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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Yes another great report although they always seem to make me hungry for some reason. Yes when boys grow up their busy lives get in the way of father/son time I guess thats why you cherish the memories and look forward to any time you can get away with them.
  2. No it was in the tag area but to clarify Massey/Espanola area
  3. Going to be up there from tomorrow till Friday. Will be fishing for specks but thought I'd see if anyone was willing to give up some warm water species spots Pike or Walleye but prefer pike. PM of coarse please don't give your spot away in the open.
  4. Excellent report I gotta get out next spring for some flatlining for lakers
  5. Bringing jo jo to the masses Bam a nib a nib a nib way oh Bam a nib a nib a way oh web oh Bam a nib a nib a no Corner store Corner store Bam a nib a nib a nib way oh Bam a nib a nib a way oh web oh Bam a nib a nib a no Corner store Corner store
  6. In the first bar it was alright, but in the second bar it was Friday night!
  7. Don't forget there's musky in them dar waters
  8. I'll be on the road to Ramsey L on Monday Morning good luck to ya
  9. For those with short attention spans Any anthology of Greg Clarks is always a smile maker. Short humourous stories of his misadventures while enjoying the outdoors. The books are tough to find but he is a Canadian Treasure IMO. The Mississuaga chapter of TU is named in his honour. My favourite quote of his should give you a sense of his humour as it relates to the outdoors "A sportsman is one who not only will not show his own father where the best fishing holes are but will deliberately direct him to the wrong ones." Other Canadian Outdoorish books that I've enjoyed include many of the others mentioned here already but also http://www.amazon.ca/Denisons-Ice-Road-Edith-Iglauer/dp/1550170414 The Original Ice Road Truckers written in 1991 http://books.google.ca/books?id=SkzsAAAAMAAJ&source=gbs_similarbooks Death in the Barren Ground -A first hand account of the failed Hornsby expedition on the Thelon River Traplines North-http://www.northlandoutfitters.com/traplintxt.htm A non fiction account about teenage fur trappers @ Nakina circa 1930.
  10. It's not a dumb idea. It's to prevent shade tree mechanics from operating on their vehicles. Because pricing is so cut throat the dealers need to be able to make money fixing your car. Do you really see any improvements on your car from the computers that run it? No! now you have to get a diagnosis at a dealership or buy the software that will read the codes.
  12. "beauty walleye right of the shore" rub it in much?
  13. Weather certainly has made for some tough fishing this spring. Glad you got in and managed to catch some fish with your son.
  14. Time to get out on the North.
  15. Yup i got bit pretty well also.
  16. So Chris K and I meet up to go flyfishing for brookies on Wednesday. Water levels look great and temps are just getting to the range where the brookies are going to start disappearing. Meet up time comes and Chris still hasn't showed up so I decide to fish around the bridge so he can see I'm there when he does show up. I have a couple fish take the tail end of my buggers right away but can't get them to commit. I'm using my 4wt bamboo to chuck and duck when the true meaning becomes clear when I crang myself with the streamer in the back of my head. Chris shows up and I suggest that he uses something small and light in colour to see if the fish I missed would show some interest. The day was bright and sunny and we missed a lot of fish on short takes. Chris figured it was due to the lack of cloud cover and I'm going to have to agree with him. He's a dedicated young angler who really enjoys fishing and it was nice to hear him say that he likes using his 5wt glass rod because he likes the gentler presentation. A man after my own heart. We caught a few fish but missed our chance at all the good ones including right at the end when we had a double header and I lost the best fish of the day at our feet. Overall it was an enjoyable outing Chris is fun to fish with I just wish the fish would have been a little more co-operative.
  17. them some slabs. Do you not keep the pike for eating I much prefer them to walleye.
  18. After loosing my presription hobies years ago I swore to never buy high end glasses again.
  19. I expect better water levels she'll be dropping quick with this heat. The ole bamboo needs a workout.
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