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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. HA!!! I wish I was an easy buzz like that!!! (I've brained my damage yanno )... but the rocks rattling around in the tiller shroud really did remind me of the drum solo in the Moby Dick Led Zepplin tune... boredom can be amusing sometimes!
  2. Whic reminds me/been meaning to ask... do you ever go fishin'?... have you ever caught a fish before??... are we ever going to see a report from you??? ... or do you just like to play ship disturber on fishin' message boards?
  3. Pain is weakness leaving the body!!!
  4. I do more work by accident than you do on purpose!!!
  5. Define short order... you should probably take your winter tires back off until you have 4 matching winter tires! A mismatched set of four isn't good!
  6. Some real purdy fish there!!! Looks like it wasn't that cold in your nek of the woods either!
  7. I figured you did Darren... was just harassing ya bud!
  8. Don't give Ol' Yeller any ideas!!!... she's already workin' me to death!!!
  9. It's a very dry, rocky, and hard piece of ground on a slope that grass won't even grow on, going to put in a little desert type garden. A few Yucca'a, some Junipers, an Oleander, and maybe a Prickly Pear Cactus or two... and whatever else Ol' Yeller tell me to plant.
  10. Got any "extra's"???
  11. Was tilling out in the yard today and the rocks rattling around in the tiller shroud reminded me of this song.
  12. Does this mean you next report will actually have words???
  13. Good to have you aboard Bluegill!!! That is a very nice Splake!!! I am of German decent, my grandfather on my fathers side was german and was named Dittmar, we called him Ditty for short. Thanks for the pic and looking forward to more!!!
  14. HA!!! Great report LA!!! I expect we should see more reports like that! It looks like that hand is well protected in the Pike pic... is it cold up there??? Thanks for posting that one!!!
  15. You are demented I say woman!!! Love the Cowardly Lion!... put'em up, put'em up, put'em uuuup!!! The flyin' monkey's skeered the crapola outta me when I was a young'un!!! Wouldn't mind runnin' thru a field of Poppies!
  16. what?
  17. Excellent report and pics Rich!!! I gotta say that Sugarpackets is a real trooper to go out in weather like that!!! That's a beauty Largie for anywhere!!!... and the Perch is a darn fine specimen too!!! Not sure if Ryan deserves any accolades for the Pike... prolly had a diver down there that hooked it on his line for him... yanno how those fishin' show folks are! ... just kiddin Ryan, a fine Pike Bubba!!! I've found it's sometimes better to throw out a drift sock on windy days like that and let the wind blow the boat and just use the trolling motor for steering, it beats fighting the wind!
  18. No pics? .... no believe!
  19. Great report and pic!!! That Ottawa River must be crawlin' with Muskies eh?
  20. Here's an interesting link to Temperate Bass in the Great Lakes: http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/seagrant/GLWL/Fish/bass/bass.html
  21. Great skunk report and pics Cliff!!! I'm sure a day on the water with Slowpoke is a great day with or without fish!!! Thanks for taking the time to post that one!!! Ya wanna attract Ducks??? Take a loaf-a-bread out with ya!!! Quack Quack!!! Try to keep up and pay attention son!................. the boy ia about as sharp as a bowling ball I tell ya!
  22. Real nice report there Mr. Ugli!!! I really like the way you keep your keepers looking nice and fresh!... not like the "white" ones I see other people with. I also like the fact that you don't feel you have to "suck down" every bass you catch as well!!!
  23. I see a pattern forming here, you go out in your boat and not too much... go out in someone elses boat and you're a Superstar!!! Good on Dan for putting you on that fish! When fish are that old and the water is that cold, you don't have to beat them into submission with a machete Mike! Just kiddin' ya Bubba! Great report, pics, and fish!!! Way to tough it out in miserable weather!!! You're lots tougher than me when it comes to cold weather!
  24. Man o man that's a beautiful fish Steve!!! Big and fat and reaaaal purdy too!!! It'll be a pleasure to update our tourney entrie with that one!!! ... but there is one thing I don't like about it.......... I didn't catch it! Congrats on a real "Killer" Musky!!!
  25. I've had people call me on the phone and wake me up in the morning just so they can be the first one to "tell me" that day.
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