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Everything posted by shane

  1. Ipperwash beaches are really nice and much less crowded than Grand Bend. No lifeguards though.
  2. Sight fishing in the shallow backwaters is my favorite way to fish for carp around here. Wading along the shoreline, keeping close to the bushes so I won't be seen, watching for mud clouds to show me where a carp is feeding. Then toss my bait in close (usually a crayfish) and watching a big dark shape rush in. A big splash, then screaming drag and the fight is on. Fishing for bonefish on the flats down south somewhere would be good practice for this type of carp fishing.
  3. HAHA! Yeah, I'm just being funny. I know what's going on there this Friday. I won't be going anywhere near the place.
  4. Hi guys. Thinking of going fishing at Port Dover this Friday. Any suggestions?
  5. Make that three. And I thought I was the only one.
  6. What color toenail polish were you wearing?
  7. A rotating laser beam set a couple inches off the ground. BTW. They are probably starlings. We get flocks of them in our yard too. Grackles are usually one or two at a time.
  8. I just water mine with beer and it comes up already half cut.
  9. If you don't want to do a lot of walking you could try Fanshawe dam. Parking lot right at the bottom of the dam or at the boat launch above the dam. The park is not open for business yet so there is no charge to go in there. You just have to be out by 4:00 or they lock you in.
  10. Tin Bashers? Those guys are always screwing things up.
  11. It must be April Fools Day down there. This has got to be some kind of bad joke.
  12. And my 1954 General Motors fridge will probably outlive me.
  13. When I had my 14 ft. fiberglass canoe back in the 80's I had a 14 lb. thrust Minn Kota. It moved us along really good. In fact, even at the slowest setting, it was too fast sometimes for the type of fishing I was doing. I think you might be able to water ski with a 50 lb.
  14. Geez. I don't think I've ever seen a snow carp before. WTG!
  15. Tweeting is for the birds.
  16. Why do you need a dishwasher when you have two dogs in the house?
  17. Man, I hate to hear stories like this. Some people should not be allowed to own animals. Hoping for the best for Peanut.
  18. Shoelace??!! Isn't that like flossing?
  19. Way to go Tony!
  20. I just had a leaky tire fixed today here in London at an independent tire shop. $31.00+tx.
  21. Do you know what kind of sealer it was? I am looking for something like this to use on my roof. I know that there's a lot of different kinds out there but I'm finding it hard to find locally except for one brand that Rona has.
  22. It's all a conspiracy to make it too expensive for the average working class guy to drive and to reduce the number of cars on the road. The rich, ruling class are tired of all the traffic on the 400 on their way to their multi-million dollar 'cottage'.
  23. On the riverbank is my favorite place to be. Looks like you had a nice day.
  24. I saw KISS way back in 1970 something here in London. I had never heard of them back then and only went because I knew the promoter and got free tickets. Only concert I ever walked out on.
  25. Man, you have some nice looking, big carp there. WTG.
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