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Everything posted by shane

  1. HAHAHA! I'd buy a remote-control just to be able to do that.
  2. Welcome to the loony bin. Got any pics?
  3. I'm with you on this one. I buy all my stickers one year at a time. What if the world does end in 2012? All those guys that buy a three year sticker this year will be burned for a year.
  4. And now you're on OFC!? You might as well forget about working. Welcome aboard.
  5. Nice to listen to and fun to watch. Well done.
  6. I would never see snow again.
  7. Cool pics! I love it when Mother Nature decides to kick our behinds for a while.
  8. HAH! Bumhug!
  9. My insurance guy's name is Ben Dover.
  10. I was fishing the Thames one year in the spring. Standing on a particularly steep, muddy spot on the bank and hooked into something. It felt big but not really fighting hard. Just going side to side in the current. I finally get it in close to the bank but it was too far under in the dirty water and all I could see was a big dark shape and it was kind of hung up on some roots or something. So I gave a good hard pull and it let go of the roots and this big, dark round thing came lunging out of the water right at my feet. What I saw (or thought I saw) was a giant snapping turtle charging out of the water to attack me! I started scrambling backwards in the mud and then started slipping and was sliding down toward the thing and was just about to start a full scale, screaming panic when I realized what it really was. A green plastic garbage can lid. All covered in algae and mud. The 'head' was the handle, all jammed full of mud on the side.
  11. I think they have yurts at the Pinery prov. park too. Never used them though. Winter camping is a lot different than summer camping. Still fun though. But what I didn't like was that it got dark (and much colder) at 4:00 in the afternoon. So you better have a lot of firewood together or you end up going to bed at 8:00 in the evening and listening to the wolves sniffing around outside your tent all night. Makes for a long night.
  12. I think you might catch more fish if you had some hooks on your lures.
  13. A few years ago, my wife put mothballs out in her garden to try to keep the critters away. One day I noticed a bird out there acting strange and checked it out with the binoculars. It was a grackle and he had a mothball in his beak and was rubbing it all over himself like he was in the shower. Getting under his wings and around his back and doing a good job. I can only guess that he was using the mothball to get rid of bugs on his body. But, how would he have figured that out?
  14. Thanks for posting this FT. I'm definitely going to try to make it this year.
  15. Good for you. I would have just got a thicker winter coat.
  16. I don't know much about art, but..................WOW! I especially like the pencil sketches. Well done.
  17. Lots of great drivers could likely make 'Hall of Fame', but my favorite driver for many years has always been Ken Schrader. The happiest guy on the track. Whether he was doing good or not so good, he always just seemed so happy to just be there.
  18. Look like samsquatch eyes to me.
  19. That would be my first guess. Or maybe you put the line on backwards?
  20. Or drinking.
  21. If I'm reading my water bill correctly, we used 12 cubic metres last month. That's for the two of us and we try to be conservative with our water use.
  22. They're politicians. (and most of them used to be lawyers). The only time they're telling the truth is when they are calling the other party a bunch of liars. They only look out for #1..............and you ain't even #2.
  23. Very nice, Both the painting and the thought.
  24. Ask him if he likes to go camping. Then wink at him.
  25. The worst accent that I have a problem understanding is the French-Canadian guy across the street from me.
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