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cranks bait

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Everything posted by cranks bait

  1. LOL, I think the one with the tongue out could be me? As I am always like that. Thanks for the laugh. Sadly I do not get to watch your show anymore No TV at home for now. Have to rely on the interweb to get a dose of Dave.
  2. A little trick on the zippers Joey is to wax them. I usually forget until I am out with my coat. I have personally used lip balm on several zippers and it works well.
  3. That is great news to hear. I do not want the ice here yet as I am still wanting to do a lot of duck hunting on the river. Hearing that you are freezing over up there is a great sign for me.
  4. I too mountaineer and ice climb. I use that gear for fishing year round as well. I have a Mammut jacket and Marmot bibs. They are both going on more than ten years old. I have never been wet. The outer material is very tough and durable yet not bulky or over heating so it is comfy to wear in the summer as well. What you want to look for is taping throughout the entire product not just at the shoulders and stuff. At least a double stiching to give durability and longevity to the product. Arcterex is another great brand. Although they tend to be a little pricier because they are made in Canada, or they used to be at least.
  5. Sweet pics thanks for sharing. Back when I was a wee boy I used to go into my uncles hunting camp on Lake Mazinaw for spring break. I remember only a few that were there. Bombardier 399, Elan 250, and Evinrude 440, all of which I see in the pictures. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Gee whiz Wayne, don't you think you are pushing it a bit? I mean the river doesn't freeze over till the first week of January, the boating is great right up until the day before.....Lot's of time left
  7. Yup your buddy is an idiot. If he got hit, HE IS IN THE WRONG!!!! I know this because I have had three vehicles destroyed because of this mentality from others. Each one of them was their fault and they got charged. He must wait until it is safe to pull out into traffic. The main street has the right of way not him. And ya the idiots who cut out and then try and turn left in less than a block are completely clueless.
  8. My girlfriend and I went out last night for a full moon fishing adventure after work. I didn't have any expectations as I have NEVER caught anything with a full moon. I needed to try though as I need to get something for wild game night at hunt camp next week.... Weather forcast was to be south winds at 10 kms which would give us some chop on the river. It ended up being dead calm with no wind at all. We trolled an area that she caught her first eye a while back. Spent about 3 hrs on the water and no fish to show for it. We marked lots, but couldn't catch them. After a beautiful boat ride back, wish we brought the camera because the view looking back was amazing. I loaded the boat and got ready to go. Mel points to the ground and asks what that thing is over there. Something big and ugly is slithering on the ground. Low and behold I managed to catch a sea lamprey. This thing was huge. About 2 feet long and at least 2 inches around. She grabbed some pics with her cell phone, still have to download them. It must have got caught up on the trailer or something and held on long enough for me to drop it on the road when pulling out. I have never seen one this big. It's mout was nasty had teeth on it tongue just like in the movie aliens. I have only seen a couple attached to fish and at the most 4 inches long. I guess I didn't get skunked after all, lol. Needless to say It did not make it back into the water, It got tossed instead. Is there someone that I would call to report this? How the heck did I get it to come up with my boat and trailer?
  9. Hate to break it to you guys and girls. Mel and I will not be able to attend. More important things need to be taken care of. Have fun and play safe.
  10. Yup my girlfriend and I will be at the Perfect Vue resort with Buster. There should still be room on a couch or floor if someone needs a place to crash. Can someone tell me where the boat launches are close to the view? Thanks
  11. I used to think that cork was the only way to go. Then i got a couple of orange things and a Cumara that both use the foam. I could not tell you what I like better. For sure not the low end squishy stuff. All I can say is I want as little as possible, I like to feel my rod when it's in my hand.
  12. Looks like the infamous jackalope to me without it's antlers. Or wait, maybe the dog from "the grinch who stole christmas"?
  13. Having spent a lot of time in bear country out west I too am accustom to them. If you are able to build or even get a solid steel storage for you food would be better. They will eventually come into the house for it too. No amount of yelling will help you then. A confused bear in a tight environment is not a place I want to be. Play it safe and smart and keep you food away from living space. Even building a hoist and lifting the coolers will work. Glad things work out for you.
  14. He's hiding his face because he told his wife he was having an affair. As she won't let him hunt. Just covering his butt Very nice deer. Deffinately an inspiration to get out there myself. Thanks for sharing.
  15. I had this on one of my reels a couple of years ago. It didn't last long. Felt like I was fishing with a rubber band. I couldn't feel any hits. I tried it for about a month and then cut it off the spool. For me it was not any good at all.
  16. Congrats on doing the course. It should be an all in one and the instructor should have walked you through the process of getting your PAL. I use a Browning BPS myself. Like mentioned before a rifled slug works well and cost less than a new barrel and sabots. I'm saving that money to buy an actual rifle for deer. Now that you have your hunter ed. you can hunt. You need to get your stamp and tag for deer (I'm guessing that is what you are after?) Your PAL however will probably not be in, but it might close call. Remember if you do not have your PAL for the hunt you can only use a gun if there is someone beside you that does have one. You also cannot have out two guns because there is only one PAL holder. If you were to borrow a gun and stand on your own, you could be in trouble. If you want to join in the hunt and don't have your card yet, you might be able to get a verbal authorization from the Firearms office. If you do not want to throw rocks to take down a deer, take a bow with you. You are allowed to hunt with that. Have fun, be safe!!!
  17. Well I looked. I don't fish NY, nor Bronte, Nor Credit, I actually have no clue where they are. I do not fish in waders, but I do hunt in them and Saturday is opening day for waterfowl, hense the reason I looked. I also do not fly fish, my only rod over eight feet is my trolling stick. Sorry I cannot help. Congrats on getting your son waders, good job on getting him out.
  18. Did you get the insurance package when you rented the boat? I know the marina here that rents boats sent me out in a boat with a messed up lower end once. I turned right around. They tried to blame me and charge me as I didn't get the insurance. If I did i would smile and walk away. I did not pay for it as I did not get 50 feet from the dock with them watching me. I told them if they charge me their bill would for sure be bigger.
  19. What size is it? I'll give you $50.00
  20. LOL, I have the opposite problem. My girlfriend started dating me because I did fish and hunt. She'll wake up in the morning and jump out of bed to go play on the water. She has gotten bigger fish than me so far. She has also taken over my good rods and reels. We are now in the process of getting her setup with waterfowl clothing and it is better than my own???? Don;t push her. Even just taking her out in the boat and having a nice ride and enjoy the scenery is the trick. And as others said. Make it about her, get her into lots of fish and enjoy being out.
  21. Worm dangler, I had this problem last year. They ended up selling me a new card because I needed the hunting one. Then I was told I could be charged because I had two outdoors cards. They are supposed to upgrade your card for you, which will be a piece of paper then get you the stickers that you require. You do not need the mnr to do this, whoever does your lic and cards does.
  22. Wish they told me that when I got the boat, lol.
  23. Toilet paper, nuff said!!!
  24. I went out last full moon, morning evening and night. One day 16 hours on the water. They say three days before and three days after. Not one fish? Last night with an east wind, we managed to pull in the largest walleye I have seen? Wind from the east, fish the least? I look at it as if you don't have a line in the water, you're not gonna catch a fish. I don't pay much attention to the moon. Although it does make it easier to see.
  25. Sweet pics, Awsome fish. Congratulations. That looks like a wicked pitching spot, I am jealous, all I have to work with is deep shoals here.
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