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Everything posted by POLLIWOGG

  1. Our local power squadron is going to have one night a month for those who wish to challenge the exam. You could check and see what your local squadron is doing. Or you could just sign up your dog, cat, bird or imaginary friend as a supervisor.
  2. Isn't it today that it goes to court to see if the last election was legal? I think it is and if it is decided that the PM broke the law how much jail time do you think he'll get? It was a smart move he campaigned for about a year before calling the election and then had everybody so pissed at him and his personal attacks that he had to beg for a time out.
  3. Nice painting Holdfast! Truth be told the bear would have ate the cub when it didn't have enough ice to hunt on. I can draw you a little stick figure thing ... aw never mind. But your still a talented painter.
  4. The star had an article on climate change and the part that caught my eye was that we don't know what causes the ice to melt so it must be greenhouse gas. A guy had what I think is a simpler explanation. Every rain drop and snow flake has to condense on a particle, this particle can be pollen dust or whatever is floating around in the air. In the last couple centuries there has been a lot of suit from burning coal going into the air and with the natural air flow finds its way to the arctic. with snow forming on coal dust we end up with darker snow cover not the blazing white that makes you go blind from reflected sunlight. Not reflecting sunlight creates heat and at some point we reach a threshold point where the snow melts, the melting snow leaves behind all the dust and crap that was in it and this absorbs more sunlight causing the melt to speed up. If you want to know the sea level after the icecap melts just dig up that old map of Antarctica without the ice on it or better still checkout where the tree line was on Ellesmere I. Thousands of people die every year from air pollution but nobody cared so maybe they jacked up the threat of climate change in an effort to save lives, unfortunately in the debate on climate change the people dieing every year have been forgotten.
  5. Probably never see them again ,or the 7 grand unless there were some vehicles seized.
  6. Take a Canadian Power Squadron Coarse, She will actually learn something and won't have to guess, and its cheaper.
  7. The horn and whistle are sound signaling devices, the horn is more useful if you know the proper signals, if you don't know the signals you can give the wrong message and not know it. The regs for up to 6M calls for at least 1 sound signaling devise or appliance, for a 12' tinny if you end up in the water chances are the air horn has floated away while you were swimming around looking for a pfd the whistle tied to the pfd is still with you if you get to the pfd. Not a bad idea to have a small light tied to it as well. Don't think of the safety equipment as something to keep the cops happy but more as a plan for disaster. You can get a throw rope packed in a bag that works really well, when you throw it it goes where you want and the rope unwinds. You can get them cheaper at the swimming pool supply place.
  8. Put a decent tarp on it and anchor it out.
  9. You should have a compliance tag on the boat, this tells you what outboard size, how many people and how much weight you can carry in good weather. If the boat has been modified the tag is no longer valid. you will need an operators competency card and some form of ID with a picture. If the boat has a license (#'s on the bow) you should have that. You should have an anchor and at least 50' rope, I know the regs say paddle or anchor but you can do stuff with an anchor that you can't do with a paddle. Make sure your flashlight works,lots of guys get caught with a brand new light that doesn't work.
  10. Actually you have to have one working waterproof flashlight probably visible for one mile or more I'd have to look it up I have a book in the shop that might have it.. But there is no law that says you can't have a boat full of flashlights.
  11. Pike lay low at night because thats when the really really big pike come out to feed on them.
  12. spraying foam into the bottom cavity may lead to more problems if it ever gets water laying in it, if the foam soaks up water you could end up with a 100lb or so and have to rip it all out. If you want to add extra foam use underground grade SM and maybe glue it to the floor so it stays off the bottom off the boat.
  13. If its there for public use it should be paid for by the public through general taxation..
  14. Lots of pleasure craft are registered, I think its somewhere around 50' that its required. The reason for this is the event of the evacuation of Dunkirk. Your boat is registered in case the military might find a use for it.
  15. OK insulation is done. Ask around and get some estimates and references and I guess thats what your doing. Go with 5" trough. I did trough for years but now I like to stay on the ground.
  16. Sort of depends on what you have.... You can go with the cables, make sure you keep the snow away from the downspouts so that they don't freeze up and will drain , but your heating the great outdoors. If the guy that insulated your house was paid a case of beer chances are the top plate of the wall is exposed, its a common mistake, the best way to fix would be to get a foam insulation contractor in there, those guys know how to fix screw ups. If you want to get the soffits done they might get at the top plate through the soffit
  17. Woodsman Your Right! I looked one up all you have to do is say yeah yeah yeah I know all this stuff sign here, give me the boat, and they even have the rules wrong on the check list. For proof of competency I thought it would be a little more than that.
  18. I think your going to see it for canoes for sure and smaller craft with a cut of point at bigger boats just guessing around 20' or 24'.
  19. We picked 4 bushel today but if you want cucumbers don't wait, with this weather they could blight and be gone in no time.
  20. When you rent a boat basically you do the test dockside every time you rent, if you don't pass your not suposed to get the boat, so if everybody complies your safety is hardly jeopardized by the gov. any more than usual.
  21. When you get your card photocopy the 'ell out of it.. I think providers now must keep a data base but I might be wrong and a lot of providers ignore the rules.
  22. The most likely event where your going to need a life jacket/pfd in a 12 footer isn't going to be the boat sinking out from under you its going to be you falling out of the boat so it might be a good idea to get something comfortable and wear it. Eventually your going to see wearing them being mandatory in small craft so you may as well get something comfortable. Tip: although the capacity plate may say 4 persons they cannot all take a whiz off the back of the boat at the same time! Don't ask.
  23. To meet the safety requirements the anchor rode should add up to 50' but the more the better. I think Kev boats better than he types , red -green light on front all around white on stern.
  24. The problem with doing the rental checklist every time is you can't borrow or operate someone else's boat.
  25. You missed the point that it already is the law you must have charts IF THEY ARE AVAILABLE but there are exemptions the part Rick posted is the exemptions for vessels under 100 ton that follows the part that says you must have charts. If you can meet those exemptions you don't need charts. The key is how much is sufficient knowledge to keep lets say a 16' tinner safe and it looks like the one to decide this is the Cops. Of all the confusing regs , this one is right there. The regs are written by Transport Ca. and although they have the office of boating safety they are drawn up by those more used to thinking automotive than boats and sometimes things get a little goofy. The courtesy check program is there to provide statistics and feedback to trans Ca. and this is one place that looks like it needs attention. The other thing is charts are very useful and not a bad idea to have.
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