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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Basically if its flowing water in Haldimand it has trout. If you want to try flyfishing the creek right in the Park in Simcoe is loaded with brookies.
  2. Ton of caddis hatching yesterday on a river around Kearney.
  3. OMG OMG OMG Can't wait.
  4. Well it was a nice day to be out and getting the dog use to the boat is often easier without all the theatrics of catching fish. Believe me its not fun with a mastiff pup new to the canoe.
  5. Congrats on the brown. The bug, like mention is a water strider and fish don't eat them. Keep up the good work, soon it will be smallmouth time and they are a hoot to catch on the flyrod and aren't as persnickety as trout.
  6. When I was a lad of 16 my high scholl football coach Ray Mckerlie who owned Voyaguer Outfitters on Round Lake at Access #1 invited me and a few other players up to the Camp to open it up for the spring. It was beautiful up there and I couldn't wait to go on the school trip up there the following year. Every year high schools in our region would go up to Algonquin and take a 1 week trip through Voyaguer into either Manitou or Bigger Lake. For almost all of them it was their first introduction to the park and it has a lasting memory with all of them. When I started going up to the Park again after university My trip always seemed to coincide with one of the high schools and Ray would know that we were stupid enough to portage a keg of beer in. He would go for an evening paddle with a student he could trust and end up at our campsite to enjoy a cold beer and fill us in on his life and our alma mater. He was a great fellow who passed in 2000. I hope that high school kids in the KW area are still going on week long trips into the park and someone like Ray is there to introduce it to them
  7. Thanks for that report. Looks like a great time. I hone in so much on specks in the spring I forget how much fun spring time lakers are going to have to do it again sometime.
  8. Part Two The last run of the trip is Robbie's Run and its notorious for its big fish and is the hole that produced the 23 incher. We get into position and John gets rewarded on his drift http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj_MUmK2CTU Some photos We get to the end and I bike the 8k back to the vehicle UPHILL all the way Miro. We pile in and get back home in time for supper. What a full busy day but well worth it Slept till this morning.
  9. Well spring speck season is winding down for me as a eagerly await the Zone 16 Musky opener next week. I've got out a few times with my son which has been great but because I'm at a new job and am working afternoons I haven't had any opportunity to get out with my fishing pal John. Like my southern Ontario big stream fishing I have another gig that comes online right after it finishes due to warm water. It normally last for just a week or two and involves a lot more driving so we only hit it once a year and I talked my buddy into hitting it Saturday. I packed my gear early and left from work when finished by 11:10. Made the quick half hour drive out to the Drayton area to hook up with John. The canoe is on the Tahoe and the mountain bike is in the back we stop at Tim's in Arthur and load up on Coffee for the long drive. We arrive at our destination at 5am at our takeout point and unload and hide the mountain bike in the bush. The mozzy's are pretty bad despite the 8 degree temperature. We get to our put in and unload the canoe and break out the rods and line up my fly rod, pack our stuff in the canoe. I start by fishing my trusty favourite, an orange bowriver bugger, wade out into the river and am rewarded right away on my first swing. OOS smallmouth, ahh it happens, then another one and yet another one. No specks out of this first hole which normally produces. We take a temp of the water and its 62. Which is a perfect temp for river brook trout. Its a head scratcher for us. We get in the canoe and start paddling downstream to the next likely spot. Finally a speck but not a huge one just a nice one. Now this river is an annual tradition and over the years certain spots have acquired nicknames. Fournier's Dry,Robbie's Run, Dobb's Drift and the first back out of the canoe spot Berkely Power Grub hole as its the first place we caight a brook trout on a power grub. I let John have the hole as I try to capture the whole thing on tape. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBtJctfxxcI The fishing wasn't hot and heavy but it wasn't slow either we were catching plenty of fish but the size wasn't great despite the fact that this river does produce giant brook trout with the largest ever caught by us being 23". Another small video from the day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V6VPPXIbMk
  10. Kids are so awesome.
  11. Very cool.I'm the same way with my dinner.Won't let go of it either.
  12. Look at you the brook trout expert.Slayin em. By myself back in the bush ..pack of wolves.. I'd be pretty creeped out. Cool seeing the wolves though.
  13. Absolutely beauty specks. Thanks for the report. That brookie destroyed that fly.
  14. That video was great Miro. Its awesome to have seen you come so far since last year when you began this quest. That's a hella nice spec. And now that your hooked on interior fishing some bad news....all portages are uphill, both ways.
  15. I'm sorry but other than the Tiger Fish show I have been incredibly disappointed. His show is everything that is wrong with reality tv.
  16. Stay with the bright fly line. It doesn't spook the trout and not only does it help indicate strikes. But allows you to see were you should be mending to present a drag free drift quite possibly the most essential part of fly fishing presentation. I use a bright green flyline as evidenced in this recent photo but have orange and yellow flylines as well
  17. High quality tonkin cane will be very dense when you look at the end grain. Its very expensive and hard to find. Don't buy regular bamboo
  18. Get above them and hot shot them with a tiny wobbling plug.
  19. Told ya.... Camera too much to carry!
  20. I'm going to second pencil weeds and don't worry about being too shallow. One of my biggest fish, a 47" female came out of less than a foot of water in a garage of pencil weeds on opening day. My favourite opening day lure is a bulger type bucktail particularly Grimreapers although one fish seems to always bend the main wire and it takes forever to get it to run true again.
  21. Yes I love reports with parents getting their children out fishing
  22. Yes Shimano still has the best customer service as far as Im concerned.You do have to take it to where you bought it though. Why should some small shop here replace your rod that you saved money on by getting it at BPS or the states. That's why you should buy your stuff from a local shop.
  23. Thanos my friend http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanos Sorry my geek is showing
  24. The French for the diversity and the ability to get away from the crowds
  25. Sporkife OMG Gots to get me one. I eagerly await your report
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