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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. My favourite true fish tale involves ice fishing in the Muskokas.We were in a spread search pattern for crappie. We look over and a Stadic on a little ice rod gets a hit but as we are running for it it disappears down the hole in @ 30 ft of water. Later that day I am fishing a whole about 20 ft away from that one when I get a nice hit in the midst of a lot of crappie activity. I reel up a nice 10-11 incher and lo and behold its all tangled in line. I hand line the line in and get the stradic back reel it up and an even bigger crappie is on it.
  2. Great report and trip.
  3. Rainbow trout fry are incredibly temperature tolerant withstanding water temps of up to 80 degrees I'm sure plenty survive the summer. If Beeton Creek can produce rainbow smolts the Credit below Norval can.
  4. Always this.
  5. Musky Hunter Calendar adjusted for our time zone. Heres a handy online tool http://www.sunrisesunset.com/predefined.asp
  6. Couldn't have asked for better weather. Sunny with highs in the upper seventies every day. Wish the musky would have co-operated but it was a good time. Sunrise the first morning Got our only musky in the major feeding period of the new moon 15 minutes aftyer getting on the spot We caught a few incidental fish through the 3 days and all pike caught ended up as fish fry For those interested this is my bait that is the last one in existance that caught the fish and always seems to catch musky for me Now to get out for some splake soon.
  7. I have a favourite musky bait that is no longer made. I would like to have another 10 of them made. Anyone know of any builders? Willing to be 40 each for good work.
  8. Leaving for the Mag hoping for some Musky Cooperation.

    1. Tim Mills

      Tim Mills

      Looking forward to the report, hope the weather cooperates too.

  9. Now that's a first post!
  10. Great report. Big pike and lots of em. Those northern lights look spectacular.
  11. My first time staying there. Normally I've launched or stayed at River Haven.
  12. You related to John and Ally?
  13. Your not going next week are you ? I'm staying across from the marina as well
  14. Cuz they are waiting for me to get there to fish the new moon.(FINGERS CROSSED)
  15. If you stick to the river down to Clark Island everything (mostly is marked)boating channel. I'll be there from the 23rd to the 26 Musky Fishing
  16. Martin's Camp is for sale by the way If you got the coin http://www.youronlineagents.com/dawnstripe/viewlisting.php?id=438990
  17. That's because I'm working
  18. No reason to fish Commanda no musky in there. Restoule,Stormy and Clear is plenty of ground to learn for a life time.Not to mention further down the system.
  19. Go 4 hrs what's the diff. Restoule is my choice
  20. Glad your feeling well. Looks like you had a great trip Is that Fraser Cr with your Dad? The video is excellent I hope you don't mind if I share it.
  21. Yes Miro curious on your new technique?
  22. As a musky fisherman for over 20 yrs I've killed 2 illegal sized musky by accident from deep hooking. Unfortunately you have to throw them back even as you watch them sink to the bottom dead. When I've talked to CO's they will charge you with possesion if you keep it.
  23. God knows I'm no lawyer but clearly the Heritage Hunting and Fishing Act of 2002 states Right to hunt and fish 1. (1) A person has a right to hunt and fish in accordance with the law. 2002, c. 10, s. 1 (1). Same (2) The reference to the law in subsection (1) includes the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, the Fisheries Act (Canada), the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (Canada) and the regulations made under those Acts. 2002, c. 10, s. 1 (2). Essa Township enforces the fee under land use and not any fisheries law because they do not have juristiction. We are constantly bullied by big government and others because no one can afford the legal fees to sue or cease and desist. It's clearly a law that discriminates against fisherman and therefore shouldn't stand up in court. Of coarse no one will ever fight it because the legal fees would just be too much.
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