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Everything posted by shane

  1. HaHaHa! I like the one with the cars in the "pothole".
  2. I bought a piece of smoked carp at a fish shop once...it looked pretty good through the glass case...but when I got home and had a sniff and a better look, I couldn't bring myself to even taste it. Even the "lab test" was negative. (my black lab retriever)
  3. I get most of my fly-fishing/tying info from Hipwader.com. Lots of local stuff in the forums as well.
  4. Wow! What a difference.
  5. shane

    Frosted Rocks

    Nice with all the different shades of blue.
  6. Those are great shots. I also like the first one of the three. The seagulls in the second are a bit distracting and I agree with you about the house in the third one. The 'bottoms up' is hilarious.
  7. Nice lighting in the first one.
  8. I like the barn pics too. Good timing on the sunset one.
  9. Thanks everyone. It's not so much having an eye for me, I just take a lot of pictures and sometimes I get a nice one. Kind of like fishing. We sat there for about half an hour watching the waves and the clouds and the light changing every five minutes, and I probably took forty pictures. And then picked out three or four keepers. Plus, it was a good day to be there.
  10. Wow. First the bed bugs story, and now this stuff. I'll be the guy sleeping in his neoprene waders and drinking out of a used Timmie's cup.
  11. I like the colors better in the edited one but it does seem to lose some crispness.
  12. Wow! You guys are like a "rags to riches" story of fishing.(not literally) It took years for my addiction to progress as far as you two. Way to go.
  13. New guy Fireball here. I'm an entry-level digital photography kind of guy with a Canon a550 and love taking pictures. I think this is great having a separate photography section. There are some really good pictures and photographers over here. And lots of great tips and info too. I took this one at Port Bruce a couple weeks ago. The wind was so strong I didn't even get out of the van. Just stuck my camera out the window. Looking out through binoculars it looked like snow-capped mountains out there.
  14. I'm a newbie fly-fisher myself, but it looks good to me. That's about what I spent on my rod/reel/line individually and I didn't get any fancy case or DVD. The next step will be a fly-tying kit.
  15. Thanks for the warm welcome everybody. Glad to be here. Don't look for too many fishing reports from me for a while tho', I've pretty much given up on cold weather fishing these days. I used to go ice fishing when I was a kid in Manitoba and I still remember how bored I was. My Dad would drive the car right out on the lake to a little plywood shack. It had a sheet metal wood stove that would glow like a red light bulb it was so hot. And no underwater video to watch either. We would throw broken up egg shells down the hole and they would reflect light back up so we could see our baits or any fish that came in for a look. Hmm, now that I think of it, I think we were fishing for pickerel back then. That's weird. Slow-poke; I'm on the east side of town off of Hamilton rd. St. Julien park and the south branch of the Thames is at the end of my street. Again, thanks everybody. See ya ..............Fireball
  16. Hi everybody. Shane here from London. I've been hanging around different sites for a couple years but now that we got high-speed internet I'm really getting around. But still always end up here somehow, so Ive decided to sign up. I spend most of my fishing time wading around in the Thames looking for bass or carp. I did get a nice surprise walleye this summer though. I'll try to put a picture in this post. It's also likely I met a couple of you guys already on the river around here. I'll have to get a hat. So, thanks for having me, and I'll try to contribute something once in a while. (I'm still pretty new to this whole computer thing) Oh yeah... just so you know where I stand on the major issues: --- I love the NF posts --- if I had a boat it would be a tiller --- they're called walleyes see ya....................Fireball
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