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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Nottawasaga river is a great place to catch them as well as the French. Please practice catch and release with this species.
  2. This is a fun thing to do and I use to have a chart on my wall when I was younger that kept track of all the data and what my PB was for each species. I did it with my son as well when he was born to see if he could catch all of ONtario's sport fish and he completed the task by the time he was 12.
  3. For god's sakes make sure you tell every girl that you go out with how important fishing is to you and try to find a girl who likes it as much as you do. Myself and two of my friends all ended up divorced and in all of the complaints against us our love of fishing was cited as grounds.
  4. Absolutely awesome report. New water is always such a thrill. One thing I find handy doing old logging roads/snowmobile trails with a 4x4 is one of those portable hunting saws. They are great for sawing threw logs that cant be thrown off the trail.
  5. For Darryl its all about the shore lunch.
  6. From point clark head back to Wingham and fish the Maitland. Tons of smallmouth.
  7. Be more specific where are you? I should be able to get you to something. Huron itself probably won't be to productive you'll have to drive inland.
  8. Have fished Lovesick 3 or 4 times for musky. We caught fish everytime biggest was 42". Bucktails over the extensive weed flats is what was most successful for us. Bright colours firetiger, halloween worked the best.
  9. Consecutive days is the key. The more days you can be on the water in a row the better the chances that you will be there when the fish turn on. Now you didnt mention if you just wanted to catch one or whether you wanted to get one your first time or not ? I'll give you the best lake in the province to catch your first musky on. It was given to me many years ago by Rocky Crawford and I have used it to introduce a lot of guys to musky fishing. Heck the first time I took my 9 yr old son there he caught one with 15 minutes of us starting to fish. Heres the series of photos first the hook up Then the fight Pose with your fish son Now surely if a nine yr old can do it you could. Proceed to Head Lake in downtown Haliburton. Fish casting towards shore with your boat in 8 -12 feet of water. When you get tired of catching 34" head down stream to Grass and Kash and try getting some bigger fish.
  10. Louissianna and Nova Scotia hey, mmm , why not try for something you cant catch in either place-Musky on the Niagara.
  11. Fishing always good but having the opportunity to do it with my son made it very special thanks all for the compliments.
  12. NO MUSKY =no alberta
  13. Its been a very busy summer but my son and I had a couple of hours to kill because he had a 8:30 pm start for a ball game so we went out for some smallies. All fish were caught on split shot rigged berkely power grubs on 1/0 gamagatsu wide gap bass hooks. We managed a dozen fish in the 10-19" range here are some pics of the best ones
  14. I would stop at the hydro dams on the Nipigon river and do some shore fishing and I would also stop at Cypress Hills Provincial park in Saskatchewan and fish for Brook trout in the prairies.
  15. Head Lake is probably the best lake to catch your first Musky on. Its very small just fish the shoreline and it will produce fish.Heres a photo of my son with his first head lake Musky caught all by himself at 9 yrs
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