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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. I've reported in the past that I have a special needs nephew who loves to fish. I remember visiting him in the hospital when he was born and him being the of a size that would fit in your hands. He doesn't live very far from me and often shows up on my door step to talk about fishing and drop hints about how much he loves it when I take him fishing. Well the other day he popped by and I asked him if he had ever caught a trout before and he said no so we went to buy some worms and I took him to a sure fire spot I knew before I had to go to work. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itkDO7I3BY4 He missed it on that attempt but got it on the next with some help Managed to get him into a dozen fish all about the same size. His enthusiasm for the sport is infectious and makes me want to fish more. Its funny how symbiotic a relationship like that can be. Take a kid fishing you'll both benefit.
  2. Like I mentioned in the other thread I'll do some extended trips and I live on oatmeal for breakfast, fish for lunch and Liptons noodle's and Sauce mixed with dried Hungarian Paprika and Garlic sausage. 1 cup of water bring to a boil mix in N&S and cut up sausage 10 minute later, on low heat, meal is ready. Don't have to sit on top of it and I eat it right out of the pan. Cleans up easy.
  3. Thanks for the report.Didn't get a chance to get up there yet this year but I will soon.
  4. And steep uphill too. You'll need to wear waders crossing the river the water will be damn cold but I suggest repacking them after. Wearing waders all the in(experience talking, makes the hiking uphill way more difficult. For all the little creeks and ponds you cross are only calf deep and you'll dry off pretty quick. I think you'll enjoy the float tubing Mike Its very Zen like
  5. Very nice report. Good opener for you for sure.
  6. Cool, thanks for the pics
  7. What no mention of the spork ??C'mon fork and spoon all in one??? Mike going to have to try that instant coffee your talking about. I miss coffee when on trips. All my meals are normally Noodles and Sauce with cut up dried sausage in it. Great flavour and meat doesn't need to be kept cold. When added to the pasta while cooking it, it moistens the meat and the meat leeches its flavour into the pasta
  8. Northern Ontario river, solitude, water temp of 60-65 degrees, black flies as dense as the population of Calcutta, Flyrod in hand and plenty of Bowriver Buggers in my box.
  9. Miro that water is definitely high and dirty but not unfishable. A bright coloured muddler might have moved some fish, wish I could have made it.
  10. Its pretty simple really they come from a resource poor country. They come here and the resource seems plentiful so they feel they should take advantage of it to help them economically. These are a people that came here because they wanted a better life for themselves and for their families. Protein was a luxury for them and here its readily available with little effort. Education is the only answer and generational shift. Remember it was your ancestors that wiped out the Atlantic Salmon from over harvest and habitat destruction and its still us whities who are wiping out the brook trout stream by stream here in souhern ontario without even a second thought. So don't be to quick to point your finger.
  11. Nice fish. Im regretting not getting up there
  12. Some nice fish and your photography skills are amazing
  13. Joss Wheadon needs to make a Hulk movie with Mark Ruffalo. They get Hulk
  14. Don't know a lot about Rib but you can haul a small boat over to Friday(Roosevelt RD) for some decent Bass Fishing. All in all though I'd just get a place on Temagami itself.
  15. Ill be tipping a brass monkey in salute "You drink brass monkey this is how you feel You put you left leg down Your right leg up Tilt you head back and finish the cup" DUCK DUCK GOOSE GOOSE Thought Id add this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUrsKjTP2Zk
  16. Excellent. European Grayling are abundant in most cold water streams on the mainland as well. Now that you've fished the Birthplace of flyfishing you have to go fish the birthplace of North American flyfishing the Catskills.
  17. If your a Joss Wheadon fan you should go see Cabin in the Woods he did a great job with that one too
  18. 5k portage hell and then discovering not one but two holes in your canoe. I just about cried right along with you two. Way to save the day from your fellow campers. 1 1/2 on the way out is very impressive as were the fish. Thanks for the report.
  19. The 3 wheeler hauling of the boat while precariously balanced on the seat is an America Funniest Video moment waiting to happen
  20. Wow those are some serios footballs Great shoulders on them. Any particular tidbits you want to share ie technique and location in the lake structure?
  21. Dang I've had to change my plans and can't get to the park this weekend. Just hitting some small streams in whatever spare time I have and AP will have to wait for next weekend now.
  22. Shame Mike we'll have a beer another time but thats an open invite to anyone up in the park this weekend.
  23. Eagerly anticipating the Opener. Probably won't get on the lake till 7:30 ish Sat if Im lucky. If you want to stop in for a beer Sat night I might be at Tea Lake Campground unless we decide to float tube it, in which case you'll have trouble finding me.
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