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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ... and marshmallows!
  2. Vague report ... but very nice pics!!! Thanks for sharing that!!!
  3. Well if you'll go back a little further, it's when they conjoined the net (trawler) with the motorized boat... it was the beginning of the end for many species. Throw in todays advanced sonar and the fish don't have a chance. I remember back in grade school in the early 60's they taught us that the oceans resources were so vast that they would never be depleted... little did they know...
  4. Yeah,Yeah,Yeah!... we know!... the money goes to line the pockets of the Fat Cats in Ottawa!
  5. Real nice report!!! Some nice pics and fish!!!
  6. Good stuff Lew!!! Glad ya had a good time, caught some fish and got back home safely!!!
  7. Now there's a name you don't see to often on this board, Bream is what we Rednecks call all sunfish. It's even written into our fishing regulations meaning all Bluegill, Redear Sunfish, Pumpkinseeds, Green Sunfish, Rock Bass, Warmouth, and Fliers. Our version of the Walleye/Pickeral thing.
  8. I never use a tripod in the boat, just set the camera on the front pedestal seat and shoot toward the back of th boat. If fishing from shore, I only use a tripod when fishing somewhere with fairly level ground. I fish rip rap from shore sometimes and just find a nice rock to set the camera on.
  9. She did an excellent job Rich!!! Thanks for that one!
  10. Buy the Sportsman license, it doesn't cost that much more and the money goes to the benefit of the resource.
  11. I hate when people do that! ... Touch the weed Nancy-Boy!!! It's not going to hurt you ... really! Might as well take a pallet of bricks with you and throw one in the water every time you make a cast!
  12. I think you can do the same thing with a cane pole and a cork!
  13. You and bly would look good going 'round the lake in one of those Cliff!!!
  14. Doesn't Lew have a trip planned for today? Hopefully he is resting instead.
  15. This is the best kind of Wild Turkey!!!
  16. Bwahahaha!!! caught it on a piece of pink bubblegum!!! ... or is that a strawberry marshmallow?
  17. Buy them large enough to go over those long handled woolies and frilly frillies y'all wear up there Don!!!
  18. ... and it's still early enough to make plans to attend so you can write your own report!!! Wear warm clothes if you go... make sure you have fresh batteries for the camera too!!!
  19. I had a similar ordeal with a young Lab mix dog I had. I had bought a nice new Rattle trap and Cleo was about 6 mo. old and was chewing on everything. I put the lure on the kitchen table (still in the box) and laid down for a nap. Woke up to the most god awful howling and yelping you ever heard! Went in the kitchen and there was the lure box on the floor all chewed up and she had one treble in her lip and the other in her butt!!! How she did that I'll never know! Was able to calm her down and remove the one from her butt (flank actually) but couldn't get the one out of her lip, even wrapping her up in a towel like a straight jacket. Had to take her to the vet and have her sedated so they could remove the treble from her lip. Ater that she never showed in interest in fishing lures again!
  20. I will wear them in winter too Don, they're wind proof too!!!
  21. I own a set and love them!!! Can't say enough good things about them!!!
  22. Calm down, the fish will be there the next time you get out! ... or not.
  23. I think yer gettin' a nibble Jed... Mike, consider the following: 1. He's an ignorant hick turned arrogant billionaire... 2.If you post a lot of words with a report, some folks may feel inclined to pick it apart... we're just here for the pics Bubba... 3. Internet sticks and stones don't pack near the punch as real life sticks and stones... 4. At least he didn't bash you post count!
  24. So that would be (D) all of the above?
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