. He might have some other kind of proof of competency like a Power Squadron diploma issued before 199?. I don't think the jetskis started it but kids getting killed on rented jetskis sure pushed it through. "I have right of way because I've been going this direction for a long time" ( bickering salmon fisherman on the vhf in the 90's) Things are a little better but not much.
  16. If you were the CO and told him to drive it strait home and he ran into somebody on the way it would be like putting a drunk on a bicycle in downtown TO and waiting for it to hit the fan. You were not fishing, he knows you have a license because he ran your name and wants you to bring it to Sudbury anyway,, wow how kool was that. When you get pulled over do you say "no I'm not speeding but I was yesterday please punish me in whatever way you see fit."
  17. Prop repair guys might have a jig, or just put it on and try it.
  18. Do Canadian soldiers have a legal option to disobey an illegal order?
  19. Tips from a guy that was sailing in the Bahamas, You don't have to refrigerate bacon but once opened cook it all or it will be green in an hour, same with eggs if you turn them.
  20. Take a look on Ebay and see how much they are charging for shipping out of the States on everything. Now you know how we are paying for their stimulus package.
  21. Foils depend on what you put them on. Tri hulls and underpowered boat benefit most and overpowered boats the least. But they put a lot of stress on places that aren't made for it, if the manufacturer wanted to put a foil on the motor they would have sort of thing. The best one I've used was made by spar and was aluminum.
  22. Its all in how you look at it..I pointed out to a charter cap'n that when he puts 40 kilo of salt on the boat ramp he pollutes 40,000 L of water and risks getting the ramps closed and a $200,000 fine and they said it was pee in a bucket. I'm sure some look at it as one more butt is just one in thousands.
  23. How do they justify something like that?
  24. Pay if you pass is good but power squadrons can't do that because it's against the rules for card providers.
  25. You like his tough on crime policies as long as he's not the one doing the crime?
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