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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I also post all of my pics with the date stamp on them!... it keeps you honest and from posting last years fish as caught yesterday. I'm skeptical of pics without the stamp.
  2. Holy Moley! a JohnF report with pics!!! Great report and pics John!!! I think you did very well on the fish pic with all things considered! Most wading pics I've seen on here are either just like yours, with the fish on the bank, or taken by the partner. I think pic taking while doing that kind of fishin' is probably the trickiest of all!
  3. ...
  4. I'd interject with my usual "Could somebody swing by and pick me up?" ... but I'm afraid someone might actually do it!
  5. Sure we have running water! ... there's a hand pump on the well! Right over there by the outhouse!!!
  6. Gasoline dropped $.34 a gallon down here this week!
  7. ...
  8. The bad thing about it Lew is that scam was prolly thought up by our own ccmt! They want your name, address, and phone # so they can send you a barrage of junk mail and telemarketer calls!
  9. ...
  10. ...
  11. ...
  12. I'd like to see those statistics Willum, I'm sure pleasure boating and PWC deaths are mixed in with the fishermen.
  13. .... too late Bern... now where's my mathalyzer test???
  14. 1. Do y'all REALLY need the meat that badly???... as long as they keep sellin' Black Angus Beef steak at the grocery store, I'm good! 2. The more idiots off the water and in the Deer/Moose woods... means more fish for me!!! 3. Hope y'all are BEHIND this guy!!! 4. When your huntin' Bubba shoots ya between the eyes... don't come runnin' to me! I quit hunting 35 yrs ago when a couple of my friends asked me if I wanted to go hunting with them, I declined because something didn't feel right. When they returned later that afternoon, one had been shot by the other... ... then there was the carpenter foreman I worked with that fell out of his tree stand and was permantly paralyzed from the waist down! Y'all have fun out there now... ya heah!!!
  15. Anybody familiar with the 6th song down in the "related videos"? ... the "Incest song" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX0o-gO2ETA...feature=related
  16. 1... I take big shots!!!
  17. It's 6:40 pm CDST... somebody ask me a math question!
  18. It's because of your Alabaster skin doncha yanno! ... mix me one of those Black Ruskies whilst you ponder yer answer Bern!
  19. Knowing what I know now, I'd have to agree!... mud filled socks in cold open water, not a problem for lighter line!
  20. Was hopin' to see an -load of fish porn from you this summer... but nope, same ol' Ger.
  21. ...
  22. Flattery will get you everywhere singingdog! ... and it sounds like you may want to start a little list of your own eh!
  23. Good luck on your quest for the Salmoon roe ehg!!! With all the Salmoon fishermen on this board I'm sure someone could be able to scrounge you up a skien or two! I really enjoy your reports and am looking forward to seeing you with a Beauty Brown!!!
  24. Does this sound familiar? ...don't say it if you aren't going to do it, it just lessens your credibility.
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