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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Beautiful enough to be sold in Art Galleries. The art gallery owner says she gets a lot of sales to men forced to come to the gallery with their women.
  2. The mesh on my buddys nets are knotless Heres a photo of the Grand model with some Algonquin Brookies in it
  3. My buddy makes some pretty awesome custom nets. They are expensive but they are beautiful and are heirloom worthy. http://www.cflandingnets.com/
  4. Find some weeds you'll find some fish. Your new here so I'll let you know until you've been a sharing part of the community for a while guys are not going to give up their spots.
  5. A very nice report.Some decent fish and everyone home safe.
  6. You keep fishing water/cover like that your going to become a very technically sound caster in a short time. Or keep commercial tyers very busy
  7. Way back in high school my buddy and I would go there for 5 am and get paid cash to unload guys on Thursday before we went to school. Beer money for the weekend. It will always have a warm place in my heart
  8. Takes time, when I first started zero fish days were the norm. Hooked up with someone knowledgeable and started to catch the odd. 8 years later I knew I could always get at least one and hung up the float rod for musky fishing.
  9. Okay I just figured it was lower river. Must be either bucket brigade stocker or remnant from some forgotten population.
  10. Name the boat silly not his wife.
  11. Brown probably dropped out of the Arrow and back up into the Nip. They do put a lot of Browns into the Arrow
  12. You should name it Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashids Childrens Education Fund. You'll be putting the gas kingpins kids through college every time you make a run
  13. Wow nice trip. Even with an ATV it looks like a lot of work. I do love the idea of of the canoe rack on it. I can think of a lot of possibilities that it would open. Enjoy your trip on the Dusey
  14. I stopped in to that park last year. It was quite nice from what I was able to see by driving around. Of the three parks that we quickly toured in that area I'd rate Nagagamisis as the nicest then Fushimi, then Macleod. Didn't actually stay at any of them but drove around them to look at the campsite talk to the rangers and any campers. The fishing from the people we talked to was probably the best at Fushimi.
  15. I've buried a hook in myself so many times removing it is like blowing my nose. First time it was a rapala in my calf climbing down a steep hill when I was sixteen. Removed by a doctor after a 3 hour wait. Next time was first day in residence at the University of Windsor. Couldn't wait to get down and fish under the Ambassador Bridge. One of my little plano tackle boxes had spilled in my duffle and when I reached in BAM Mepps embedded in my hand. Hook removed after a 2 hour wait by campus doctor. Both times they gave me a local and just pushed the point through, cut off the barb and removed the hook. Next time it happened I had caught a snot rocket and was holding him behind the head when he slipped out of my hand and the rapala with pike still attached and thrashing went into the web of my thumb and index finger. I decided I wasn't waiting all that time for a DR to remove it so just pushed the barb through myself cut the hook right there on the side of the river and kept on fishing. Now I mostly fish barbless not only do the fish release easier but so do I.
  16. That is an outstanding accomplishment. Pride is probably too inadequate a word for what the two of you feel.
  17. I bet Jack was like hpfff if we had a net Dad don't you think I'd be playing with it?? I always enjoy your reports ,thanks
  18. Without question the Nipigon before the trout season closes
  19. Saw that one already looking for one made of metal.
  20. Yes it does but we've always referred to them as Haldimand/Norfolk Sandplain streams.
  21. xxx pounds this year feels like xxxx pounds five years from now. Hence my love of the spork or my new found article of pursuit the sporkife
  22. Some very nice browns there.
  23. Well yes but only spring and fall. I was talking the smaller streams and creeks. Haldimand/Norfolk is blessed with the perfect geological deposit. The Sandplain. The same soil that allows the area to grow tobacco and ginseng also makes great trout streams. If you PM me what your looking to do maybe I'll point you in the right direction. But like I said almost every creek down there has trout.
  24. Chances are I've fished there.

  25. Generally if the chubb are hitting the water is to warm for trout fishing. It one of the signs I look for also if the dang smallmouth are hitting.
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