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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Buxom!... you forgot Buxom!!!
  2. If you're going for Steel... you may want to consider one of these. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...__SearchResults
  3. Like I said... it's very sad.
  4. Have fun and be careful out the Jacques!!!
  5. Even Elmer Fudd doesn't use a feeder...
  6. Great lookin' pics and fish!!! What lures were they hitting?
  7. I think watching a DYI dentistry vid would be more interesting than reading that boring drivvel.
  8. That question is only ok when asked by someone with a southern accent!
  9. Whenever I want to see something really sad, I click on this.
  10. Yeah, form over function... I don't think so!
  11. The kitchen made me hurl a little bit in the back of my mouth!!!
  12. Maybe not to you...
  13. Now that'un right there was funny!!!
  14. You et the bones? You're not s'posed to do that!... and you're wasting all those beautiful tails and fins! No need to go to the doc to have the bones removed, just post pics here and we can instruct your wife on how to remove them! I grew up eating the fried smaller fish whole, I guess it's a southern thing though. Whenever you order catfish in the local restaurants down here they ask you if you want fillets or "whole". Still tryin' to teach Ol' Yeller (she's ) how to eat whole fried Crappie and catfish without gettin' a mouthfull of bones, usually have to fillet a couple up for her. She looks at me like I have crawdads crawlin' out of my ears when I eat the tails!
  15. Everything is always in season down here!!!
  16. Don't fret over it LA! Soft ray fish are nothing more than overgrown minnows (bait!) and noone is going to think you're any less of a fisherman it you don't catch one! ... as a matter of fact, if I caught one down here... I'd bash it's nadz in and use it for Catfish bait!!! ... and noone had better say a croos word to me aboot it!!!
  17. You know you live out in the "sticks" when you get a picture that was taken in 2005 and repost it on the internet at the end of 2008 because you think it's funny and noone else has seen it!
  18. Aboot the title of this thread, more specifically... the word noone (noon-eee?) What's up with that??? Can someone tell me? Does anyone know? I'm no linguist, but somebody has got to know! Does anybody know? I'd be surprised if nobody knew!!! No one? Oh well! http://wsu.edu/~brians/errors/noone.html
  19. I'm not sure if the Humminbird technology is for you... it's built by Rednecks (here in Alabama) for Rednecks!!! All I've ever owned is Humminbird products and they serve me well! ... and in reality, all the major are good products!... It's just whatever you get used to.
  20. I'm there now if anyone would care to join me for a wee bit. Just type my intials in and it will "beep" me! ... caution!... I've been drinkin'!
  21. Another fine mess o' Perch Mr. Ugli!!! Do you always fillet those panfish?... have you ever tried just scaling, gutting, and cutting the heads off and then frying them? That's the way I always do my smaller panfish and I find there's much less waste, takes less time to clean them, and the best part is I get to nibble on the fried tails and fins!!! Fried fins and tails are kinda like potato chips!... once ya start ya can't quit 'til they're all gone!!!!
  22. Beautiful report LA!!! There's nothing wrong with catching Poike!!!... Fish with big teeth and an attitude!!! ... man I love that stuff!!! When I go fishin', I fish for what is biting! Good show on catchin' the Wall-ice when they were biting!... but you ought to know they're gonna bite best during the low light hours! You've really got those fish of the GWN dialed in Bubba! btw... do you ever eat any of those Pike?... they really are decent table fare!!!
  23. I really do hope "Dad" was mistaken and actually had sex with a Peahen!!!
  24. Whut??? ... was it something I said? I gotta tell ya, out of all the salmonoids... I find Brown Trout to be the most beautiful and desireable!!! They are first on my Salmonoid "To Catch" list!!!
  25. Real nice report, pics, and fish FF!!! Who was captain of the boat???... Captain rulez yanno!!! Make their walk the plank the next time if they don't want to jig!!!
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