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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. I haven't fished it before but as a trib of the deleware it might also get a shad run and they are fun to catch.
  2. Midnight
  3. I gave my two weeks notice three weeks ago and was told by my supervisor that it was company policy to walk you out the door with your two weeks and your vacation pay. Unfortunately I was to valuable to my company and the my mom hates me made me finish out my two weeks.Just my luck.
  4. Hey Grandpa Solo can you tell us about the time you met Queen Victoria? LOL.Your like our very own subreddit r/mikesfishingporn. Thanks Mike that was a nice vignette of the man. My Algonquin mentor was my football coach who ran Camp Voyageur on Round Lake and he use to talk about Ralph all the time. Man the park sure was different back then. When I started going up in 79 there was no smallmouth in Round lake and we could catch specks right of the dock at the camp.
  5. Hey thanks for the report. What a great way to spend easter.
  6. Man you should post a pic of that bait actually sounds intriguing
  7. Awesomeness
  8. People its tough but you have to understand that keeping a fishing habitat "secret" has its down side. Secret means no one knows about it including in some cases the MNR(that's experience talking that involved a chemical spill and an isolated Brook Trout population. It also means that that secret spot has no friends to help protect it in a fight. By no means is Shelter Valley a secret and this was a worthy OP I just would like some more info on follow up if there is any. I'm a big proponent of the practice of our CO's being used more for habitat protection than anti poaching. Healthy habitats can always grow more fish to replace those illegally caught but a destroyed habitat means no more fish period. And if this was a release of silt from behind a dam at this time of the year it would not only suffocate the adults in the system but all the redds as well and ruin spawning habitat for a couple of years at least.
  9. Thanking all the volunteers for their work.
  10. Which is exactly why the Kawartha's are a zoo till after labour day. It a week long trip driving a little bit further gets you away from most of the azzclowns and better fishing to boot.
  11. with the nice weather coming my bicycle is getting a tune up this weekend and it will be biking to and from work again this summer. Saved myself a good deal on gas expenses last year and will do it as long as my ass and legs will let me. Now if more people did that that would hurt the gas companies. Warning intended for mature audiences
  12. And lose his shirt if he's not on the billionaire's side. Again he wouldn't have the financial resources to fight the rich. Justice is not served in this country only the wealthy are served.
  13. Temagami it's beautiful and lots of sheltered spots
  14. Oh contraire , revolutions say otherwise. When the have nots eventually decide that the haves are profiting at the expense of the many- Craps going to hit the fan. Just because we seem complacent take a look around the proletariat they be a getting restless.
  15. I guess my point is fish don't recognize borders. The St Lawrence is also a border water that fish probably migrate frequently from one side to another. I agree all musky fishing should be C&R but I'd hate for our waters to become the nursery for an American trophy harvest.
  16. I fish a little lake up near Wawa and its a 20k hike to get into it. We fish it for brookies shortly after ice out and one year we found a great moose shed on our way in on the old overgrown logging road we use. We found the other one on the way out about 3 k away from where we found the first one. They are awesome but pretty heavy to carry all that way out of the bush. Good luck with finding your match.
  17. My only question is are the American regs similar on the Niagara? Otherwise it doesn't make much sense
  18. Hate to be a pessimist but you know he will win this. We live in a country/civilization were $$$$ always wins even when it loses it wins because he can afford the legal team to keep this tied up in court for a long time. The fisherman can't. The legal system and ALL its participants including policy makers have made our country a mess.
  19. The dogs pretty crazy too
  20. Personally I'd take it. But Im a skin flint.
  21. To each there own. I have friends who are right into it and Ive been and caught some big fish(St Jacobs is a pretty good spot bye the bye)I caught tons as a kid(until I discovered that smallmouth also filled the Grand. I just don't get it.
  22. I leave my 17 ft bass boat at the Stormy launch all the time overnight. Lock on the motor and remove electronics. I leave my bowmount trolling motor on. I quite often leave my boat for a week at a time down at Scott's Dam and nothing ever happened to it other than someone moved it a bit. Obviously leave nothing of value in storage or rod lockers.
  23. Great intro I was the same priority wise as well didn't pick it up again till after university and marriage. What a huge surprise the wife got. Never be afraid to ask here or share.
  24. Thank you Mike you are a hundred percent correct( although I lament the impact of the steelies on the Beattie) I agree that it's a large success story.
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