1. Do y'all REALLY need the meat that badly???... as long as they keep sellin' Black Angus Beef steak at the grocery store, I'm good!
2. The more idiots off the water and in the Deer/Moose woods... means more fish for me!!!
3. Hope y'all are BEHIND this guy!!!
4. When your huntin' Bubba shoots ya between the eyes... don't come runnin' to me!
I quit hunting 35 yrs ago when a couple of my friends asked me if I wanted to go hunting with them, I declined because something didn't feel right. When they returned later that afternoon, one had been shot by the other...
... then there was the carpenter foreman I worked with that fell out of his tree stand and was permantly paralyzed from the waist down!
Y'all have fun out there now... ya heah!!!