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Everything posted by Sandbag

  1. My Durango came with a factory rack, but did not have the cross bars to lay a canoe on. I bought the Thule cross-bar system and don't have any complainets. Same system works for the plastic roof top storage bins for extra room when going on longer trips. Cheers Craig
  2. Thx for the reminder Roy. You have a great weekend too. Cheers Craig
  3. Ill give this a shot with a picture 1999 Mxz 600 Cheers Craig
  4. First off...happy thanksgiving to our Canadian members I have a 1999 Ski doo MXZ 600. On the last couple of rides of the season last year, I noticed a slight squeal from the clutch side of my machine. The squeal only started after riding for 15-20 minutes and would stay for the duration of the ride. If the machine sat for a while and I rode again, it would not squeal until 15-20 minutes into the ride again. The squeal was only present when the track was turning. ie sitting still and idling I could not hear it. If I lifted the back of the sled and the track was turning, the squeal could be heard. I have picked up new bearings for driveshaft and jackshaft and intend on changing them this week. My question; is there anything else I should be looking at? There does not seem to be any diminished performance when the squeal is present, just trying to avoid any mid-season issues. Thanks for any/all opinions Cheers Craig
  5. I remember your report with your dad a couple of weeks ago. Bet it means even more to you now. Sorry for your loss My thoughts and prayers Cheers Craig
  6. If you find it that offensive, rub your hands on the inside of your stainless steel kitchen sinks, font and back and it will take the smell away. Cheers Craig
  7. KyleM...nice to see ya still around. Hope all is well. Cheers Craig
  8. Incredible...thanks for sharing. Neat to see the Canadian flag in so many pictures too. Cheers Craig
  9. Beautiful boat... Congrats Cheers Craig
  10. Very sorry to hear about your Mom's passing Wayne. My condolences. Craig
  11. As mentioned Crystal Beach or SugarLoaf Marina in Pt. Colborne. Find some humps that pop up to 12-15 ft of water and you should be in business. Drifting with tubes is my favorite method, however spinner baits early in the day and even jigging spoons can produce very well. Good luck...you will have a blast. Wait til mid October and shoot for a 6 plus pounder when they have the feed bags on. Cheers Craig
  12. Lol oxcowboy.... That made me laugh Cheers Craig
  13. By the looks of the shackles and U-bolts the trailer wasn't that old either. Thanks for the heads-up Cheers Craig PS....welcome to OFC
  14. Thanks for the update Shane. Hoping you have a speedy recovery. Cheers Craig
  15. Beautiful fish...very nice colors Great to see her swim off to fight again. Cheers Craig
  16. Wow... awesome fish.....she is thick Cheers Craig
  17. Nice job Garry... Your one client looks like Kelly Hrudy (former NHL goalie turned broadcaster) Cheers Craig
  18. A coil spring broke on my wifes Ford Taurus about one week after I received the recall notice. It went when the car was parked in the driveway. Tore right through the front tire sidewall when it let go (thank God it was parked at the time). Ford replaced the springs under recall and the tire as well. No charge. The intersting part is they showed me the spring that failed and it looked brand new. No signs of rust/corrosion. Must have been a material issue. Cheers Craig
  19. Very nice Bass...but nowhere near 10lbs. Cheers Craig
  20. The power of mother nature is incredible. I love watching those storms from a safe distance. Glad everyone is ok Cliff. I'm sure your very proud of your daughter as well for how she handled things. Cheers Craig
  21. Selkirk has vacancies because there is not really a whole lot to do there. There is swimming in the lake, however the shore in the area is not very kid/family friendly. It is rocky with a few clay areas. There is a cut that runs along the west side of the park that you can canoe in and fish for panfish. The campsites themselves are very open (field) style sites with little privacy. It's not a bad park, but not my first choice. Cheers Craig
  22. LOL Now that's funny Cheers Craig
  23. Nice Bruce. Love the red eye on the WGSF Craig
  24. Your sister and your family is in my prayers tonite. Craig
  25. Yikes Guido...that hurt to read... Cheers Craig
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