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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. A few years ago a truck full of loonies and toonies was stolen in TO @ 2 mill worth if I recall its never turned up Im sure they found some way to spend it.
  2. The problem with a half frozen lake is the warmest water is also the densest @4C as fish are cold blooded they'll be hugging the bottom until the shallows start to warm and the lake undergoes spring turnover http://www.islandnet.com/~see/weather/elements/turnlakes.htm
  3. Me Aurora Trout Fishing
  4. Your video wasn't very specific as to what was successful. Float rod and float obviously. Slip float? How much lead how much water what kind of structure bait and how it was rigged. I ask because I've been twice now and have had the same results as Tyler.
  5. All those clowns who think a 17 inch bass is a five pounder
  6. Browns are going to be done there and down deep before the season even opens if this weather keeps up
  7. Yup Nakina is where I'd go if I had my druthers
  8. Without feeling the rod its tough to tell if a 6 or a 7 would be better but err on the heavier side (7) as at least you'll get load but you might have to slow down your casting motion. A WF 6 would probably also work
  9. I love the ole automatics.But yes the springs break pretty easily. A 6/7 is a nice beginner combo as it allows you to do most things adequately. For trout it will be nice for chucking streamers. Might be a good time to get it out down at the river mouths with some egg sucking leech patterns. You will definitely need new leaders and tippet though.
  10. Until I sold my custom rod last fall. This was the way I float fished since 90. The secret with the old baitcaster was to rip out the anti backlash magnets and remove the spool tension spring. But with the newer reels thats not needed as the spool move very freely. No reel advantage in the actual execution of a drift but I feel there was a advantage in fighting the fish. I used a 10lb XT mainline and was able to whip most steel like a rented mule. As far as frogwater my first choice for fishing was always the lower Notty and while there is some current it very low gradient and I never really had any problems achieving a drift. Not a good pick but here my old kit
  11. I'll take my Hennesey hammock over that anytime http://hennessyhammock.com/catalog/#hammock
  12. You can make one now and thousands of dollars and years from now.... VOILA instant(not) motor carrying device. matter of fact you can name them that and that way he won't be in shock when it comes time to fulfill his god given purpose. You can see why when we were watching tv last week and I was speaking with my son regarding a show and was searching for a word to describe the emotional relationship between a father a son(the word I was searching for was paternal) My son quipped "hatred??" LOL
  13. Its costly but Make your son carry it
  14. I carry my 15 hp using a two wheel dolly and bungee cords. Large pneumatic tire style not solid tire. I do portages of anywhere from half a k and under with this set up.
  15. Sunday Brunch at the Three Bridges is romantic I guess.
  16. Throw lots of money at it. You'll end up doing that anyway.
  17. Rock Candy is a staple on my Ipod and my 19 yr old son put it on his after hearing it. Sammy Hager never did anything as good as what he did with Montrose.
  18. Take a look at the post on this site regarding the Attawapiskat Anything those guys are using should work there as well as their advise.
  19. Sutton you lucky dog Im jealous. Gooing to have to do some research on the Dusey.
  20. Opener is looking good and Wayne I do prefer Temagami but it to far for the weekend.
  21. The smallmouth will solve that remnant population. They've ruined many a speck lake along the 60 corridor in the park.
  22. If the lake has smallmouth in it that's why the MNR has probably stopped stocking it sounds like a midnight stocker put some smallie there so its not very effective to put fingerlings or fry into it. As far as walleye maybe its just not a very good habitat for them. If they use to stock trout in it I'm guessing its clear and not very weedy.
  23. "I think we are probably not very well suited," said Gargravarr again at length, "we never seemed to be happy doing the same things. We always had the greatest arguments over sex and fishing. Eventually we tried to combine the two, but that only led to disaster, as you can probably imagine. And now my body refuses to let me in. It won't even see me ..."
  24. If your getting birds nest on a spinning reel Im guessing its too full Its a fine line between optimal casting distance and too much line.
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