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cranks bait

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Everything posted by cranks bait

  1. Nice rig. Far from what you have been looking at if I recall correctly? I too thought where's the bow mount, but a boat like that doesn't get used for fishing much Congrats
  2. I'm sorry to hear this. Like mentioned, you can still get out fishing. If you are ever down this way my boat is plenty stable for you to sit and fish. I would be more than happy to take you out. i also feel your pain. I had to give up whitewater kayaking because of my shoulder. You are making the right decision.
  3. I posted a bunch of pics from my trip lat Sunday. Yes there were more, but I'm not about to share those, I want to live
  4. I am sorry about your loss Wayne. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.
  5. Way to go on getting your sister out there. Weeds frustrate the best of us. Good for her to stick it out. If a top water bass explosion doesn't get her hooked nothing will. She'll be asking for more for sure!!! A couple of nice fish there.
  6. Not sure if this is related or not? My buddy has an old Caddie. When it rained it would not start. It turned out that the little tab on the side of the key was worn just enough that it couldn't make contact with the hummidity. It drove hom crazy for years. I do not know if your heys have this tab, but if it did I would suspect that. Especially if your wife and you have different keys and hers is worn more? Just a thought.
  7. Well it has been a while since I have posted any reports or pictures here. Got out yesterday (Sunday July 5) with a good friend named Mel. She loves to fish, but has not done it much. We spent the entire day on the water and even got into some fishing. One could not ask for a more perfect day. Mel with a 3.5er Mel with her "small" one at 2.5 lbs. As I retie a lure on for her I give her my rod and tell her to throw into the bull rushes. I hear her yell "oh" Look up and the rod is buckled. I knew she had a good one. Came in at four even. After a few more smaller fish, she lands another one just over four. My best fish of the day! May have hit three? I think more realistic would be 2.5? I thought this was a really cool pic of another one of Mel's largies. After a having such a great day fishing we decided to head home. It felt great to get out with someone who has barely fished and have them catch a lot of fish and some big ones as well. She felt bad that she out fished me, but I was just happy to have great company and a successful day for her. Our ride home turned into a nice moonlight cruise.
  8. That sucks that they won't do that for you. As for the charging extra to put something else on. I can see that, if they have to derig then rerig. I bought my Lund with out rigging and paid a bit more to have my e-tec put on. I had no problem with that as I got what I wanted. When it is separated it is no longer a package deal so it is to be expected to pay more. Again, sorry you're having the hassle. On the bright side, you will enjoy your Lund(s).
  9. I guess you could say I'm in a club. When other people pass by me driving a Honda Ridgeline I get the wave. I was one of the first to drive one so I've noticed it since the beginning. I'm now on my second one. I tend to not really notice any more. When ever my now ex-wife was with me she called it the ridgewave?
  10. I don't think there is a right or wrong. I would guess that it usually goes off to the left because for a console boat the wheel is usually on the right, which is the side that most people dock on. This would leave the bow mount away from the dock so it does not get damaged? Just a guess?
  11. Oh man. I would like to join you. Unforteunately it is way to far away to be realistic for me. Best of luck.
  12. LOL too funny. I had the same problem. I guess I should have warned you. PS-I too made it to the water before any damage could have happened. I now always keep the boat attached. In fact I was in a tourney yesterday and was backing my partners boat in for him and re attached the strap he undid. It's a nasty feeling you get in your stomach when it happens, and I do not want to ever be there again.
  13. It's good to hear these things. I can see how that shelf could be used for other stuff. Mine is down by my feet in my boat. I wanted to put it where they showed you, but my side compartment would not open then. My dealer did basically the same things going over my boat to find a spot. In his words. Why does such a simple thing seem to be so hard to do. The conclusion was at my feet, not the greatest spot, but it works.
  14. Their $7.00 motor covers work grat as seat covers too.
  15. I usually practice catch and release. Although I have kept all the walleyes I've caught in the last three years (one). I've kept two small pike this year out of the 30 I've caught. I might keep about 4 bass a month when in season. Like Dawg, I would say I'm in a low percentile of keeping fish.
  16. I bought this net last year. It works great. Has had several 36 inch pike in it and a ton of bass, sadly not very many eyes. I wanted to get an all rubber one but could not find it. The pike and lures still get caught up a bit if you are not careful, but it is much better than other nets I have used. I also put an extention on it so I could reach out further as I fish alone a lot and use long rods. It's held up real well to the fish and weather. I can highly recommend it.
  17. I too had this problem when looking for boats. When ever I was out and saw a boat in my list I would ask the owner if I could take a look. i ended up buying my boat unseen from a local dealer. If you come down here there is a Lund Alaskan 18' and Explorer SS 17' that you can look around at. I also saw in the paper last night that the car dealer in Belleville had a used Nitro for sale. The one on Hwy 2 and Wallbridge road. My boa took two months to come in. Hastings Marine looks like they have a few boats on the web page as well.
  18. I don't see the banner in which you talk about? What other sites are you on to prompt that?
  19. I have this cover from CTC http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/Sp...vas%2BCover.jsp in the 17 foot bass boat size. The box was different sizing specks. I have had it on my boat for two years now. Even after spending a whole winter it is still in great shape. Has never leaked. It fits my Lund Explorer 1675 SS with room to spare. I would not trailer with it though.
  20. At least there will still be all the days after tomorrows mess is gone through. That downed tree looks like a great bass hotel, along with the rest of the shoreline. Flip and tug all day long there.
  21. This happens to me on occasion. I just chock it up to me being stupid and not paying attention to what I am doing. That is after I do the curse dance.
  22. I have both reels and really like the Saros, then again I cannot really notice a difference. I always manually close my bails. I've never had a problem. I would gladly recycle your Stradic FH if you like?
  23. I found she gets even angrier if you laugh when the spoon breaks bigpikemike, I've been saying for years bring back the strap. Kids get away with murder (sometimes literaly) and know they can because nobody can even say "bad" to them. I took the strap, spoon, yard stick, belt, grandpa's boot, you name it. I have a lot of respect for that. If I got it, I deseved it and have no hard feeling towards anyone about getting it.
  24. The auto is way smoother than the pedal. It moves in tiny increments instead of over shooting like I do manually. I'll lean it this summer, hopefully? I had the wind blow me sideways off couse once. All I had to do was manually steer where I wanted to go and it readjusted itself. No need to get out of the chair and turn it off. Just steer to where you want to go. I find I steer much better with my hands. Maybe I should try holding my fishing rod with my toes?
  25. If he hooked two batteries up in parrellel he will be fine (I did this with my starting batteries cause my fishfinder and live wells suck a lot of juice). It's still twelve volts, it'll just last longer. If he wired it up in series he has made a twenty four volt. Motor will not be so good.
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