If I'm using corn, I like to get the cheap dollar-store stuff. Usually two cans for a buck. Great big, tough as leather kernels in a slimey juice (excellent scent trails).
I don't usually chum. I just toss it in upstream from where I think the carp might be. They'll sniff it out pretty quick if they're in feeding mode.
But my favorite way to fish for carp is wading the shallows. Sneaking along, up againts the bushes and watch for them actively feeding and then toss a crayfish uptstream from them. I've seen carp come charging thirty feet to grab my bait. Then a big splash, and screaming drag, and the fight is on. Man, that's good fishing.
I've never been bone fishing on 'the flats' but I can't imagine it being any better fishing the shallows for carp.