There's a technique called "Jump Fishing" that we use down here in the South. It is when a large school of fish (usually White Bass, Stripers, or Spotted Bass) push a large school of Shad to the surface and the water will literally boil with the feeding frenzy!!! This phenomena happens in the early morning (just after sunrise) and evening hours (right before sunset) in the summer and fall. You can find these feeding frenzies by looking for circling and swooping gulls. All you have to do is throw something that roughly resembles a shad into the school and it's a fish every cast!!! The predator school won't necessarily be all of one species of fish either, you can catch a White Bass one cast, then a Striper, then a Spot, and even a Largie! It really is amazing to see! I like a small Heddons Torpedo or Tiny Torpedo best for this type of fishing, but it really doesn't matter what you throw as long as it looks roughly like a small baitfish... a Crappie jig will work!
I'll try to get some vid of this some time.
Here's a link that explains a little more:,M1