Thanks for the warm welcome everybody. Glad to be here.
Don't look for too many fishing reports from me for a while tho', I've pretty much given up on cold weather fishing these days. I used to go ice fishing when I was a kid in Manitoba and I still remember how bored I was. My Dad would drive the car right out on the lake to a little plywood shack. It had a sheet metal wood stove that would glow like a red light bulb it was so hot. And no underwater video to watch either. We would throw broken up egg shells down the hole and they would reflect light back up so we could see our baits or any fish that came in for a look. Hmm, now that I think of it, I think we were fishing for pickerel back then. That's weird.
Slow-poke; I'm on the east side of town off of Hamilton rd. St. Julien park and the south branch of the Thames is at the end of my street.
Again, thanks everybody. See ya ..............Fireball