For the last couple years I've been trying some fly-fishing. Though I always bring my spinning gear with me as well. So, when I get tired of not catching any thing, I can go back to the spinning rod.
I don't know why everybody seems to be afraid of these bears so much. I've had quite a few bear encounters over the years and usually all I see is their back-end as it's running away from me. A couple times I've had them look at me. And then they turn and run away.
I actually look forward to the bears moving down here. Maybe they will keep some of the people away from my fishing spots.
Walleyes in the Thames is mainly in the spring when they come up from the lake to spawn. Then they head back to the lake. But there will be some that stay in the river all year. I always catch a few over the summer while bass fishing.
The Thames is mainly a smallmouth bass and carp fishing river and they can be found just about anywhere. Fanshawe lake has always been known to give up a few perch as well.
Hi everybody. I'm giving away all my old fishing magazines. Check my ad in the classifieds miscellaneous section.
Walleyes come up the river from Lake Erie and should be showing up in the London area by now. Any where downstream from the city is good. But you better check the regulations because I think there is a ban on walleye fishing in some sections now.