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Everything posted by Sandbag

  1. Your buddy Kris looks very familiar Shaun...good to see he is still wearing blue/white. Cheers Craig
  2. Garry...glad you made it down there safe and sound. I'm sure it will be nice not having to haul the Ranger back and forth. Have a great winter Cheers Craig
  3. Wayne.....My thoughts and prayers are with your beautiful daughter and the rest of your family. Cheers Craig
  4. AMEN I can only imagine what our veterans have lived throuth Wear the poppy with pride. Cheers Craig
  5. Done Cheers Craig
  6. Hey Ryan...congrats on the new addition upcoming If you buy private, you pay the PST only when you register the vehicle. If you buy from a dealer, you pay the HST. Good luck with your vehicle search. Cheers Craig
  7. Very heartfelt and moving poem Twilight. I personally don't know how you ever got through reading that at your son's wedding. I was choking up reading it here. Congrats to you as it is obvious you have done a terrific job raising your son. Congrats to your son and his new wife. Cheers Craig
  8. Wow...my heart was pumping just watching it, I can only imagine how the hunters felt. Great video Cheers Craig
  9. Looks like a wonderful day. Congrats to both of you. Cheers Craig
  10. Very sorry to hear about your daughter HTHM. Prayers for all of you. Respectfuly Craig
  11. Cudz....that switch looks remarkable like the switch I recently replaced on my central vac power head/hose unit. I had no problem locating one in Hamilton at any vacuum repair place. I believe it was about ten bucks. May be worth looking at Cheers Craig
  12. I've used Sandy Bay Cottages on Nip (South Bay area) for a number of years now. Jeff and his staff have always been very accomodating and have treated our groups very well. I will be going back there with a group again this season. Cheers Craig
  13. WOW....quite a feat to get the picture you did all alone. Beautiful looking fish....Congrats Cheers Craig
  14. Beautiful reel Terry... Ya it sucks that you can't buy it in Canada for even close to the same price, but like you said "money is money". Make sure you tie that reel to your sled when your ice fishing this year. Cheers Craig
  15. Looks beautiful Fang...Nice trip. Sorry the weather didn't cooperate more, but still looks like you had a blast. Ps...good luck on the moose hunt Cheers Craig
  16. Great report. Love reading about the fishing in other countries. Thanks for taking the time to put that togeter. Beautiful family as well Cheers Craig
  17. Not sure about it behind a pop-up trailer Fishingnut. I have seen several fifth wheel rigs with boats pulled in tandem though. I'm sure the frame on the trailer would be the deciding factor if it could hold the load. Sure wouldn't want to back that type of rig up though.. Let us know what you find out Cheers Craig
  18. F-is-H..please don't take any offence. I'm not condoning any of the driving that was complained about. I thought that your post said that if the lake was one that motors were not allowed, then you believed the OPP should not be able to use motors either. That was what my response was in relation to. Wasn't a jab man Cheers Craig
  19. Not sure that a conoe rescue would be the fastest way for them to respond to the numerous unfortunate accidents that occur each year. Cheers Craig
  20. Awesome report...nice to see the younger generation out there and enjoying themselves. Cheers Craig
  21. Beautiful little girl there..Congrat to you and her. Cheers Craig
  22. Very nice ride. Cheers Craig
  23. Great game. I keep one in the trailer. Hours of fun Nice job Cheers Craig
  24. I have a Dodge Durango which has seven passenger seating, leather, dvd etc etc....It has been a great vehicle with the 5.7 Hemi in it. I would not however want to use it as a commuter vehicle of any sort. The gas mileage in town is awful. It has towed absolutely anything that I have needed it for. Very comfortable though and I believe you could get one in your price range in the 2005 to 2006 model year. Cheers Craig
  25. Terry Thanks for taking the time to put that together. Looks like a nice trip. Sorry you didn't get into the big ones and that the weather wasn't the greatest. At least it sounds like you had lots of bite action. That outhouse trek video seemed like more of a marathon. I would stay clear of the baked beans while up at that camp! Thanks again Cheers Craig
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