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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Also a ramp at Frenchman's Creek that would work
  2. Thanks guys we just booked for Aug22 - Aug 29 of next year. If anyone has been there @ that time please let me know any info!!!!
  3. Ah but there's nothing like that musky smell in your carpet stinking up the garage to say " I am a success"
  4. Out of curiousity how far of a run is it from the resort to the delta and how careful do you have to be rock wise during that run?
  5. My buddy and I are planning a trip here for last week of speck season next summer. Thanks for the excellent report makes me want to go even more.
  6. I generally find its smaller fish in the fall. I will PM you.
  7. Lots of carp and suckers. The odd and I mean rare perch and smallmouth.
  8. When I solo canoe I use a yak paddle and I fly across the water. No j-stroking for this guy.
  9. Looking for any info for a family camping trip that hopes to involve fishing. A decent sized boat is available
  10. I wish they would do this with ONtario's old fire towers http://www.firelookout.org/lookout-rentals.html
  11. Yes there is a lake/pon a little further west on the opposite side of the 401 from Park Haven. I see a dock in there but have never accessed it and I don't think there is public access. Looks like its called Fowlers Pond.
  12. Park Haven has Largemouth and Pike that I have caught but haven't been in a while.
  13. I have always used Gambler Florida rig weight http://www.protacklesolutions.com/products/gambler-florida-rig
  14. That is a big gator congrats on the PB.What area of the province?
  15. Man that veiw is so beautiful. You are a lucky man.
  16. Wow, knew it had to be a big fish when an old guy claims PB.
  17. Don't bother with the small lake. The trout will all be deep and a lot more difficult to catch than the bass. Lots of sunfish as well to keep the kids busy. Don't forget to hike down to Stubb Falls and go for a swim/slide.
  18. Hope everyone's okay up there and you camp isn't part of this http://storage.edmontonsun.com/v1/suns-prod-images/1297580666945_ORIGINAL.jpg?quality=80
  19. You know, we had a lot of fun tonight. But, there' s nothing funny about... vapour lock. Its the third most common cause of stalling. So please, take care of your car and get it checked. I'm Joe Namath. Good night!
  20. Sounds like a good trip. 44 " ski is a decent size.
  21. Except of coarse for this technique
  22. The problem with that concept of coarse is that science is not done for fun. Science is now all about the research money. Which is why for every study that says one thing you can find a study that says the opposite. And once again it doesn't matter who is in charge politically we live in an Oligarchy not a Democracy and the rich and entitled will always dictate policy until we all stand up and demand change.(Crap now I'm back on a list again)
  23. That worked! thanks I'll keep everyone posted as to what happens. The only thing now is I don't feel comfortable accessing this spot anymore as my vehicle is a good distance away in a very secluded spot at the end of a road allowance. Oh well let the furor die down and go back in a couple years I guess.
  24. Cliff thank you for trying to be an influence in that young man's life. Sorry it turned out this way. Addiction is a byiatch.
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