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Everything posted by BillM

  1. That's the only way I could import anything into my older 788.
  2. Need some warm weather, those resident fish aren't going to move for much, lol. I think I'll fish crappies the next week or so.
  3. Did you make a 'Matrix' folder on the SD card and put your waypoints into that THEN try importing? I bet it works
  4. Right on! Can't beat a day out on the water with the old man!
  5. Goodluck Mr and Mrs Steelhead, I hope you're not bothered on the redds by all the logans out tomorrow trying to be heros!

    1. GbayGiant


      You never did that...

    2. Freshtrax


      I hope they do their thing and get back to the lake quickly.

  6. This sounds like a plenty of fish ad. You might get some bites, lol.
  7. Sure beats working for a living like the most of us do. Sit at home, collect welfare. Way too many people do this and get away with it, makes me sick to my stomach knowing my taxes go to supporting these lowlifes. I realize it happens, and people fall on hard times. That's exactly what welfare is for, helping people get back on their feet and back into the work force.
  8. Have 4 kids, go on welfare.. Trust me you'd like the cheques coming in.
  9. It feels weird to be pulling the boat down to Lake O this weekend with all this white stuff on the ground!
  10. Lots of places to get 30in walleyes that aren't Quinte I put 3 in the boat in an afternoon a few years ago. Of course Mike had to up me with a 32in monster, lol!
  11. If you're that worried about hooks, pinch the barbs... treble or siwash it doesn't matter. I find siwash hooks do way more damage (especially out in the lake).. Ends up making giant holes in their faces.
  12. Paul, you should be able to set the 'that other site-ON' button to be the Autofocus (Which is why they call it back button focusing)....
  13. The supporting cast that a player has makes all the difference in the world. Put certain players together and the magic happens.
  14. ARE YOU TELLING ME THERE IS A DINGO EPIDEMIC IN ONTARIO?!?!?!???! I better start prepping.
  15. Are people really worried about coyotes? Is there a epidemic of packs of coyotes snatching babies from their cribs? The over reaction is hilarious.
  16. Montreal should let the Sens win at least one game so the clincher is back on home soil. Or maybe not, I'd like to see a few more crying Sens fans, lol.
  17. Turn your sarcasm meter back on... Cause that flew RIGHT over your head.
  18. Depending on your camera I'd be using back button focusing with AI-Servo. You're losing a lot of time by using one button for both auto focus and shutter. Also if you know there jumping in a specific spot, manual focus the lens and use a remote shutter. So you can just sit there in your lawn chair and press a button anytime one jumps, if your DOF is deep enough it should work. Also use high speed continuous for your 'Drive' mode. No go back and try that, lol!
  19. So you think they're just going to leave a bunch of toxic waste around and close the gate? lol
  20. I-Pilot head + the remote. It comes in a complete kit for the PD motors.
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