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Everything posted by shane

  1. I saw them way back in 1973 or '74 at the Gardens in Toronto. Keith Moon was wearing a Toronto Maple Leaf hocky sweater.
  2. All the 'cool' people use Flickr.
  3. Sounds like something T.J. should carry in his store. I also thought we were talking about wooly bugger flies. Probably the most common fly out there.
  4. Wow! That is an amazing collection. Something to keep forever and then pass on to another nephew. Keep the good karma streak going.
  5. Owls are so cool. Nice shot of this one.
  6. And Subways 'foot-long' sub is only eleven inches!
  7. THE GODS MUST BE CRAZY!! Actually, after the first ten minutes or so, I got used to it. Really shows how dirty my monitor screen is tho'.
  8. On My PC, if I run my cursor over the posters name, it will show his complete profile.
  9. 420! Don't remember why.
  10. So it's not really the "end of the world". It's more like "the end of this world as we know it now" And 'purification' means it will be better. Well...I hope they are right.
  11. Thank for the heads-up Gerrit. I went out and got one this morning. Don't know why their regular price is so high though ($249.00). Everyone else the regular price is around $179.00. I thought that the TSC model might contain the adapter hose or something extra but no. It seems to be the same as everyone else. And they don't carry the adapter hose. But they can special-order it. Still,at $149.00 a good deal.
  12. Yes they do. Sometimes I will even agree with them. But that doesn't happen much anymore. I blame lawyers for this kind of stuff.
  13. I agree that snow tires will work better when you're driving in the snow but what about when you're not? Living down here on southern Ont., most of the time I'm driving on dry pavement. How many seasons would I get out of snow tires like that? I have no problems with all seasons down here. I just don't go out there when it gets bad. Saving eight hundred bucks or more will cover the three or four 'sick days' I need over the winter. But, I still agree with you guys that need them. If I needed them then I would have them too. I just don't like the idea of the gov't telling me what I should be doing.
  14. It's really easy to explain if you believe that aliens visited this planet before there was any kind of life forms here. Then they dumped their toilet holding tanks on their way out.
  15. Welcome to the loonie bin. And don't forget...we don't believe anything without pics.
  16. At least you can eat the onion ring. You can't eat rocks, no matter how shiny they are.
  17. Gulp. (Berkly Gulp)
  18. WOW that's a beauty!
  19. That's for sure. I would say it's worth it just for the reduced commute time.
  20. I'm looking at my late 50's and I still don't have one. But I'm probably going to get one this year. I usually go out fishing by myself and maybe "for once in my life" I should listen to her and carry one in case of some emergency. Hope I never have to use it though.
  21. Or take up carp fishing. Fight just as hard and, this time of year, probably taste better.
  22. Those boots aren't made for fishing.
  23. That is really cool. I saw an exhibition of these eco-art photos the last time I was in Ottawa. Really big pictures about 8 ft. by 6 ft. They were done on a cement wall in a pedestrian underpass. The stairway idea is brilliant. Still can't figure out how they do it though. It's not painted on. It must be some type of printing process.
  24. This is why I think that it should be a $1.00 deposit on beer bottles. But every time I bring this up, I get the crap beat out of me. Hope your dog has a quick and easy recovery.
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