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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Okay, at best, I believe the only thing you should be able to do without the ignition key is raise and lower the motor from the control control or at the motor if it has a switch on the side. Therefore, there is a wire being shorted between the ignition and the up/down switch. I would still take the console control(hand accelerator) cover off and check for loose/shorted wires. Where are you located? Maybe one of the OFC fellows close to you can give you a hand. Good luck.
  2. I can just about read his lips, that's some second rate crab meat they're flogging..
  3. You say that the motor starts to crank while you're attempting to tilt(raise) the motor? You have some serious gremlins in that wiring. Without knowing what you have (tiller or console), I'm suspecting you may have some loose or short circuited connectors if it's got the remote control. If you have the remote beside the steering wheel, see if you can open it up and do a quick check of the wiring inside there. Give us some more info tiller/steering, does the tilt up have enough oil in the system, etc.
  4. It's only dumb if people aren't aware of it, do as you wish, I'd hate to see someone get boned because
  5. Common violations that can be avoided direct from the MNR site: Possessing more fish than permitted by your fishing licence or the fishing quota. Catch and retain and possession limits may vary by region, fisheries division, individual body of water, or even parts of a body of water. You must determine your “daily” fishing limit for the waters you intend to fish and follow these limits. Remember you may only catch your own limit – there are no provisions for “party” fishing or for excluding fish that you may have consumed or plan to consume that day.
  6. Sinclairs belief: Is that specifically called out in the regulations? I always was (and still am) of the impression that you can fill up your boat's stringer/live well until the number of fish reaches the combined limit of the licenses on board. Since the wording of the law says "possession" and not "catching" (with the exception of some Aurora Trout reg's I believe) Same deal for ice fishing - 5 guys tending to 10 tip-ups. We always combine our limits. Who is to say who a fish belongs to? The guy who put the bait on? The guy who shouted flag up? The guy who owns the tip-up? This is called party fishing and not allowed, if you wish to use the word "possession" then the owner or Captain of the boat is in possession of the boat and contents and then he is way over the limit. Therefore it's wise to know who caught what and never mind filling your buddies limit.
  7. Mine has been in use for about 27 years, no problems, it's a regular stainless type. The only thing is the type of ground you want to use it in, mostly used for sandy soil within 40' of the water table. I don't know if that would work for your soil conditions.
  8. With 10lb cannon balls, I doubt that the steel cable would or could make it back to the prop, but, when you hook up your lines to the releases, you would sure want to be driving in a straight line until you get the balls down to the desired depth with no slack in the line. Mine are mounted on the side at about the 2/3 distance from the front, I drive a tiller so the rods are still forward from where I sit and close enough for the person up front.
  9. Write or cal the local Unit and find out what they were doing, maybe training, then voice your opinion on the antics they were causing. Maybe the boss needs to "reel in" some that have eaten too many oats.
  10. Oh Lew..you guys are sooo helpless at times I called up this guy from over in the woodline, give him a mouse and he just about pee'd all over himself. http://www.urbannaturestore.ca/shop/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=771&idcategory=7
  11. Fox pee, douse a couple of cotton balls and lay them in an empty tin can. someone told me once a couple of dime store rubber snakes do wonders.
  12. Well, I'll bite out of sheer curiosity too, someone must be a sucker for punishment..3 car seats, someones primal urges to reproduce are going to curtail their fishing time.
  13. Bingo, how many do you think are out there like that. If some sticky fingers ever borrows one of mine on the long term plan and I ever see it again, there are little "spots" that have particular markings that you'd need a forensic lab tech to discover.
  14. All depends on Mother Nature and maybe a shot of good luck. I work in that general area and check the Pine River daily, if it was any lower the soles of my feet wouldn't get wet crossing it. Oh, and have not seen a salmon or rainbow yet, little minnows and creek chub are it. If I see any, I'll post.
  15. Well it's 10pm and I'm not playing tag with the mosquitos anymore, I think someone forgot to pay the electric bill.
  16. Not picking on you by any stretch, but this is probably what happened to this trailer. The guy that owned it(now deceased) before you, probably had another trailer, (maybe snowmobile or utility, doesn't matter) and used that plate to get the trailer home and probably from there played switcheroo with the trailer plate as he saw fit, therefore never registering it or paying the tax owed. I wonder how many "home made" trailers there actually are out there with their file numbers engraved not likely. Oh, and I don't work for the taxman and I really don't give a damn if the taxman gets some new threads machined in his ringpiece.
  17. Well if you're going to go with that and if it's a real company manufactured boat trailer, at least put in the effort of removing the often stamped in VIN on the trailer. At least then if you get stopped and they check your bogus registration which will now have a "file" number instead of a VIN and the see a VIN on the trailer, you won't have so much explaining to do. When they run that old VIN it will come back to the previous owner. Too add some more, if it really was owned by the guy you're buying it from, it's as easy for him to go to the licence office, they will run is Dvr licence and it will give all associated vehicles and plates to owner. He can then get a replacement registration.
  18. Yes, the same as your car, truck, ATV, etc. If the old owner can't provide it, you kind of wonder if it's "hot" or not. It's the old owners responsibility to provide you with a new one.
  19. Is it not better to be angry and try and save something, than lay down without a word and watch something go to hell. Share the resource..equally.
  20. That's quite the picture and written report, worthy of making a magazine article. Looks like you deserved those fish after humpin in that far.
  21. And when the lake is empty, they'll find something else that will eventually fail.
  22. Unidens are good, one fellow on one of the other boards has one for sale brand new for $100 although I see the same one, Uniden Solara, for $109 at Durham Radio in Whitby. For an antenna, don't pi$$ around with the 3' noodles, get an 8', you'll be glad you did when you need it.
  23. I can't find anything either other than the few listed combo's on page A right at the start : http://www.lebaron.ca/pdf_files_sp10/specials/specials10_a.pdf
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