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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Some people will believe anything, I've also heard that Ethanol is just as dirty as gas, cost more than gas to produce and uses more product to refine it. If we had that much extra corn, why is the crap so expensive, 2 cobs of pig food for 90 cents.
  2. Maybe you need a baited vehicle with a couple guys hiding in the trunk like the trunk monkeys.
  3. okay, okay, ya got me on that one, but I'm keeping a eye on ya.
  4. Well I have to disagree with you, maybe make some phonecalls, Shell is one of the only ones in Ontario that does not have ethanol in the premium.
  5. Give radioworld a call, just down the road from you www.radioworld.ca
  6. You might want to do a bit of research before making a blanket statement about no ethanol premium, Shell is one of the very few that has no ethanol premium and even there, as far as I know, in some areas even the Shell premium is mixed.
  7. Transoms are generally 15" or 20" give or take an inch. Motors are easily measured, from the top of the cavitation plate(flat "wings" either side and above the prop) to the bottom edge of the motor mount that actually touches the top of the transom on the boat. The cavitation plate is usually located even with the bottom of the hull to about 1 inch below. Some experimenation is done to achieve best performance, each boat is a little different.
  8. First, what do you mean a "watercraft licence"?, registration for the boat or a safe boating operators card. Okay, read this for the safe boating operators card: The Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations require operators of pleasure craft fitted with a motor and used for recreational purposes to have proof of competency on board at all times. Proof of competency can take 1 of 3 forms: 1. A Pleasure Craft Operator Card; 2. Proof of having successfully completed a boating safety course in Canada prior to April 1, 1999; or, 3. A completed rental-boat safety checklist. The operator card is good-for-life. These requirements are being phased in over ten years. Date at which proof of competency is required * How this applies to operators** of pleasure craft fitted with a motor and used for recreational purposes: * All operators born after April 1, 1983, proof of competency required on board by September 15, 1999. * All operators of craft under 4 m in length, including personal watercraft, proof of competency required on board by September 15, 2002. * All operators, proof of competency required on board by September 15, 2009. * These requirements apply in areas outside the Northwest and Nunavut Territories at this time. ** Applies to non-residents operating their pleasure craft in Canadian waters after 44 consecutive days. Operator card or equivalent issued to a non-resident by their state or country will be considered as proof of competency. If you hold any certificate on the List of Certificates of Competency, Training Certificates and other Equivalencies as Proof of Competency when Operating a Pleasure Craft, you already meet the requirements of the Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations – you just need to make sure you carry your certificate on board. Proof of certification may include original documentation or a copy of the certificate.
  9. Well got to give her a thumbs up, not many people are that adventurous, she'll get to see things in person most of us only get to see in pictures.
  10. Rain suits are one of those things you can't scrimp on unless it's use is rare to none. I used to wear the rubber coated ones or PVC, after 30 minutes you're just as wet inside as out from the perspiration, then you get cold and freeze the brass clangers and all you want to do is get somewhere warn, ie, where the fish are not. I got the basic "goretex" outfit, cost $150 on sale, top and pants, has served me well and have never gotten a drop inside.
  11. Well that time of the month again, ding dong, okay who am I going to "get off my lawn" this time. Direct Energy, did you receive your member card yet with the rewards? No, who's managing your gas and hydro, non of your business, now get off my lawn. For the gullible ones(appears there's lots of you out there, otherwise they wouldn't be making money) that are shown something that looks like a credit card to collect your rewards, pay attention even if you don't have a plug nickle to your name. It's another scam, so don't be moaning like a cat in heat if you've been hosed by the skunk. Here: http://investmentblog.wordpress.com/2010/03/30/beware-the-direct-energy-rewards-program/
  12. I typed in "mariner 15 impeller repair" and got a bunch of hits. Definitely not hard to do, tilt the motor up, you'll see anywhere from 3-5 boltheads at the bottom of the cavitation plate, undo those, leave one partially in. Tilt the motor back down, remove the cowl and follow the shift lever linkage to the inside where it goes down, there's a clip on the shift linkage rod that has to be removed. Once that's done, remove the last bolt from the lower unit..**careful**, it might drop, catch it. Whatever you do, DON'T rotate the shift rod where it goes into the lower unit, it's a preset amount, otherwise you might not get forward or reverse. The impeller sits inside the housing that goes over the driveshaft, usually 4-5 small bolts holding the cover on. Remove that, pull out the the old impeller, add a bit of vaseline to the new one, PAY ATTENTION to which way the old fins are bent, it only rotates in one direction, otherwise you might fubar the new impeller. Most marine shops will carry the impeller kit, remember to bring your engine serial and model number, Good luck.
  13. I can only say beware of the one dealer n/w of Barrie. I'm sure there'll be a couple of others that can point you in the right direction. Oil change, lower unit, plugs, fuel filter valve lash, water pump impeller and thats about it.
  14. Price decreases as waiting time increases, by tomorrow it will be worth sooooo little, you'll have to pay us to take it away..
  15. How old is the motor? Approximately how many hours?
  16. Well it's understandable that Bill the Bass Man is upset, you have to take into account that bass anglers have a shorter fishing season(not open yet) and therefore a higher level of frustration, often trying to relieve themselves by taking stabs at others when they should be giving themselves the rapid handshake. If you read the OP thread, it sure looks like an add and if you were a bit trigger happy then BtBM fires off a whereas in good taste, should have just hit the "wake up a mod" button, and had them look at it.
  17. Not just a one holer spewing crude: http://beforeitsnews.com/news/76/057/Scientists_Warn_Gulf_Of_Mexico_Sea_Floor_Fractured_Beyond_Repair
  18. I didn't think you were supposed to stir Lasagna or Pizza
  19. You need to do some lobbying, I have at least 4 Timmies, 1 Country Style and another No name within 5 minutes of the boat launch. They're open 7/24 except for Xmas and NYR. As for Starpuk*, yech, horrible coffee for a crazy price.
  20. Early, beat the boat launch cluster fuddle.
  21. Or you can get the prospective buyer to take over the payments remaining.
  22. ..and that's what 2 strokes dump into the water.
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