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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Yup! White Perch... and a darn fine specimen too!!! They are a Temperate Bass like White Bass and Stripers, a nomadic schooling fish.
  2. ... and you didn't even have to wait for bly to catch you a big fish to hold up in a pic!!!
  3. Right now it's 37.9*F with a pea soup fog, s'posed to go up to 73*F with bright sunshine and winds out of the NW @5-10 mph. I'll be tilling up a landscaped area in the front yard today.
  4. Chattin' with some guy that likes to use leeches for bait right now...
  5. That narrows it down a LOT!!! ... yanno your headwear in those pics makes ya look like a commie eh?
  6. Do you really think the world needs another GCD? ... I didn't.
  7. 40 millimeters?... that's like $1.27 U.S. eh? Y'all measure your fish in inches... your rain in millimeters...and snow in centimeters??? What's up with that?
  8. Am I the only one that noticed? Real men don't sit next to each other when there is 3 seats!!! Not that there's anything wrong with that......... yeah there is!!!
  9. If you'll change your target to "multi-species".. you'll always get what you're after!!! Great report and pics!!! Thanks for sharing!
  10. The fish don't give a dang if it's raining!!!... as a matter of fact, they like it!!! They're already wet!!! The rain also keeps the rif-raf down and gives you the solitude of what fishin' is all aboot!!! Real nice pics and report!... thanks for taking the time to post that report!!!
  11. Y'all did good Kevin!!! ... we sould all buy all y'all a nice Brewski!!!
  12. Being a Redneck from the Southeastern U.S., I just gotta ask... is that really a frozen Moose turd they're batting around on the ice with those curved Willow branches??? A Hoser named McKenzie from Alberta told me it was...
  13. There's a technique called "Jump Fishing" that we use down here in the South. It is when a large school of fish (usually White Bass, Stripers, or Spotted Bass) push a large school of Shad to the surface and the water will literally boil with the feeding frenzy!!! This phenomena happens in the early morning (just after sunrise) and evening hours (right before sunset) in the summer and fall. You can find these feeding frenzies by looking for circling and swooping gulls. All you have to do is throw something that roughly resembles a shad into the school and it's a fish every cast!!! The predator school won't necessarily be all of one species of fish either, you can catch a White Bass one cast, then a Striper, then a Spot, and even a Largie! It really is amazing to see! I like a small Heddons Torpedo or Tiny Torpedo best for this type of fishing, but it really doesn't matter what you throw as long as it looks roughly like a small baitfish... a Crappie jig will work! I'll try to get some vid of this some time. Here's a link that explains a little more: http://books.google.com/books?id=ciZvNIIsW...esult#PPA118,M1
  14. NO PICS??? ... you will be shunned!!!
  15. Start with a good map of your area to find likely water bodies. Google Earth should help.
  16. More like a 70's reunion!!! Remember Rad, Google search is your friend!!!
  17. Welcome to the board! There's plenty of help here, maybe not so much directly... but if you'll read the reports and pay attention. The steelheaders on here can be pretty snitty at times, and going out and doing the legwork is half the fun anyway... post your successful and not so successful trips here and you'd probably get mare tips. Bribing us with past fish pictures may help... and if you don't know how to post pics it'll get you started!
  18. A Loomis rod a sleeper?... I don't think so! The money you pay for those things, they should be sweeter than sweet! I've got an Ugly Stik Tiger Lite I bought for Musky... gave $60 for it and that is one heckuve rod!!!
  19. Would anybody want this banana in their boat? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrGPbXn1PXM...feature=related
  20. I find that trolling with the wind is a more natural presentation (baits flowing with the wind current), but a deep "V" will fly with the wind. I use a drift sock to help slow me down and the bowmount trolling motor for direction control. Trolling against the wind will really slow you down, but control is more difficult, especially if the wind is variable from different directions. In the cold weather months where speed is important than direction I'll troll against the wind.
  21. You noticed eh! To heck with the woids!!!... we just wanna see the pics Bubba!!! Excellent pics douG!!! ... thanks for posting those!
  22. JHC!!!... that's skeery!!! Looks like Don Rickles dressed up in drag!!! ... a "friend" of yours Brian?
  23. Great report, pics, vids, and fish LA!!! Looks like the Wall-ices are really fattening up for winter!!! Cliff, you need to come down here one August! I'll show you how the Rednecks do "sweating"!
  24. Dan, Mike and all the rest heading out ...be keerfull!!! That weather forecast sounds nasty!!!
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