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Everything posted by Sandbag

  1. Nice job Fish Farmer...that one is really fat. Cheers Craig
  2. Gives you an idea of the mark-up on electronics. I would doubt that they would lose money on them, but I may be wrong. Cheers Craig
  3. Years ago it used to be part of the Ontario drivers licence, when it was a two piece licence. It needs to be imbedded right into the card now. I agree, ask when you re-new your licence and imbed it right into the licence. Cheers Craig
  4. As has been mentioned above, the family of the donor would have to consent. My brother had a double transplant with kidneys and Pancreas about twelve years ago. Nothing short of a miracle. As BUSTER mentioned above, make sure your family knows your wishes if your interested in donating. I believe it's the most selfless thing you can do for another human being. Speedy recovery wishes for your father-in-law Cheers Craig
  5. Man...looks like a beautiful day out there. Very nice fish. How are the access points holding up near shore? Cheers Craig
  6. My hat is off to the American hockey team. They played a great game, stuck with their game plan and made it very exciting to watch. I know silver is never enough for the players in this situation, but they truly made it very exciting for millions to watch. That game could have gone either way and none of the players have anything to be ashamed of. Someone commented earlier in a thread about the Olympics being only for the amateur atheletes. Again, I know where he is coming from, but I can't think of anything as powerful in this neighborhood or town that has brought pe9ple together than watching the best hockey in the world on a Sunday afternoon. I have lived in this neighborhhod for 11 years, and I met people today for the first time that have lived here for the same period of time. We shared a nice day and a patriotic laugh as I was in the driveway playing hockey with my daughter wearing a Canada jersey. Thank you to both teams for a wonderful final Cheers Craig
  7. True enough...Crosby just being on the ice opens so much up for everyone else on the ice. It's very hard to see the impact that he has on the ice without seeing the whole surface. Cheers Craig
  8. That said, some of the best hockey you will ever see. I hear what your saying Irish, however you cannot beat the excitment and the atmosphere must be incredible. PS...a great aniversary to you and Leah Cheers Craig
  9. Nice meeting you yesterday Bruce....good luck with the move. Some spring Perch maybe? Cheers Craig
  10. Exactly....Miller played outstanding Should be an awesome game Cheers Craig
  11. Wow guys...great day. some of those pictures are gorgeous. The colors are awesome. Thanks for taking the time to post the report. Cheers Craig
  12. I have the upmost respect for the American Team this year. Very dangerous team. I believe that if Canada comes out and starts the game like they did against the Russians, they can win. They really need to play a physical game though. If they come out flat like they did against Slovakia,(IMHO) it may be a different game. Gotta play like it's desparate right out of the gate. Should be awesome to watch. Everybody enjoy, whatever country you support. Cheers Craig
  13. Just prepping the wings and Pizza now as we speak. Watching at home fireside....have my Team Canada jersey on and ready to roll. My wife is even excited about the game...sweeeeeeet Cheers Craig
  14. Nice fish...looks like a beautiful day... Nice RMK too by the way..... Cheers Craig
  15. I've been watching the weather radar the last couple of days and it has looked like steady streamers hitting the Sault Ste. Marie area steady. Are you guys getting hammered with snow up there. Then again, hammered with snow to you guys is likely alot different than us ...lol http://images.intellicast.com/WeatherImg/R...a_None_anim.gif Cheers Craig
  16. Amen brotha Cheers Craig
  17. Win means Canada will face Russians on Thursday in the 1/4 finals Cheers Craig
  18. Who is that guy with my wife in my driveway? Cheers Craig
  19. Beautiful pictures...makes ya feel like spring is coming Cheers Craig
  20. Yup...was there Saw one walleye caught near me, which I'm sure must have been the winner. 6.6lbs. I missed one bite for the day and that was it. Was a nice day out there but a tough bite fore sure. Cheers Craig
  21. Just wondering if any other OFC'ers are heading to the grand for Fishmasters Tournament this Saturday. Looks like the weather is going to co-operate this year again. Was a great time two years ago, but the weather wasted it last year. Would be happy to meet any other OFC'ers out there if your going. Got a group of four or five heading out for the day. Cheers Craig
  22. Lanes is the name of the place in Dunnville for used parts. Kijiji is also a great place for used parts etc. Parts for that machine will be fairly hard to come by. They were not made for that many years. Good Luck with your search Cheers Craig
  23. Sorry for being a couple of days late with the report, but was back to work as soon as I got back. Headed up to Sandy Bay for a couple of days with a group of guys from work. Fished Tuesday afternoon and all day Wednesday, then returned home on Thursday. Fished about two miles out in @34 FOW. As soon as the lines went in, the perch were there to greet us and they stuck around with a steady bite pretty much the whole time we were there. One Pickeral caught about ten minutes after we got to the huts of the first day. White jighead tipped with a minnow was producing, as were Buckshots, jigging raps and plain old hook and minnow. Did have to downsize everything a bit to catch the perch or they would rob you blind all day long. The highlight of the trip was one of the guys hooking and landing a pike @ 7lbs on his trusty Ron Popeil pocket fisherman. Talk about laugh. All in all was a great trip. Enough fish for a fry and a great time with some good friends. As always, Jeff and Kim at Sandy Bay were great hosts and took good care of us. Tried to get some pictures in here, but I'm having Photobucket issues. Cheers Craig
  24. Good to hear...heading up there myself in the morning. Cheers Craig
  25. Yeeesh...not too bright. I am heading up to Nip in the morning for a couple of days..will post the results when I get back. Cheers Craig
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