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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Some very nice clean and rosey cheeked fish!!!
  2. Great report and very noice Wall-ice!!! Glad to see you're healing well and able to wrassle those mean- fish into submission!!!
  3. Real nice report and pics!!! Looks like a fun time was had by all and some nice fish caught too!!! It doesn't get any better than that!
  4. Looks like a nice Mess O' Fish Dan!!!
  5. What a bunch of crapola that is eh? I prefer to put all of my confidence into my Lucky Mood Ring!!!
  6. Have fun, stay warm, and wear 2 PFDs!!!
  7. Great report and some really nice Tinymouth Bass!!! By the looks of the first few pics and your description of the ambient temps in the later part of the report... I'd swear it was just a bit nippy up there now!
  8. Hey Hey Hey!!! Very good New Angler!!! Great information in the report and real nice pics!!! I wouldn't say all the fish symbols on the sonar were fish, but I'll bet some of them were! I might guess that the fish you were marking closer to shore may be Lakers, they come in shallow for a little while this time of year... have seen some reports of shore caught Lakers recently. Go get some more next weekend!!!
  9. Happy Birthday Chris!!! (belated) Maybe that rat smelled his brother in your egg roll eh? try to ignore any strange cravings you might have for cheese for a while...
  10. Not to be confused with Terrapoopa, which is poop on the ground as opposed to poop on an elevated surface!!!
  11. Real nice report and pics LA!!! Looks like a bit of a milder day as well!... also looks like you don't have to go thru all the stresses of the backwoods lakes to catch noice fish either!!!
  12. That's an excellent first Musky for sure!!! I tuned your pic up a little and put it on photobucket for ya.
  13. Write yourself a check when you're done and take off to the tackle shop!
  14. Oh yeah, big words coming from a hunter eh! Fish are made out of meat too yanno!!! ... just messin' with ya Brian!
  15. They look real good Burt!!! ... all you need to go with them is some cornbread and Collard Greens!!!
  16. Did she catch anything Alex???... she doesn't ever tell us squat anymore!
  17. You're just making it worse John! ... remember!... 3rd degree hangnail, hoof and mouth disease, itchy burning 'roids, SARS, gynecomastia...
  18. If the lake is weedy like Joey says, try casting a Slopmaster Spinnerbait in the 06 color. Starting your retrieve as soon as the lure hits the water, around and through the weeds!
  19. WTH??? Closing up camp while the fish are still biting and winterizing when there isn't even snow on the ground??? ... crazy Canucks!!!
  20. If you'll click on the "quote" button on any post that displays a pic you'll be able to see the "img" code before and after the pic link. [ img ] http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/pikeie2/DSCF3033.jpg [ /img ] That's pikies pic but I put a space between eack "img code so you can see what it looks like... hope this helps.
  21. I use Armorall car wash detergent on mine and it does a pretty good job.
  22. I'd have feigned sickness before I'd have told that one!!!
  23. The majority of my fishing is done alone as well, wear your PFD if there aren't that many folks on the water and especially when the water temps drop below 60*F!!!
  24. I think I'd be more worried about if there was enough T.P. in the house after eating that thing!!! "Honey! Get the camera... I think this thing still has cheese on it!!!"
  25. Keep those camera batteries warm!
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