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Everything posted by Sandbag

  1. Saaaaweeeeeet..... Very nice Congrats Cheers Craig
  2. depends on how big the spacer is i guess. that may very well have been your problem. but then again im no expert either.... is the wear on the belt irregular/faster than normal? bigredneck...I looked at the belt, however I didn't notice anything too irregular. However, Like I said, i only got out a couple of times last year for maybe a total of 50 miles. The spacer was between 1/8"-1/4" in size. Cheers Craig
  3. Great year Mike... Doesn't look like that broken arm slowed your son down one bit. Cheers Craig
  4. At the end of last winter, I posted about this problem that I was having with my 1999 MXZ 600. At the start of last season, I took my sled to a dealership to have it pre-seasoned as I was very busy at work and wanted it ready to go when it snowed. Because I was so busy last year, I only got out a couple of times but each time that I was out, after about 15 minutes of riding a squeal would develop in the area of the clutches. I was not able to pinpoint the problem and all the drive and jackshaft bearings were fresh. Today, I was going to clean the carbs, replace the carb boots and install some V-Force III's. I removed the secondary, took off the airbox and I found the spacer from the back of the secondary underneath the airbox. I guess when the pre-season service was done last year, the mechanic forgot to put it back on. Could this have been enough to misalign the clutches enough to cause the belt or something else to squeal?? I sure hope it is the problem. Thanks for any info. Cheers Craig
  5. Wow...very nice job. Great looking quad you have there. Should be able to spot that baby out of the lake. Cheers Craig
  6. Very nice season...welcome to the board and thanks for the post. Cheers Craig
  7. Did Smerch get that one mounted..lol Glad to see your back out Bruce. Cheers Craig
  8. If you were planning on getting a boat anyhow for your personal use and can afford to run the boat without the charter income, why not buy and take a season or two to get comfortable with the boat and the area you intend to charter on. If after a season or two, you still have the charter itch, then maybe at that time you could launch into your business. I'm sure there would be plenty of folks that would love to fish with you and teach you rigging, masts and boards etc. prior to you starting a charter business. Your reputation in that business is EVERYTHING and you don't want to start out before you are truely ready. Knowing Steve, I'm sure he would get you started with a sound knowledge of the boat and what it can/cannot do. Good luck with your decision, it's a big one Cheers Craig
  9. Steve..that is terrible news. I am so sorry to hear this. My sincere condolences to your families. I will be thinking about all of you. Craig
  10. hhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa That is funny... Thx for that Craig
  11. That is one Jewel of a fish...Congrats. Great net job Rick... Cheers Craig
  12. Awesome to hear...wish him well from all of us. Cheers Craig
  13. Any update here....sorry if I have missed anything over the past couple of days? Craig
  14. Voted and will pass along getting there...now at 493 Cheers Craig..
  15. WOW...you're more of a man than me....LOL Gotta be some satisfaction after getting it all back together though.. Nice job Cheers Craig
  16. Awesome fish...congrats to all involved.. A once in a lifetime smally for sure...especially out of that body of water... Cheers Craig
  17. Very cool...and a great photo by your buddy. Cheers Craig PS...how did the moose hunt go...???
  18. My eyes will be open...I live in Niagara Thanks for the post Craig
  19. That's Classic...... Cheers Craig
  20. Too funny Cheers Craig
  21. Not exactly sure where Cove Marina is..however I know alot of guys fish right near the mouth of the Thames at this time of the year. may have been a very short run to the marina... Thx for the pic jedi Cheers Craig
  22. That picture of the feed looks like a good time... Nice fish Cheers Craig
  23. Giant musky caught in Lake St. Clair Posted By BOB BOUGHNER, THE DAILY NEWS Posted 8 hours ago A new, all-time record breaking muskellunge was weighed in yesterday at Cove Marina. The big fish, which was later released back into Lake St. Clair, tipped the scales at 48.5 pounds. The musky was caught by Tony Jaros of St. Clair Shores. Jim Fleming of Wyoming, a fishing charter captain and director of the Michigan-Ontario Muskie Club, was in charge of the weigh-in at Cove Marina. "It was a monster,'' he said. "It set an all-time record for the lake.'' Fleming said several giant muskie have been boated in the past week, weighed and released. Cheers Craig
  24. To a certain extent John I agree with you, however I have a couple of additional thoughts. 1. I enjoy watching the Leafs play in the regular season, but I believe that all regular season hockey pales in comparison to playoff hockey. The Leafs will need to change things very soon if I am going to see them in any playoff games in the spring. 2. The Maple Leaf organization is fortunate enough in this market to have EXTREMELY loyal fans. Loyal to a fault possibly. I believe that the self proclaimed centre of the hockey world market deserves to have a compteative team on the ice each and every game. The last three games have been more entertaining for sure, but to keep it entertaining the team has to be competative in my view. Cheers Craig
  25. Last year a friend of a friend actually hit a deer on his brand new snowmobile. He came out with only minor injuries (sore shoulder) and the deer ran away back into the bush. The sled on the other hand suffered $4000.00 damage. His lucky day for sure. Cheers Craig
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