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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. After all the political crapola threads, I thought some may enjoy a story about one mans struggle to nourish himself with a happy ending! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27228081/?GT1=43001
  2. ... but! Have y'all ever savored the "Enchilada with Pickle Sauce" while being compromised by a groupie in the trunk of her Gremlin???
  3. Maybe the other 40.9% were out fishing!
  4. Real noice Largie!!!
  5. Excellent report and pics LA!!! We have a slimey red clay mud down here that can be trecherous, I once sunk a backhoe in a mudhole kind of like your truck in the pic... made me chuckle lookin at the pic and remembering the ordeal! That Pike and those Wall-ice are some beautiful fish!!! It looks a tad chilly up there!
  6. I smell wax and salt air!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50b-Q-Z1bF0...feature=related
  8. If you're going to listen to a Nautical tune... listen to a good one!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdZvrWDN5qQ...feature=related
  9. ... but can ya show 'em what to do with a Mudshark!
  10. Don't be a naughty Eskimo! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2nJn6rZdtI
  11. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1804624/yell...ite_commercial/
  12. My goodness! With all the words in that report, I had to recheck and make sure I wasn't reading a JohnF report! Excellent report and pics Ad.!!! ... even if you are too girlie to hold the fish for us! Congrats on the new PB!!! I don't understand about the last fishing trip now that y'all have the new tow vehicle, there should be other ramps open and fishing venues 'til shore ice eh?... It would kill me to have to stop fishin' now and not start back until April or so!!!
  13. I would say that fat and sugar are 2 of the tastiest substances in the universe!... and some folks get downright testy when you suggest they should deprive themselves of some of it (eh Raf?) ... but we can really live with less than we take in as a whole population on this planet.
  14. HOKEY SMOKES BULLWINKLE!!!... I think hell just froze over!!! Nice report and pic Dan'l!!! That's a pretty sweet lookin Smallie too!!!
  15. Yes... exactly! They key to losing weight and being healthy is a healthy diet and exercise!... the first thing you do is go into the fridge and throw out the butter tub, cheese, mayo jar, ice cream, and whole milk... replace the whole milk with skim milk, then go to the pantry and throw out the peanut butter jar and the cookies... all of these "so called" foods are very high in fat! Your body has to do very little to fat in the digestion process and it goes straight to being body fat! There's an enzyme in body fat called Leptin, when you burn body fat your Leptin level drops sending a signal to your brain that you are hungry even though you may not need to eat... it is a built self preservation device and is the main reason overweight/obese people feel like they need to eat even though they don't!!! A low fat diet rich in raw fruit, vegetables, and very lean meat (mainly skinless baked poultry) and low fat soups will make a healthier fitter you!
  16. It's not really the calories of butter and mayo Joey... but the fat content, a healthy adult should only take in 60 grams of fat a day. Most people take in much more than that! Example: and McDonalds Quarter Pounder with Cheese (no mayo or butter) is 26 grams of fat, add a medium fry @ 19 grams of fat... that's 45 grams of fat right there and only leaves 15 grams for the day. If you want to lose weight, cutting your total fat intake down to 30 grams a day will really help and won't hurt you a bit! Add this to a daily workout routine and you'll look and feel better in just a few short months!!!
  17. ... and he is absolutely right!!!... Diet and exercise will shape a body better than just diet or exercise!
  18. What do you plan to do about it Bowslayer? What do you think anybody on this board can do about it? Organized labor has priced themselves out of a job! I see lots of manufacturing facilities closing down in the North, but at the same time... the South is booming with construction projects building new manufacturing facilities with modern equipment, and even expanding facilities that aren't even a decade old and puting our people to work in them Open Shop. They pay good wages and have great benefits... and don't have to worry about strikes. If y'all need a job. come on down! The summers are kinda warm, but the winters are fairly mild with no closed seasons on fishing!
  19. Real nice shore Lakers!!! The water has got to be cooling down pretty well for them to come in close and shallow like that!
  20. Iknow, I know... seasonal report!
  21. Dunno if you really need them... just remember the treadmill, sit ups, and push ups are your friends!
  22. PB = Pretty Bass?
  23. I see 3 Wall-ice and 3 Pickerals in that pic (the big ones are Wall-ice) Nice fish and pic!!!
  24. What does winterize mean?... is that like thowing a pair of insulated Carhartt bibs and jacket in the boat in case the temps drop below 60*F???
  25. Welcome back Bubba!!! Now show us those fish pics we missed while you were gone!!!
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