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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Winds were really stong out of the SW which meant the dock area was reasonably calm but once you cleared Fishgut Bay and got out into Sproule Bay the waves were 4 ft. I waited for a taxi at East Bay of Opeongo from noon till 4pm at the portage to Dickson. And the winds and waves were nasty! I had already prepared myself to have to spend the night. When I dumped on Dickson I was not wearing my PFD(stupid I know) but still managed to cling to my canoe and push it to shore.If you don't panic you can survive.
  2. I dumped on Monday on Dickson Lake It's a lot colder than 50. I was there on Opeongo that Thursday and I took a water taxi back to the Access point. No way was it safe to even think of canoeing.
  3. Looks like a great time. Video is not working
  4. Se up camp in the NWT on the Thelon. Starved to death.
  5. Just when I begin to envy your awesome outdoor situation I remember OH yeah the winters bbrrrrrhhhhh. Your going to have a great time building and using that cabin. Just hope you don't John Hornby the whole thing.
  6. Friends of mine raise em. Great hunting dogs
  7. I wish I could put hooks on my stainless prop I've had musky hit it twice.
  8. MY favourite early season technique is find a deep water reef. 10-20 ft deep surrounded by 50+ depth A saddle would be my second choice and I will troll a little cleo tipped with a salted chubb tail flat lined with a long lead.
  9. Very cool video thanks
  10. Did you check Fish Online for most recent stocking data? 2005 = No fish left. They would be stocked as yearlings and that makes almost 10 years well past their longevity of @ 8 yrs.
  11. Canned sucker is a staple in the north and quite tasty. Caught in the cold water in the spring.
  12. Yep I use a size 8 egg hook and a full dew. Let them take it ,tighten down slowly pull it away from them , feel the weight , set hook.
  13. Nice fish. It's suprising sometimes how even a couple hours later a fish that felt steel can be inticed to strike again. Thank god fish are stupid.
  14. Pottawatami river at Nichols Gulley Rd. Always been my favourite place to watch bows. Although the run may be over. That's Owen Sound by the way.
  15. Man that looks like a hoot. Lots of big greasers bulldogging around would be a killer way to spend the day.
  16. I'd wait for a bit. Take water temps, let the water level come down. When the river reaches 58-60 degrees go nuts those specks will be on fire. I'm thinking of hitting it and the other one up the Hwy June 2 - 6th. Should be prime right about then.
  17. Not being a luddite here or anything but I survived the first 40 years of my life without a cellphone and then had to have one when I was on call 24/7. The first thing I did when I left that position was crush my cell to death and haven't bought one since. Your going to pay that much money to a company for what? To communicate? You have a home phone for that. To take pics? I have a camera for that. To play games? I have a console for that. To surf the internet? I have both a laptop and desktop for that. Mobile data? Nothing including OFC is important enough that it can't wait till I get home.
  18. Very nice I'm green with envy.
  19. Congrats on a successful opening day
  20. Well I work on Saturdays permantly now in exchange for a shorter work week but I got an in on some private property 15 min from the door at work. My son met me and we were on the creek by 4:20pm.DIdn't take long for my son to catch his first speck of 2014 It was cold and miserable but we still managed to catch 8 fish in an hour before we decide to call it a day. Hope to get out some more before heading to Algonguin for the better part of May. Hope everyone managed to get into some trouts on this long awaited day.
  21. Saw open water on Fork lake on the AP webcam
  22. I wish I could say it's never happened to me. Nice fish BTW
  23. Where were they going with out ever knowing the way?
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