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Everything posted by Sandbag

  1. Wide open as of yesterday... Cheers Craig
  2. I had the same issue with my Durango last year. It was the Blower Motor resistor. It was located in the footwell area of the passenger side. Was very simple fix and if I recall correctly, the new resistor was only about $25 bucks at NAPA. Good luck and let us know what it was. Cheers Craig
  3. I guess i missed the scarf...lol Cheers and Happy New Year to all Craig
  4. Those tip-ups look awesome Jacques. Good luck with them this season Chad> Now get that smoke alarm hung back on the wall. Cheers Craig
  5. You have a beautiful family Jacques.....Congrats to your daughter on her bowling milestones. Thanks for sharing Cheers Craig
  6. That's awesome Simon...looks like a beauty> That little stove will have you fishing in your short pants all winter long. Is it going on your lake? Cheers Craig
  7. Very cool Roy Did you buy the seeds or did you cultivate your own strain over the years? Cheers Craig
  8. Congrats on the move. I grew up in Chatham and love the area. Plan on retiring down that way. As mentioned above, Erieau docks and pier can bring lots of fun. Also, if you can find access somewhere along a breackwall behind a cottage of Erie Beach, the perch fishing can be great in early morning and evening. Plenty of great fishing in the area, and once you have a boat, outside of Erieau will bring you all the fun you need. Cheers Craig
  9. That's just awesome Dan. I got my 8 year old daughter a little Kawasaki mini-bike a few years ago and she wont go anywhere near it. I even offered to paint it pink for her. Would never force it on her, but maybe i should try a small ATV instead. Looks like hes having a blast. Cheers Craig
  10. Hi Dana I lived in New Liskeard many years ago. Most of the fishing I did was in Lake Temiskaming for Pickeral and Pike> There is also a very healthy smallmouth population in that lake. The Blanche River towards the Quebec border as you mentioned is very good for Pickeral in the spring. You will see people camping the banks at season opener along that area. I'm sure the water is much too warm now to hold many fish at this time of year. Good luck with your exploring. I'm sure you will discover many great spots in that beautiful area. Cheers Craig
  11. Grew up just down the road from there. Lake St. Clair is a great body of water. The owners of Bass Haven are great people to boot. Looks like you had a great day. Cheers Craig
  12. I suspect there are alot of people that only come on the site twice a month. I know that I don't research every topic in the archives before I post or comment on them. Give the guys some slack. Cheers Craig
  13. Thats a fine looking bird there Michael Cheers Craig
  14. Bit early yet. Depending on the weather, mid-April to May is a good start. A good rule of thumb is if the lilacs are blooming, the perch arn't far behind at Dover and Lake Erie piers. Cheers Craig
  15. Beautiful job Bernie. Is that a Giesler that you have her mounted on there> Cheers Craig
  16. you could try www.dignam.com good luck with the search Cheers Craig
  17. Life sure is easy sitting in front of a computer picking apart what other people do. I agree that watching that video it sure looks awful; however I have learned over the years that things are not always how they appear. It's all after the fact that it now comes out that this poor individual is disabled and was only doing his job. But what information did this officer have when he stopped him. I'll bet he didn't have that information. I'll bet he was responding to a call from some member of the public about someone shooting a gun off, likely no more than that and a description of the person/vehicle. Not being critical of the officer or standing up for him, I wasn't there and I don't know what he knew, just saying its easy to sit here and pick the actions of others apart without being in their shoes. Cheers Craig
  18. Hey Gino...I know that guys have been out on Mitchell's Bay and St. Lukes for a couple of weeks now. Not sure what that last warm spell did to the conditions though. You can call Dennis and Bass Haven in Mitchell's Bay and he will give you the detail, water clarity, color to use and anything else you are looking for. Just Google Bass Haven and you will get the number. Cheers and Good luck Craig
  19. Billy Bob... I was on Cook's Bay Dec. 17th. The ice was about 4 1/2 inches of good ice with an inch of white ice on top. Started in 10 ft of water and was mostly dink perch. Moved out to 16 ft of water and got into some nice Jumbo Perch. I walked out of Port Bolster yesterday. The ice is kinda rough near the shore but smooths out away from shore a ways. I walked out to 16 ft of water which is right where the ice gets rough again, i fished along this rough ice. The bite was slow yesterday and lots of small perch. Did get a few whoppers (13inch), however they were few and far between yesterday. Casey's in Port Bolster has lots of minnows and you sure get a very healthy scoop for $5. Hope this helps Cheers Craig
  20. Ok...here is my experience only. I would never suggest to anyone that the ice is SAFE at anytime of the year. I walked out from Gilford yesterday (17 Dec). I spudded my way out and drilled holes along the way. There was a small soft spot right at shore and then no more slush. There was only maybe 2 to 3 inches of snow on top of the ice, so it was pretty good for walking out. Walked out about 500 metres to ten feet of water. Ice at this distance was approximately 5 inches thick with four inches of good ice and one inch of honeycomb on top. Fished there for a while and lots of fish, however small for the most part. Walked out about another 300 metres to 16 fow. Ice there was approximately 4 1/2 inches again with the majority being nice clear ice. Bite here was good as well with with more keeper. Again, this is very early in season, spudded our way out all the way and did not find any punky spots. This is my experience only and care must be used at all times. Cheers all...have a great season Craig
  21. Merry Christmas to you and your family Ryan. I bought the same truck three years ago and have been very happy with it. Pulls great. Renos look great as well. Jacques did a fine job on that crib board. Cheers Craig
  22. Buckshot's rule Cheers Craig
  23. Jose... It is up to the current owner to take the bill of sale into the MTO to get an ownership before you purchase the sled. It would be nothing but headaches for you to do it after the purchase. If the vehicle is legitimate, the current owner will have a bill of sale from where he purchased. If it is just a matter of the ownership being lost, he can get a replacement. If it was never registered in Ontario, the out of province ownership will suffice to have it transferred. If it was never registered in Canada, the current may have to swear to an affidavit before a lawyer indicating that he is the owner and legally in possession of the sled. Without the ownership, you could be fighting alot of expensive battles to get the sled legally registered. Where did the sled originate that it doesn't have an ownership? Cheers Craig
  24. You've obviously done your part as a parent very well. Very nice poem Cheers Craig
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