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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Ya, I feel for ya, a lot of the US companies don't give a shoot and use the highway robbers to do their deliveries. I got hosed the same way by Versa Electronics, the ones that bought out Aqua Vu/Nature Vision, sent it in for a simple program update, those buggers put down it was a new product. Almost cost three times the initial amount. Other than Cabelas, I won't deal with any companies there if they won't ship by USPS.
  2. In your first picture, take out the chrome cleats, use the holes for mounting a 6" wide plank across from side to side, use longer bolts and place a bit of carpeting between the plank and gunnels. Underneath, fit the longest and widest piece of aluminum plate, (3/16" is good) that you can get in there. Once it's sandwiched together, the downriggers won't move. using longer bolts lets you replace the cleats on top of the plank. Wood to use, oak or maple, give it a couple of coats of water sealer.
  3. Well, what kind of boat do you have? Aluminum or FGlass? You can't get under the gunnels at all? Is there is piece of trim that runs along the edge on the outside of the boat? My neighbour used a plank to go across the back of the boat and used "J" bolts to hold it down on the edge trim. Maybe give us a picture or two. Barring that, where are you in Barrie? I'm just down the road from you.
  4. The "O" rings I mentioned are found on the inside of the connectors at both the tank and engine ends, did the new hose come with new end connectors? If you used the old connectors, check. There's also the possibility that you have a bunch of floating crud inside the carb and it's jamming the fuel passages. It may need a thorough cleaning. Seafoam can be found at most NAPA or Carquest stores. Good luck
  5. Not a true Deep Cycle, but a dual purpose model.
  6. By your diagnosis of "pumping the primer bulb and it will keep going", you have a fuel delivery problem, anywhere between the tank and carb. It could be as small as the "O" rings onn the connectors if those models have them, a small crack in the fuel line or a loose hose clamp.
  7. Off to the store, hopefully there's one left for me, they definitely work.
  8. "What if", but you can't because no one can turn back the hands of time, your destiny has taken you on a trip, sometimes a bumpy road, sometimes a paved highway, you can change as you go forward but never backward. Education is only a small part of the equation, experience can often count a lot more. A friend of mine recently applied for a lofty job with the UN that "required" an MA which of course he didn't have. His experience blew the other applicants clear out of the water. Good luck in your endeavours.
  9. Wishing you the best of health..
  10. I've used the Scottys since 1987, they are still holding up, used for downrigging and with dipsy divers.
  11. Bingo..You hit the nail on the head Big Cliff..with a great big hammer.
  12. Last rumour I heard Barrie was looking at aluminum boats, they don't bounce off the trailer if you ferget the tie down straps.
  13. 1. Never saw any cute, blond, big headlighted wearing a short skirted guys, girls yes, , with the deer caught in the headlights look and more Bull stories than you can shake the ticket book at. 2. There's a few things, previous record, run you on the system and it shows, some just don't learn and have to have an audience with the Judge..repeatedly. 3. How did your actions affect other traffic around you, did you cause a hundred car pile up or are you day dreaming with your hand in your pants. 4. Attitude..oh it's not my fault, if you were at the donut shop you never would have caught me speeding in the first place, or don't you have some more important crime to resolve. Cellphone, what cellphone, I was just reprogramming my head by placing my communication device close to the hearing access port. 5. Fill a quota, nope, there's enough idiots on the roads that there's no effort required for that one. 6. Having a bad day goes 2 ways, sometimes a "gentle" calm voice can make the difference and get you a break. There's a few more, but I don't do that job anymore, retired from it and moved to something a bit more docile.
  14. I always figured it was easier to lay an egg than a chicken.
  15. Well here's round two of my effort, seeing as how all the rest must be just whaling in the fish. You have a downrigger(s), do you have bal..never mind that part, cannon balls, preferably not the round ones from the dark ages, but heck for now they'll do. Keep an eye out for either the flatter pancake shaped ones or torpedo weights, they track straighter and don't swing back as far. Downrigger release clips, there's many different models, I prefer the "Offshore" black ones, they're small and they work. Depending on what fishing line you use, mono 14-17lb is lots sufficient, let out about 20 feet of line with your spoon attached, squeeze the release and insert the line about 1/2 way, do a controlled "lower away the cannonball" meanwhile paying out line from the rod. Say at 50 feet down, stop cannon ball, place rod in the rod holder and gently retrieve some of the line until you have a good curve in the rod. If you use braided line, you may find that you have to insert the line all the way into the downrigger release and even then, it may pop off on its own, too slippery for my liking. If you see fish on the F/F, you can either raise or lower the cannon ball to get into the preferred zone. Don't forget to pay out line while lowering and retrieve if you come up higher. Now for this part REALLY pay attention. Some people drag their bal..cannon balls on the lake bottom to stir up the mud when chasing lakers. If you get hung up between rocks, fishing nets, etc, have a dedicated pair of sidecutters that stay right beside the downriggers, you can, others have and paid the price, get sucked down if you get hung up in the nets, or from wave action if you get hung up on bottom. Go to the locals up there and I'm sure they'll give you a heapin helpin handful if needed. Good luck.
  16. Ha, welcome to the water with no fish, now that I have your hopes down to a reasonable level, remember that some things that work on those glow in the dark 40lb salmon from that stinky pond known as Lake O, don't necessarily work all that well or at all on the GBay/Lake Huron salmon. I've tried the Spin Doctor/fly combo a number of times with nothing. A lot of the GBay/ Owen Sound guys use Silver Fox lures, silver/green/blue colours, or Fish Witches if you can find any. Plugs like Lymans, in the old White /Black ladderback are the most reliable. What depth to troll at?, depends on the water temps, around Owen Sound last week, the preferred temps were only down 45-55 feet over 80 FOW. After a good blow, it can be a real roll of toilet paper. There's a very good tackle shop up in Owen Sound, Watsons Tackle House, good people, won't give you the gears. Good luck.
  17. Oh it's possible, but then they were using equipment (straps) that are not up to snuff, hmmm..ya right. Along with a secondary tie down. No use trying to prop these guys up, been there, haven't done that.
  18. From last Septembers crash..Two city officers were removed from Barrie's marine unit following the crash and there was an internal investigation. "I'm not allowed to divulge how they were reprimanded," Adam said. Two weeks of gruel, water and plain donuts, ya, reprimanded my I strongly believe part of the safe boater course(mandatory) must include safe trailering and load safety. ,
  19. Maybe we should have to call up A Channel and have them send over a news reporter and find out, if they want public support, make it an even playing field.
  20. Well I'd sure like to meet the dumbazz who stuck the drumsticks that close to the butt.
  21. Good thing the chicken came first, imagine eating KFE..
  22. You better watch your tongue or we'll come and burn down part of the White House again
  23. Yup, looks like someone opened up a big can of whoopazz and it's movin east at a pretty good clip.
  24. Seems kinda strange that there's a lot of people looking for them because they are reliable and cheap to drive, as for 13l/100km, I do better than that with a Dodge CTD, use 12.5l/100km and I could probably put your rice burner in the back with all the kit and not drop much..
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