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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. You obviously didn't read the part about luddite. I am using 8 I believe where and what are the snipping tool. Hate to be a pain.
  2. Welcome to the board. A lot of trout fishing over your way. If you ever wnat to meet up for some river smallmouth fishing over towards the Saugeen Wed-Fri I'm more than happy to give you a few spots
  3. So Saturday my son and I head out to one of our fave bass spots in the middle of nowhere and what do we find but 300 meters of altered shoreline and a permanent dock structure built without permits.The stretch of altered area includes a cold water trib. Now I'm involved in a case with a CA,the MNR and the DFO with a species at risk situation. My question, keeping in mind that I'm a luddite, involves a PDF. I have been sent a map to mark up and show where the changes have taken place. Is there a way to do this on my computer or do I have to print it off,mark it accordingly and rescan it before its emailed off. Here's the spot Everything to the left in the video has been destroyed and plowed/cleared right down to the bank as well as a dock that now sits halfway out into the pool. It's disappointing to say the least but for those who know me I don't get to worked up about poaching because fish can always reproduce if the habitat is there but habitat destruction burns my butt and I won't stand for it so something had o be done. I didn't take any after photos because the perps were there and I didn't want to start a confrontation.
  4. At whose behest is this survey being conducted., Who is paying DSS for this survey.
  5. This is a very good point. My 2wt is used for fishing tiny dries on smooth water. Size 18 and below. IMHO a 2wt is more about the presentation than the size of the fish. For instance largemouth rarely get above five pounds but I use a ten weight IMX to fish them cuz I like to toss big hair frogs into the slop.
  6. Terry why do you use the flippers on the pontoon boat? I find they just get it the way and i get plenty of power from my oars.
  7. Very nice smallmouth cograts on the PB
  8. Came for the photo's NOT DISAPPOINTED!!!!!
  9. Can't wait to see the results. I've been looking at the camera.
  10. You better be getting your camp ready and just for rubbing it in I hope the bugs are awful
  11. If you want to see ipe and how beautiful a deck it makes. Princess Margaret Hospitals roof top garden is all done with IPE. It is an expensive wood but you only use it for the decking all the understructure you use PT.
  12. Yes it is expensive but you save money in the long run. Its not PT or Cedar everything must be predrilled (no hammering) and your tools must be sharp. I've worked with it a lot and the end result is always worth it.
  13. http://www.deltadecks.com/Ipe-Decking.html Cliff use Ipe a south/central American Hardwood will last forever. It's what they use for the boardwalk in Atlantic City.
  14. Grab a small fly rod or ultralight and go fish up on the escarpment for some trout.
  15. I have never. Repeat NEVER! had any luck rigging out of Collingwood.
  16. Those are some very nice specks.
  17. Disappointed I couldn't make the outing this year had a blast last year. How did the rest of the guys do?
  18. Let us know when the camp warming party is. Im eagerly anticipating following this build make sure you keep us updated.
  19. My local shop carries them but they know I buy a bunch call and ask but you won't find them at a WalMart or a CT
  20. Hair jigs in bright colours. Little Cleos. EGB's, White Big O's. Rapala's in a a variety of styles perch coloured.
  21. Told you the worse the black flies the better the spec fishing I was worried you weren't going to get out with the new baby. Congrats on both specs in the back yard and a new daughter.
  22. Collingwood Harbour is full of them.
  23. It's no longer a PP I beleive its now run by the city of Hearst.
  24. It's great fishing for pike and walleye. Slow trolled worm harnesses was the key for us. Pike as all places up north hit any and everything.
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