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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Maybe not a backyard fix... but I do agree that a new head would be a better and proper fix!
  2. I fixed your pics for ya, if you'll copy and paste the second URL down on the list the pic will appear in your report. Very nice fish and pics!!!
  3. That is a very healthy lookin' Pike!!! Thanks for postin' that report and pic!
  4. Nice report and pics!!! I've noticed that you're a master of the self-timer feature on the camera, good job! Nice little boat too! You can't beat the MPG's on that one!!!
  5. ... anybody wanna talk Turkey?
  6. We like pics John!!!
  7. We had Canadian Thanksgiving yesterday... and again today! We'll also celebrate in November... I'm gonna be fat as a HOG by the New Year!!!
  8. A game warden was driving down the road when he came upon a young boy carrying a wild turkey under his arm.> > He stopped and asked the boy, 'Where did you get that turkey?' > The boy replied, 'What turkey?' > The game warden said, 'That turkey you're carrying under your arm.' > The boy looks down and said, 'Well, lookee here, a turkey done roosted under my arm!' > The game warden said, 'Now look, you know turkey season is closed, so whatever you do to that turkey, I'm going to do to you. > If you break his leg, I'm gonna break your leg. If you break his wing, I'll break your arm. Whatever you do to him, I'll do to you. So, what are you gonna do with him?' > The little boy said, 'I guess I'll just kiss his and let him go!' > > > > May your stuffing be tasty > May your turkey plump, > May your potatoes and gravy > Have never a lump. > May your yams be delicious > And your pies take the prize, > And may your Thanksgiving dinner > Stay off your thighs! > > > > Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! > >
  9. btw... The time spent not catching fish and catching small ones gives the big ones time for their mouths to heal up from that whippin' y'all put on them!!!
  10. Excellent report, fish, and pics ehg!!! Those Pickerals look like small torpedos. ... and that's a real nice 'Gill!!! The Musky is a real Beauty!!! ... I'd nearly give my left nad to catch one like that!!! A very good day on the water for y'all, thanks for sharing that!!!
  11. Yeah yeah yeah! I knew you were full of Catfish bait with all that "We've been gettin' skunked" manure!!! Very nice report pics, and fish!!! That's some sho' 'nuff sexy nail polish bly is wearin' in the Pike and baby fish pic!!! Good on y'all for gettin' out... now show us the rest of the big fish pics!!!
  12. Completely disregard my first post Jed... this guy sounds like he really knows what he's talkin' about!!!
  13. I don't have a problem with it, do you think that you could fish or hunt somebody's fenced and posted private property just because they leave their gate open? He left his gate open and I could access it!... I think not!
  14. The way small cars are selling these days... you'lll porbably just be buying somebody elses problems! ... not only will you have the initial buying cost, but you'll probably need to replace all belts, hoses, fluids, filters, new shocks, and have the brakes inspected just to make it road worthy. Checkout a new Kia or Hyundai to save yourself some grief!
  15. The Deja Vu-deo!!! Quick!... sombody give T.J a math test!!! That looks like a very tasty way to cook a bird Bossman!!!... but I'd have to stand guard over mine with a shotgun to protect it against the neighborhood cats, dogs, and the FF nextdoor! Thanks for takin the time to post that!!!
  16. Very nice pics Brian!!! We don't have to look very far at all to find something we have to be thankful for!
  17. Great report and pics!!! That is a beautiful fish in the last pic!!!
  18. There for a sec... I thought this was a political type thread! Very noice Tiny Mooth Basses there Bubba!!! If ya just gotta have a fishin' fix, come on down to 'Bama and I'll take ya out!
  19. Is that your blue baseball cap Dan?... if so, you're famous Dude!!!
  20. The 6 lb. Rainbow is fargin' huge eh? http://www.anglersatlas.com/photos/view/1336/310/ Congrats Joey and Patrik!!!
  21. Very nice report and pic!!! Looks like a nice sunny but cool day up there today!
  22. Beautiful pics Terry!!! Those trees look like they're on fire!
  23. ...
  24. Like I said John, you did as well as anyone on the fish pic given the circumstances of standing out in the middle of the creek, holding your rod and reel in one arm (and camera too I reckon) and holding the fish with the other hand... just ain't no easy way to do that!!! Some folks hold the fish at arms length which is ok for a smaller fish, but I doubt you'd get the whole 18" fish in the pic doing that. I've found if you'll take the pic with your back to the sun so your shadow shades the LCD makes it easier to see the screen.
  25. I've always been told to never criticize anyone unless you can do better. How many timely pics have you posted? I've posted more than my share of fuzzy pics, and would rather post a slightly fuzzy pic than not post a pic at all!!! I still say you did a great job John, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your reports with pics!!!
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