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Everything posted by shane

  1. The only time I'll be seeing my 'T shirt', is when I peel off three or four outer layers to go to bed.
  2. If I was buying a Dodge, I would get it.
  3. "Extended warranties! How can I lose?!"
  4. We did that when I was a kid in Manitoba. In the 60's. The days before fish-finders and underwater cameras.
  5. Nice job on your first flies You Wooley-bugger looks as good as any professionally tied Wooley-bugger. I started tying flies,not for actual fly-fishing, but on jig heads to make 'jig-flies'. (supposedly a 'Canadian' thing) If you tie that Wooley-bugger onto on of GCD's jigheads, you'll have a great smallmouth bait. Same with your 'usual'. Except, I would add a marabou type tail to it. A cheap (but very good) variation of Ian James' infamous 'White Puke' pattern.
  6. Welcome aboard. Nice pics.
  7. Chum with neon noodles. The fish will find you.
  8. One-click for me too. I just tried all the different skins too........all one click. I'm on Firefox if that makes a difference.
  9. You're absolutely right.
  10. UP!!!! Any other way is wrong. Is this going to become one of those console/tiller type of things?
  11. Wow. Too bad it's the middle of winter. I'd fly out there and drive it home for you. No charge.
  12. It's odd that that would be the first thing to pop up in your mind.
  13. Samsquanch alright. And it looks like a big one.
  14. HAHAHA! You thought it was cold on the ice.........?
  15. It was so cold last night we had to chop up the piano for firewood - but we only got two chords.
  16. A fresh spool of line and a new sticker for my card and I'll be good to go. So.....about $25.00. A cheap date.
  17. Let the wife do it.
  18. And it wasn't even that cold last month! WTG!
  19. Hi everybody; I was taking some pictures of my old reels for a Flickr group and thought I'd put them up here too. I was having a hard time getting a nice, crisp shot until I turned on the 'flower' setting and then used the 2 second shutter delay. I think they turned out pretty good for a cheap little P/S camera. (tho' it is a Canon )
  20. A little photoshop will buff that right out. Actually, I didn't know that dust could be an issue in my PS camera. Maybe I should get some kind of case for it instead of my pocket. Nice pics BTW.
  21. You guys are lucky. I usually say something like..."I don't believe it. I think I got something" or "Well, it's about time" or "Don't make me come down there".
  22. Nice slide show.
  23. Would that mean that my red spawn bags are turning b/w?
  24. I'm on Flickr too. http://www.flickr.com/photos/8290764@N05/
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