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cranks bait

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Everything posted by cranks bait

  1. Kind of like how they make duck and goose calls in neon colours with shiny silver bands? The magnets in my jacket work great, don't know how velcro works?
  2. I know it did a couple of years ago because that is how I bought my shotgun. I didn't really want to purchase it at the time but the deal was too good to pass up.
  3. I always found that I could not catch a single perch using a perch lure. But when I put on a 5" husky jerk on opening weekend of pike, perch is all I could catch?
  4. This is my understanding as well. Otherwise you have two firearms out at the same time.
  5. I use a BPS myself and love it. Especially the bottom eject. My girlfriend got into hunting this year and I debated on a 20 g for her. Ended up getting her a Beretta semi. Mainly for the weight and easyness to use. I got the 12 g for her so that we wouldn't have to worry about getting shells mixed up while in the blind hunting together. We both skeet shoot, waterfowl and deer. I don't bother with the second barrel. I just use rifled slugs. The cost of 12 g ammo is also less than that of the 20, so I believe but I could be wrong? I just have to make sure I am on the left of her when she shoots so I don't get shells ejected into my head....
  6. If you are intrested in going on the St. Lawrence River I know Gilbert Marine (613) 342-3462 in Brockville has a 20-24 ft toon. I have used it myself a couple of times, and then I figured I better buy my own boat for the amount I was renting it.
  7. I have an '08 E-tec. There was no mention of a 10 or 20 or whatever service. They just mentioned that a service at 300 hours would be recommended. I read the books thoroly as I didn't want to mess anything up. It never mentioned anything about warrenty service? I'd check with BRP directly as it sounds fishy to need a service after 10 hours.
  8. I had an '88 Astro. Drove that thing for 17 years. I always got made fun of, but was always loved for road trips. I have been across Canada and the States several times. Gone off roading with it. The 4x4 guys didn't like me pulling them out, not sure why? It finally gave up the ghost. Upgraded to a '98 Safari. Sadly it was nowhere near the same vehicle. I only owned it for 3 months I hated it so much. I figure with all the love for them, I must have gotten a lemon. Great vehicles for sure. Especially on trips.
  9. I know there is Sturgen down my way here on the Larry. Only time I have experience my graph do that was right under the 1000 Islands bridge where there is a huge under water water fall. Just the water turbulance was enough to mess it up.
  10. I used to live in Jasper. That is actually pretty normal for out there. Nothing like going camping for a few days in the mountains and haveing a storm come in. I loved it. The weather out there was much more bearable than it is here.
  11. I have fished and hunted out of a 20' alaskan tiller. Amazing boat. It sold me. I ordered a 16' console for myself. At the last minute I changed it to an Explorer simply for the raised deck and storage. I do hunt and fish out of it with no problems. I would highly recommend the Alaskan for you. If you hunt, get the camo pattern, I wish I did. It is tough and holds up well. My buddies boat has that and it's at least four years old with no problems in his either.
  12. Big Jim is a great guy. I talk to him every now and then. Not sure if he remembers my name but he knows me for my truck and store. I offered to take Jim out for a quiet day of fishing a couple of years ago when he wasn't doing so well. He wasn't able to take me up on the offer, but I'm still hoping. It's great to see him doing better for sure. Hopefully I'll be able to catch the episode? My outdoors program watching has been almost nill for the past year. I catch Cam's show whenever I can.
  13. Count me in for 0-5
  14. Kelsey's marina or Lakeland lodge, both near Athens end of the lake might have rentals? The bass fishing there can be amazing. Shoals are a great place to fish. Most are marked, but there is the odd one that will pop out at you. The south end and the east have always produced fish for me.
  15. I saw a bunch of it this weekend. mostly American boats doing it. I did call the MNR but didn't expect much. I blatently called out two guys who were top water bassing. They told me they could do whatever they wanted and I should mind my own business. I bit my tongue and wished them well and hoped they got caught and fined.
  16. Not sure about in Bancroft itself. Although about 20 minutes to the East there is the Mayo Community Center. They've always got something going on there. Just be prepared to fight if you do go, they get a little hyper at times.
  17. I have a 75 e-tec on my boat and am very happy with it. The biggest thing I would say is what are you using it for? Run and gun, or very cold weather e-tec has been great for me. If you want to troll for eyes I would say the 4 stroke. I cannot get my boat slower than 2.5 mph without putting out a drift sock.
  18. Keep in mind the water is a bit lower than usual. Rocks that you can usually glide over are now exposed or just beneath the surface. I've been hearing of some good fish coming out of the river. I haven't had a chance to get out yet though. Biggest tip I can give you.....HAVE FUN!!!!!
  19. I can tell you it wasn't me. The forcast for all around us on Sunday was SUPPOSED to be thunderstorms and windy. Not wanting to risk it we never tried. I hymned and hahd all morning as the sky was sketchy. Instead we decided to go to Kingston and go shopping. Ended up ordering a couple of kayaks for fishing and hunting (can't wait to get them). All day my girlfriend and I eyed the sky. Not a drop of rain and it was calm. We were both disappointed that we never got out, but still had a great time cruising the big city!!! Hopefully one night this week I'll have a report. With any luck it will be about my girlfriends first pike, I hope it's a big one!!!!
  20. I too went though this delema a few years ago. Both are nice boats. However I bought the Lund Explorer 1675 SS with a 75 E-tec on the back. I found the lund to have more storage space and a bit more stable. I have not thought ever that I made the wrong decision. I use the boat for pleasure cruising, fishing and hunting. I did upgrade to the double bunk galvinized trailer and the 24 volt 70 lbs trolling motor on the front.
  21. That's pretty much what some after market mounts look like. We use them all the time up at the cottage on the small tinnies. As for loosing bottom, most likely with turbulance and shift of boat. I have never had luck with keeping bottom at speed. My boat always adjusts to a different angle and throughs it off. I figure the transducer and the prop are in the same spot, you;ll know without the graph if you are too shallow
  22. Hopefully they remove the yellow minnow bucket before passing the boat on to someone else Subway eat fresh
  23. I must be blind as I cannot find the classified section here anymore? I thought I saw a really sweet Lund Explorer in there about a week ago for about $10 000.00. Looked like a great set up. It was the same boat I have and love.
  24. Woo Hoo, that is great news to hear. I was out yesterday on the Larry as well and caught the same thing. Zip Zero Nadda, not even a nibble. It's nice to know I wasn't the only one. Sure was nice to get out though. Better luck next time.
  25. The mighty St. Lawrence is the same way. This time of year I can usually walk right off my boat onto the dock. Right now I have to pull myself up. The water is down about 4-5 feet. It's gone down about 2 feet since New Years, the last time I was on the water before the freeze. At least it cannot go down much further because they need to keep a minimum level for the shipping lane.
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