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Everything posted by shane

  1. I liked the part when she says "oooh, it's a big one"
  2. Neil's lawyers don't seem to be as fussy about that stuff as some other artists. There is a lot of Neil Young on youtube and some of it is just amazing. Thanks for the clip. Wish I had been there.
  3. HOHOHO! Thanks lundboy! I can use that. Not good for socks and underwear tho' (which is what I always need) but I'm sure I can find something.
  4. If this one had a moustache, it would look like my ex-wife!
  5. Because of funding cut-backs, they can't afford a new dart board. And they already lost one of their darts so that's not helping either.
  6. HaHaHaHa! That's the best post out of this whole thread.
  7. Home Hardware is my 'go-to' spot for all my hardware needs. The guys at my local store (Summer's HH on Hamilton rd. here in London) actually fixed a 50 year old, discontinued plumbing part for me instead of selling me a new fixture. Two guys on the counter with vice-grips and hacksaw, and then only charged me for a new washer.
  8. I just read on another site that those two lights are not really venus and jupiter but are actually secret, non-government, corporate elite satellites and that when they get close enough together will be able to combine their radio frequencies and send some kind of weird brain washing beam back down to earth and mess with our minds. I dunno. Sounds kind of fishy to me but I'm putting an extra layer of foil on my hat tonight just in case. Actually it could explain why I started getting unexplainable urges to buy a Dodge truck last night.
  9. I was wondering the same thing. Thanks for that GCD. Keep watching the skies.
  10. Ha ha ha! I suck bad. I bet this would be really popular up north. Good practice for the summertime.
  11. We had an ice shack out there too. Lake Wattapahna. We had a little wood-burner tin box stove that would glow red hot when it really got going. You couldn't sit near it. We'd be down to our t-shirts while it's minus 30's outside. I haven't been back there since we left in 1970 but I've seen some pics and it looks like pretty much everything is gone but a few of the hangers and maybe the steam plant. Apparently though, the town of Rivers survived the base closing and is doing fairly well.
  12. Another army brat here. Spent time in Chilliwack. Then somewhere in Germany. Then back to Chilliwack. Then to Sea Island B.C. (Vancouver Airport.) The PMQ's were right beside the runway! Then to Rivers, Manitoba. Then to London where I've pretty much stayed put. Now, I hate the thought of moving. When my Dad retired, My folks moved back to Chilliwack and have no plans to move again either.
  13. 'Junior Forest Rangers' and 'Adventures in Rainbow Country'. What more could you ask for in a kid's show? Made me who I am today. (or at least part of me)
  14. What kind of case did you get. I have a canon p&s too. I've never dropped it but the one time that I almost did, it was on the water. Does it still fit in a vest pocket?
  15. Just thought Id bump this up as it's coming up this Sunday.
  16. All this stuff is to put more money in the pockets of lawyers. .......and then they go on to be politicians.
  17. I'd be more impressed if he was pulling a boat.
  18. 'thought it was the beginning of the end of the world! Glad we're back.
  19. A tip of my hat to you guys.
  20. Samsquatch!
  21. Hi everybody. Some of you will likely be interested in this.
  22. Door-to-door salespeople bother me even more than telemarketers. I made up this sign and put it inside the window on my front door. Works for me.
  23. Similar to Lew's story. Learning how to use the computer, finding out that there was fishing stuff on the internet and what 'links' were, and just surfed on in. Came back the next day, and then the next, and the next and now I'm here every day.
  24. I pinch down the barbs on all my lures. There's still a little bump there on the hook but it makes it a lot easier to get out of the fishes mouth. Or out of my finger.
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