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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. I had posted in my report last week that I thought the water was still too high and a touch on the cold side for the brook trout fishing to have reached its peak. So Saturday I headed out with my son to see if it was bang on. May 24 is very late for this type of fishing normally by now the water has warmed up to much and the big specks are all up in the tribs seeking some cold water refuge. Well the water levels when we arrived were perfect and I had high hopes but the temp was a little to high already (68) I'm thinking it would have been perfect on Wednesday/Thursday. We manage to catch a bunch of specks just all smaller fish. Some pics A little video and pic of the best fish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZYmFoscggI Hope everyone weekend went well Speck fishing is almost over time to start thinking about Ski's
  2. Saw it for the second time this time IMAX. I haven't paid to see a movie a second time in forever. Its good
  3. Words can be found anywhere WE WANT FISH PORN
  4. Those are some beauty specks Dan. Your so fortunate to have Lake Nipigon so close. You've done a great job in figuring them out.
  5. Its s nice getting out with your son and having some success too.
  6. Thanks for the report.
  7. I can find bigger.
  8. Most stores will not sell live rodents for reptile food anymore. P3TA has ruined mouse fishing
  9. Break that skunk this weekend Miro
  10. double or triple surgeons for sure
  11. I'm an afternoon shift worker from 2 to 11. Would like to know if there is anyone in the KW area interested in getting out in the mornings for a quick fish the odd day. My normal fishing buddy works days. Looking to meet some new people. You can PM me or just leave a message here and I'll get back to you
  12. I'm assuming those are dapping rods. No thanks the fun of flyfishing is the casting as much as the catching
  13. Me too I love my one pc bamboo 6 foot 4 weight
  14. Awesome Mike Glad you found someone I expect an epic report.
  15. This is a hardcore trip with fantastic rewards I hope someone takes Mike up on it. Not only big brookies but Trippin with the Solo
  16. Yes nice fish there. Must remember to get out pike fishing.
  17. As a baseball guy its a romantic notion but the reality is up until 10 or 15 years ago the scouting in Canada was piss poor. It is a lot easier to discover pitchers than it is a position player. A major league arm is a very recognizable thing but a major league bat and glove has to be playing against that type of talent in order to judge it. Now there are travel teams that spend their summers playing in he US against the best baseball teams. So not only do scouts up here see them but scouts in the US as well so more Canadians are being drafted. As players we are still way behind the kids from the warm weather states for the obvious reasons. But at least now were are on par with the snow states.
  18. LOL those are great pics. I'd have a grin like that to on my face and probably a husband bulge as well.
  19. Thanks for those photos and the name of a new type of bear(for me)
  20. Nice fish and nice to get out with the boys.
  21. Parkhill and Morrison conservation areas for Largemouth and here and there on the Ausable river for pike
  22. My goodness that is a beast.
  23. Happy cake day
  24. A mouth watering report.
  25. WARNING I swore in the one video! Being of an age that I've done a lot of fishing in a lot of different places at a lot of different times of the year makes choices about where your going to fish on any given free time that you have hard. That being said there are some things that are unmissable and despite the weird spring we are having I figured one of my annual gigs might be ready for a go. A lot of larger southern ontario rivers actually have remnant brook trout populations in them where the brook trout live in the large rivers only when the temps are suitable and then scoot off upstream in coldwater tribs from mid may till post spawn. This allows them to obtain some decent size because of the abundance of food. There is a special time after opener when the water levels drop and the rivers start to warm up where the specks start to concentrate in the thalweg of rapids and swifts and the fishing for them can be spectacular and steady and the fish of a good decent size. I was hoping that yesterday was going to be a perfect day for it and picked up my son to go get er done. My son Griffin hadn't caught any trout yet this year so to ensure a successful trip for him I stopped at a small trib that gets ignored because its right on a main highway and he caught a few little guys to break the ice. We arrived at our spot and got our equipment ready. I would be fishing my 4# sage using a floating line and a olive bowriver bugger. Grif would use a spinning combo with a panther martin tipped with a worm. The water was actually still on the high side and a little cool so I think the fishing can only get better in the next week so I might have to hit it again. Most of the spots that hold fish didn't seem to produce anything and despite a prolific hatch fish were not moving to the bugs. Rust produced a couple misses for me before I finally managed to get one along a foam line in a heavy current This trip for me was mostly about trying to convince my son that speck fishing was just as much fun as smallmouth fishing but he had only managed to miss one fish. Finally at an overlooked deeper back channel he gets rewarded. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdWTkMCE_GY Some stills These fish are of an average size for this gig but I was telling my son that there was the odd bigger fish around and I had seen them up to 18" here in the past. We came to a beauty looking spot with strong current pushing into a deep bank with a large cedar providing overhead cover. I knew there had to be a fish in this spot and we were working pretty hard and coming up with only a couple fish so I graciously told him to give her a go. He had a hit on the first cast but it just grabbed the worm off his PM so he rebaited and hoped he hadn't gotten iron into whatever was down there. He was amply rewarded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbFART49flU That was 16 inches fork length of beautiful southern ontario brook trout Some stills Managed to get one more myself on the fly The action was slow because I believe its still just a little early. But my son is now totally convinced of the rewards of specky fishing and wants to get out again for my next gig.
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