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Everything posted by POLLIWOGG

  1. Truth is people don't like to clean fish, thats the real reason C+R is so popular, I don't think you have much to worry about as the # of people that would clean that many fish would be counted on your fingers..
  2. For most this is going to be the only rope in the boat and if the poop hits the fan what are you going to do with a 1/4 " rope. I sure wouldn't want to tow with a 1/4" nylon. Prepare for the worst.
  3. Should have said he was telling you what to do, so he was in control of the boat and gets the fine.
  4. They were in the liqueur store, still in denial. Any generation that thinks they didn't have drugs back then would be mistaken. If it was still legal to hand out cocaine to the employees maybe GM could turn a profit.
  5. Don't feel bad Bruce ...last fall a charter guy said he put 90 pounds of salt on the boat ramp, thats worth a $200,000 fine under the fisheries act.
  6. One CO wouldn't let the rest of us fish with an unlicensed person on board.
  7. Bob the reason they do this is to keep the vhf " clean " I guess would be the word. VHF is a safety network and they have to make sure it doesn't go the way of CB where it got so out of control that they just gave up. A properly worded mayday on the right channel will get a better response than "hey search and rescue ya got yer ears on 10-4." If your responsible enough to risk lives, mobilize millions of $ worth of equipment at cost of thousands you should sound like it.
  8. The coarse is usually 2 evenings with the digital upgrade and the test on the second. I think CPS is the only ones doing it now.
  9. Just got word that in some parts of the country the cops are cracking down on theRadio operators certificate, you might still have time to get in on a coarse
  10. I know how it feels , I pulled my car out of the barn 5 min. before it blew down.
  11. Tip for trailer lights ---for the price of a light kit, just replace everything when it looks like that. My buddy with a garage says its cheaper for the customer to replace it than hunt down the problem.
  12. OK Tybo I understand where you're coming from now it now. My boat isn't flat at the end of the keel but rounded out at a fairly large radios, I always wondered why, now I know , Thanks Tybo.
  13. Its the angle at the transom not the bow that gives the boat its characteristics when at speed eg a deep v has a rise of 22deg or more at the transom is about 10% slower than a flatter bottom boat on flat water but can cut the chop where a flat bottom boat has to slow down for comfort. The bow angle comes into play when going bow down cutting the chop. A deep v boat like an off shore racer will have a narrow v bow to cut into the waves where a cuddy cruiser will have a fat tubby V bow and flatter bottom to make more room inside but also more buoyancy that keeps the bow from submerging into the waves. The fat cruiser will have a nice ride through the rollers at 5 or 6 knots where the deep V the faster they go the better the ride.
  14. I like the deep V for getting there and back but the lack of stability when trolling or drifting and taking waves on the beam makes me wish I still had the old 20' cathedral hull under me. A true deep V is great at speed but lousy at going slow.
  15. Google "hull speed formula" that will tell you how fast you can expect to go without plaining the boat .
  16. I bet they had fun with that, I didn't see any cops on Saturday, but then I didn't see the ministry till they were right beside me. By the way Dad got a 5lber over 50' of water, most of the fish we marked were 30' down over deep water.
  17. The license renewal is just housekeeping, what has likely happened is some XXXXXXXX boat builder has lobbied the gov. to drop the standards so they can sell their crappy boats in Ca.
  18. Superdad , did you hear anything about the little white boat they towed up side down across hay bay.
  19. The only thing I can see being concerned about would lowering construction standards but they don't say exactly whats on the table.
  20. Right, its the # on the boat not your boat operators card. There is no such thing as a boat operators license in Ca. I can issue you a card that says you know how to operate a boat to the dismal standards of trans. Ca. but I cannot issue a waver from prosecution (a license). A lot of operators card providers make the mistake of calling it a license. WE already pay people to man the offices of service Ca. so there should be no cost at all.
  21. There are a lot of boats that were licensed before the age of computers and the paperwork is in some basement somewhere where nobody will ever look it up, so the idea is to get them on a search able file. Can't be much of a cash grab if there is still no cost to license your boat, its still free isn't it? If they intend to charge a fee we have 30 days to license the boat. I don't see how it would help with much of their goals as the license gives very little information unless they are going to change it.
  22. There's a lot of money tied up at a marina so they have a pretty good reason for not wanting anyone near due to theft or damage more so than some of us that think we own a zone around our boat wherever we are. Lets hope the marina guys don't read this board and start chucking muskie lures at you. A lot of us claim a right to courtesy when legally a boat can come as close as they want as long as there's no exchange of paint or risk of collision, its just easier to extend the same courtesy to the marinas.
  23. Get a 12 year old to sort it out for you... he can show you how to get free porn too.
  24. The idiots at fox news had a section on swine flu saying it was coming from Canada, ran video of pigs through the whole thing and made jokes about it. Cuba would be my choice.
  25. The water separating filter has 2 outlets I came off of there, keep in mind that some outboards don't make enough vacuum to open an anti siphon valve on an inboard tank so if you have a problem that would be a something to check.
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