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cranks bait

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Everything posted by cranks bait

  1. Mel and I decided last night to go for an easy relaxing night on the water. Start with a little jigging for bass, that ended up dry. Of course I brought the BPS and call because goose season just opened and I wanted to check out a bay. The geese were there but too close to someones property so I left the gun in it's case and kept the motor in the water. While cruising down the river I thought Wayne was gonna come for a visit. We then decided to do a little trolling in an area that I stumbled upon a few years back. Nobody fishes here yet... I managed to hook up with something just as my lure had passed a waypoint I marked three years ago, I guess I'll keep that one. I got it to about 20 feet of the boat and it shook off. My guess is that it was a walley? Only because I have never caught anything else there. As we trolled over a couple of other waypoints, Mel hooked into something. Just at dusk so I could not see that well. She managed to get it to the boat. Turned out to be a huge eye. 28" and almost six pounds. This was Mel's first walleye and the first eye in the Lund (had it for a year). We trolled for a little longer but got nothing. Now it is dark and the geese were flying over us. Of course the gun stayed put, but I figured I would try some calling. I managed to get my call to work like I have never been able to. Really good sound and fluctuation. I managed to get a couple to change there path but not for long. Being in a boat with the motor going in the middle of the river they figured out quick that I was not a goose What a great evening to be out. Now hopefully this luck continues for the BOQ GTG!!!!!
  2. I've had a Cumara for almost three years now. I really like it, from what I can remember? My girlfriend has taken it over. She just had carpel tunnel surgery so I gave here the lightest rod to use I had, she won't give it back. Go for it a really nice rod.
  3. I have one but never use it. The batteries go dead between fish that are worth weighing?
  4. Even though I am still fairly new to the group I say show up the night before and sit around the bon fire. Or make sure you are ready to go in the morning. From what I have experienced is this is a great group to hang with and no one gets left on shore. btw... Cougars make good luck charms!!! wink.gif Dawg if you are correct on this, might as well hand me the trophy now
  5. Wow that is a nice reel. I almost made a phone call to get one. The eva foam handle really turns me off though.
  6. I had this same problem when I had to hook up my Lowrance. Make sure that you have the right connecter cable. The one for us is different than the us2. Makes all the difference in the world.
  7. Hey Henry, Check the posi post on the battery. I had that problem before and it turned out that the connection was bad at the battery. I put a washer underneath and everything was good again. also have you checked the miles of wire in there? Or the fuse? I believe there was one at the back of the boat? Worse case scenerio, a Terrova would look really sharp on the bow
  8. I plan my trips on whenever I can go. I don't go much by the lunar. Although when I am out night fishing it is nice to have the extra light to be able to see the dingy's and jet ski's running full out with no lights on.
  9. I'm in. Just booked cottage number one. My girlfriend and I will be in one room. It's a two room cottage if someone wants to split with us. Buster this looks like an opportunity for you. My boat only has two seats in it, but I'm sure we could manage more if needed. I know you won't be left on shore so pm me if you are intrested or anyone else for that matter.
  10. OOOOHHHHH I can bring some marshmellows if someone else brings chocolate and graham crackers for smores.
  11. It didn't look like this one did it?
  12. Sniff. Not only was I "unsucessful" with the antlerless draw. I am pretty sure I lost my chance at hunt camp due to my separation. On the upside, it was only $40.00 and I have a buck tag that's good for anywhere
  13. I keep using mine until they will no longer stay on the hook. I've even left them on over the winter and reused them in the spring. The fish they didn't seem to mind one bit.
  14. LOL Gerritt that was great. Your avatar is very suiting to it!
  15. Being that I doubt I will be going to hunt camp this year (divorce need I say more) I should be free this weekend as well. Had a lot of fun a couple of years ago and look forward to going again. Especially now that i have a boat better suited for the bay...
  16. Ah rats. I thought this was true love for real....I guess this explains why she never replied to my e-mail I sent her. So sad. Women, always out to mess with my head....lol.
  17. I'm just up river from you a bit. The bite is slow on the river right now. South of the dam on both shore lines was good for when I fished down there. There are other members here who live there, I will let them give you more info. Welcome to the area.
  18. Honda Ridgeline falls almost into this catagory. The only downfall is the 5 foot bed. Although I have had two xr 200 dirtbikes in the back no problem. Have also had the occasional sheet of plywood in the back, but not much. The tow hook and bed hooks make it easy to secure. Just got into my second one (leased) It's easy for me to say this is the perfect "pretend" truck for me.
  19. That's sweet. Very cool gf to do that for you. Did you use a fillet knife to cut it up? Happy belated
  20. We had something come through last night around seven. Lasted about ten minutes. Wind was strong enough to knock over a 36 foot sail boat right infront of my house. Just out for a race night and out of nowhere they had capsized the boat. Another pontoon with a full canopy was going with the wind. I would guess he was doing about 50 mph, he was just boogying. Glad to hear you are ok.
  21. I leave my boat in a lift sling from ice out to ice in. I only cover in the winter months. I do have a metal roof that is shared with boats on either side so I do not worry too much about rain. I do cover my seats every night though just to keep bugs and bird doo doo off.
  22. I might have a bit of experience here for you. When I was a boy I lived out of my vehicle. I had a 1988 Astro LT. That thing was hidious, but the best vehicle ever to use. I toured across Canada countless times from coast to coast. I lived in Jasper Alberta for 10 years, so I traveled the rockies ALOT!!!! I never had brake fade, never had a problem with over heating. Word of advice, learn to drive. Especially in the winter. In Jasper they did not use salt, and they hardly plowed. Everything was slow and steady. That's what got me where I wanted to go. I put a good set of truck tires on and went anywhere. 4x4's would get a little pissy at me when my old rear wheel drive could pull them out and go deeper than them. There is a whole world out there to see. I loved every moment I spent touring around. I am very glad I did it. When the old van hit 400 000 kms it was time to put it to bed. I upgraded to a 1998 safari thinking I would have the same happiness. That van lasted 3 months, it was a piece of crap. I would for sure say go Astro. Any one I talk too and any I have been in have been a much better vehicle over the GMC.
  23. I want one!!! Hopeing to have mine next year. I'll have to face the elements this year. Looks great.
  24. In my opinion they all make great trucks. Every one of them will have their problems. This debate has been going on since the first one was ever built. After spending two years looking at every truck and suv on the market I ended up in a Honda Ridgeline. In the end with all the features It actually ended up being cheaper than the other guys. I am now on my second one (leased not broken). Look for the features that YOU want. What works for YOU. You're going to get a ton of opinions and get blood boiling over nothing. Get the truck that works for YOU!
  25. My prayers go out to the familly and friends of the employee. I do not have kids, but I cannot imagine the stress that you would have been under to hear it on the news and not know who. Hearing your son's voice tell you must have been a huge comfort factor. Albiet you probably stressed about it still.
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